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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Movie this original and cool may very well appeal to the more demanding audience in Japan. At least $20M
  2. $260M is still sad for a fan favorite. I was expecting at least $280M, and even doing a low $290M range. This is a bit of a letdown. It could still reach $1B WW with the warmer receptions overseas like Germany & France. Scandinavian numbers should be huge.
  3. WALKING WITH DINOS will take some of the icing. But a strong performer, this one.
  4. DOS opening weekend est....same as AUJ? $80M easy in Germany?
  5. FOTR & TTT, to me, are two of the best Fantasy action adventure movies ever made. They are great even as stand-alone films. TROTK has some of the most epic action ever committed to celluloid, even more grand than AVATAR final battle, as great as that one is. But like AUJ & DOS, ROTK feels like an epilogue or a prologue, an extended footnote for the main story. I prefer DOS for the better action, Cumberbatch voice acting, and the whole escape-on-river sequence that is an example of sustained invention. What I have problem with are the main characters. Thorin quest seems to consume him and I feel that his character is slowly becoming unpleasant with his self-righteous vengefulness, and the end-justfies-the-means selfishness (almost leaving behind Bilbo in the dungeon with Smaug). Bilbo is still a bumbling, stuttering innocent who tags along for no good reason other than wanting to get a share of the loot. With his experience in AUJ, I thought he would be a little more sure-footed & courageous. He still manages to save the Hobbits at least TWICE in this movie. So the fierce, resolute dwarf warriors are somewhat useless in their quest ...without Mr Bean? Legolas swinging into action is very well done. He is shown with better bow-and-arrow skill than Russell Crowe was in the boring ROBIN HOOD. But Tauriel story is slowing the movie down, I feel, even though I do feel the Hobbits need some romantic angle for the lasses in the audience. Although the movie cuts at the right moment to fuel anticipation of what Smaug would do to the lake town & for TABA, I don't like cliffhanger. Still, Peter Jackson has successfully mounted an entertaining production with first rate visual fx, and well staged action sequences. There are beautiful shots in this movie reminding us Jackson still has the eyes for both hard-edged spectacle and poetic compositions. But with 2 HOBBITS films, I am yet to see the grand wonder of a bygone empire displayed in the first trilogies, the frightening viciousness of the villain, the splendor of the landscape, the gritty action sequences of TWO TOWERS & RETURN OF THE KING.
  6. If the OS number stay above $750M, it could buffer the lower DOM grosses. It can still hit $1B WW. Imagine a Lord of the Rings movie earning less than $300M domestic. It feels strange...
  7. Staying flat doesn't guarantee DOS matching AUJ. There will be a guaranteed big 2nd weekend drop next weekend & unless other countries net a significant increase like in Germany, it looks like DOS may stay under $1B WW. And there goes the dream of trio of $1B WW for 2013 (unless DM2 breaks out in China). 2012 is really a stellar year. Still, DOS will make a tidy profit for Warner.
  8. $330M OS It is kinda hard to predict this because the first CA: FA doesn't play well in certain markets. THOR1/2 is more generally liked. Then again, those colder markets (Germany, Russia, S Korea) may warm up to this hero after the super-robust performance of TA.
  9. No worries form the Hobbits? Some major markets are losing steam, err, fire
  10. "Don't worry, Clark, he's just "Point Break" with a big-ass hammer...."
  11. China number is spectacular and surprising Europe is indifferent. SA will be so so. Asia is still the market for this type of traditional action movies
  12. Massive potential. It needs to raise its standard of living first
  13. Expected. But still, I am more than pleased with CF performance. Very good hold for a fan-based type of flick.
  14. Located in Spain, first with French data...??
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