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Kevin Bacon

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Everything posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. I'm in the very beginning of Season 4. S3 went by way faster than 1 and 2.
  2. I swear to God, if Breaking Bad runs for five seasons and doesn't get Best Drama for one of them. Also, what was up with closing with Best Comedy? What an anti-climactic way to end the show.
  3. Have you seen the TCM? It's hardly torture porn, it was actually probably the best horror remake we've gotten since they became popular, though I did really enjoy My Bloody Valentine (for being awesomely silly) and The Crazies (for just being a good fuckin' movie).
  4. Nix Fourth Kind (ew), I Spit on Your Grave, and The Devil's Rejects and replace them with Drag Me to Hell, The Descent, and The Cabin in the Woods and you've got a deal.
  5. If you were AMC, you'd want to stretch out your two Emmy bait shows out as much as possible too.
  6. This, pretty much. I mean, did that episode feel like a finale? It will fit right in in the middle of Season 5's Blu-Ray.
  7. I've made it through most of Season 1 and watched the last Late Night episode due to critical acclaim. One of the most unique shows on television, it manages to be funny and engrossing with few and far between laugh out loud moments. Good stuff.
  8. The best Breaking Bad episodes are always in the second half of the season. Patience, people.
  9. 1. He was the fat guy in prison. He got the shankathon like most guys did.2. After thinking about it, I think it was Jesse's gun. He had it on him in case Walt was trying anything stupid. I think that's why he went across the room before answering the door, to get his gun. The entire scene I was worried Walt was going to kill Jesse to send us off, but if he tried he would've gotten a bullet for his troubles.3. I highly doubt Jesse's money is clean, Walt's isn't even clean.
  10. The lawyer was the first guy that died. That was really hard to watch for me.That entire last scene was so great, it was almost teasing the fans, Walt gives Jesse his money, he gets out, everybody is happy.
  11. I like how they handled the shift from a full season to a two-part season. It's hard, because Breaking Bad has always had this really fluid way each season went, with each one feeling like its own, very long, single episode, almost. But you have to have that eventful finale for the midseason which they've never dealt with before because the crescendo always comes in the last couple episodes. So, we get a relatively anti-climactic episode that leaves more questions than answers, with the ultimate cliffhanger to make up for it all.Is Walt really out?What was up with Walt giving Jesse all of his share and the gun?How will Hank react to this? While it's far from proof, it's enough to tell Hank the truth and has to be the most jarring thing to discover, there's no telling how he'll react.Is the cancer back?Also, holy crap.
  12. They started out good for FX, but they've been steadily going down since the pilot. Besides, this is a standard sitcom, starring one of the biggest standard sitcom stars ever. It's obviously going to do better than two TV-MA unconvential comedies.
  13. I remember reading about that deal in a review and thought they were exaggerating as a joke. How in the hell does this garbage get 90 episodes after a critically panned and not-too-successful season, when we have to wait anxiously every year to see if The League and Community are continuing.
  14. I haven't posted in anything BO related in a while, and this is my first time seing TDKR's numbers since Bourne came out, and I'll say I'm satisfied with the total it's headed for. It isn't high enough to be really impressive, but it isn't grossing below anything to the point that you're just pissed off it made less than that movie. Like when TS3 was supposed to be the movie that had a shot at TDK's number 3 spot and it ended up not even passing fucking Shrek 2--as someone who is completely aware of the concrete fact that Toy Story is immensely better than anything Shrek, that was brutal. I set the point for total disaster for any super-blockbuster that gets critical acclaim as being below 400; not because of the number itself, but because that puts it under Transformers 2, and we know how awful that is, no matter how much that little group of survivors try to defend it. It's like.... "more people went to that turd movie Transformer 2 than this", America is dead, you know?
  15. dcWatching Jane die was cold, but justifiable... if she lived, Jesse would have been dead or in jail within a week. His ego didn't get too noticeable until season 4 for me, pretty much from the start. I mean, he had moments where he was a dick throughout, but I always just saw that as flawed and realistic. I.F.T. stands as a display of the beginning of dick Walt, for me.
  16. Just curious, what did he do that was so bad in seasons 1-3? You said you've hated him for a while, but I really can't imagine why up until season 4.
  17. A zip tie is a damn hard thing to get out of, and there's the possibility that he had no cuffs on him. There's no way he could have foreseen Walt being that damn good (and crazy) to pull off what he did.
  18. I loved finally getting Walt's true motivation. We all had an idea of why he was really doing this, but now it's come out of the horse's mouth. He's pretty much indefensible at this point, having been able to cash in, get out of the business, possibly salvage his marriage, and basically fix everything. But I've always been good at understanding characters, even unlikable ones. I mean, can we say with certainty we could go through the same life as Walt and not turn out the same way? He had a falling out with people close to him, had his ego irreparably bruised, had an impaired son, lived a mediocre life barely being able to provide for his family, living in fear of making choices, and finally, being diagnosed with cancer. I don't see the story as being Walter White turns into a dickweed and puts his loved ones in danger, I just see it as a good man's tragic downfall, starting with Gray Matter. And I recall aDim commenting on how Walt leveled up in between seasons 4 and 5, and I think it's that while he killed Gus for the right reasons, his great victory ("I won") proved such a huge stroke for his ego and positive reinforcement for his actions that he was naturally going to see himself as a king on the level of Gus. He wants to be a king like he wasn't with Gray Matter, he's not phased by grotesque matters, all he cares about is being the man, both of his family and his own empire. I have no idea why i just wrote all of that.
  19. Disregard, this post is an insignificant duplicate.
  20. Is the buzz there for Expendables? Nobody I know is interested, but that might just be me.
  21. I know, but like.... he barely even existed! Like, when he was in this episode, it took me a couple minutes to remember he had been in a scene in another episode.
  22. People had theories about Todd? He had been a glorified extra before this episode.
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