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Kevin Bacon

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Everything posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. What gives with this 'update Friday thread in place of separate threads' method we've been using? It makes it very difficult to just come to the board and not have to plow through pages of nonsense about bad music.
  2. I just decided that between this, QT, and Apatow we can't be friends.
  3. In my book, there is cool nerdy and sad nerdy. Following and discussing box office qualifies as cool nerdy to me. Getting into a heated debate about it falls into the latter.
  4. Yes, it's just that a lot of people ignore that just because I don't know why and use tags anyways. It lures one into a false sense of security before fucking up their whole world.
  5. There are two kinds of people in this world: my kind of people and people who dislike Quentin Tarantino.
  6. Man, I really hate this forum's unclear spoiler rules. I like to read reviews before a movie comes out, which is fine because most people mark spoilers in here anyway. And then, bam, movie's ruined because somebody mentioned a perfectly legal and fair game spoiler.
  7. Also, I don't get this angry stigma towards Apatow regarding how he makes movies about upper-middle class white people that I just started seeing this month. What the hell does it matter what class or race of people he makes movies about? The argument about self-indulgence and casting the same people (mainly his family) is semi-legitimate, but complaining about race/class is just ridiculous.
  8. Funny People did everything it set out to do and did a damn good job of it.
  9. Funny People was fantastic and I'm a big Apatow fan, the problem with TI40 is that it just comes off as bland. There's no hook like his first two movies, and it isn't ambitious and risky like Funny People, it's just sort of there. It looks like the kind of movie Apatow could sleepwalk through (and judging from reviews, it isn't unlikely that he did).
  10. 21 Jump Street. It was funny, but nowhere near this hysterical giggle fit some people (especially high school students) found it to be.
  11. TDKR has several legitimate problems, very few of which are addressed in this video. Speaking of this video, every time someone shows me a new one it becomes the new least funny thing I've ever seen.
  12. Kick-Ass 2 because someone has to say it. Plus, it's just the most unique of the bunch where the rest are just really well-done superhero movies (not that I don't love them, I really do).
  13. I've gotta stop reading these threads. I already hate half of you.
  14. You say that like it's a good thing.Chronicle.
  15. The Hunger Games. Decent movie, great franchise starter, nothing special.
  16. Breaking Bad seems to be underperforming in this thread.That said, Breaking Bad.
  17. They were just huge bitches throughout the show. Sheila was fine for the first season, but right around her miscarriage was when she started going apeshit. Janet was a bitch for pretty much the entire show.
  18. The guy who played Lou as well as both of the lead actresses on Rescue Me could both be maddening at times.
  19. http://media1.3mik.com/2012/07/05/057c90207aebda931569.pngThis is the one I have. And BKB, at this point i highly doubt you even watch the show, so please keep your fucking mouth shut.EDIT: Sorry if that post comes off as heated, it's just something that needs to be said and I've been in a rant mood today.
  20. It's mainstrem enough to have its own t-shirts at the mall. It isn't massive, but it's doing quite well for itself as far as cable dramas go.Besides, the "mainstream" part isn't the important part, the "universally glowing response" is.
  21. Not really. Breaking Bad is the most acclaimed show in years while also being a mainstream hit with a continually growing fanbase, with a universally positive response. Walking Dead may be much more popular, but response is waaaaaay more mixed, particularly for the second season. You wouldn't say it's hard to say which is better between Transformers and The Social Network because they're different genres and one seems to be more popular.
  22. I have no idea what your source for that is (and your own ass doesn't count).
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