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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. What reason is there for them to start fudging already? Aside from OWs, the only other time to do it is near the end of a run if a certain benchmark is within reach and trying to be achieved.
  2. Awesome actual for Moana btw. Apparently Disney wasn't overestimating Sunday by as much as we thought.
  3. I think SLOP is slightly superior to DM2, so happy to see it beat it. You'd think Illumination wouldn't be going so sequel crazy seeing it beat the sequel to their signature franchise.
  4. It is a monumental bomb, especially for some one of Lee's clout. 100m+ predictions were not uncommon a few months ago, and instead it made 1m DOM. I think it shows how important critics have become to success, especially to those kinds of films. I highly doubt it would have ever flopped that spectacularly prior to RT's rise in prominence. On the bright side, one more flop for K Stew. Maybe one day my dream of never having to see her in a film again can actually come true.
  5. I think Harris might be my fav performance in this. It's like how Monique's performance in Precious should have been, without all the bombastic over the top Oscar baiting. Wouldn't mind seeing her win supporting actress, but she can't get through Davis I'm sure.
  6. And it's mostly cold in Alaska. The point is that most of the U.S. and world has seasons, so catering to those seasons is a good idea.
  7. Movies that portray a very strong seasonal atmosphere throughout should be released in the proper season. Or are you telling me christmas based movies would do well in June?
  8. They haven't tried a Revival musical in the summer, so you can't say they have more success with one release frame when the other is untested. Summer worked fine during the Renaissance, it would work fine now too. The problem is summer is pretty much reserved for Pixar for them.
  9. Wow @ WiR almost top 20! Here I thought I was one of the few who held it in such high regard. Adding to the "Frozen did it first" fire, I still would love to know why damn near everyone straight up ignores the fact that Rapunzel has to save Flynn's life by being willing to sacrifice her own. Ring any bells Frozen fans?
  10. Frozen would have been a tough sell in the summer. It may have had the same WOM, but the opening surely would have been smaller.
  11. The most successful Disney musical of all time was a June release. Pocahontas and Tarzan are both 300m+ adjusted June releases as well. I don't understand why people think these WDAS musicals can only be big during the holiday? I think Moana screams summer just as much as Frozen screamed winter. It's not crazy to say Frozen wouldn't have made as much in the summer, so I don't think it's crazy to say Moana wouldn't make as much in the winter either. Nothing next summer would have put up much of a fight for direct competition. Cars 3 isn't a lock for even 200. We had a near 400m and a near 500m animated grossers this past summer. Would it have beaten Frozen? Who knows? But I think 300+ would have been locked, which is more than we can say right now.
  12. True. But then again it was the only high profile animated release of the year. Back when the medium didn't even get a big release annually. The following year didn't even have one notable new animated release.
  13. Moana will undoubtedly be a big success overall, but I do think perhaps such a massive year for the family market at the box office could finally be starting to show fatigue. How many $1b animated films can one year have after all? I already mentioned it once, but I say again that I would have loved to see what Moana could have done next June at the box office. Next summer is weak for animation and the vibe of the movie is perfect for the season. But oh well, it's still a big success at least domestically.
  14. Wow, that seems like a really strong OS performance for a film all about an incident and person I wouldn't think got much coverage outside the U.S.
  15. Would be nice if it could beat Independence Day Regurgitation on this chart http://www.boxofficemojo.com/genres/chart/?id=scifialieninvasion.htm
  16. It HAS to breakout big in Japan now. This OS performance so far is slit my wrist depressing. Not sure what the huge disconnect between the DOM and OS audiences is with it?
  17. Given that second weekend hold for Arrival was far more brutal than I expected, I'm very relieved the great legs decided to show up.
  18. Yeah the Moana Sunday estimate is purely for sub 50% drop purposes. Disappointed it couldn't hit 30m after the fantastic Friday number, but I'm still very pleased it had a better second weekend drop than Frozen.
  19. Deadline has zero clue how to predict a weekend multi from a Friday #. This has been shown almost every weekend for years.
  20. It doesn't have to be an audience film though for the Academy to go for it. Just seems way too up their alley and critical reception was strong. If it gets a BP nom it would seem odd for the leads not to be nommed since it seems to be a movie that completely relies on two performances.
  21. Nah, it's Oscar bait to a tee and got good enough reception. The Academy will go for it.
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