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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. It might have helped if this hadn't come out a few months prior and totally shamed it:
  2. Yeah, I really should. I'm sure they do have something planned for May 4th, though I'm afraid it might be the home video release instead.
  3. The week before Jungle Book would be a good time. Those early April ones on the schedule are Museum IMAX movies. If worse comes to worse, just go with my Star Wars day May 4th idea and market it as a big one day limited engagement, last chance to see TFA on IMAX, and celebrate all things SW event. Still think that is the best bet, tons of sellouts that day could happen. Star Wars Day will be big this year, they should capitalize.
  4. Honestly, TFA's number is fantastic considering the storm. I don't see how it wouldn't have done at least 17m this weekend without that, I'm sure the big city shutdowns cost it a solid 2-3m. So next weekend's drop should be very light.
  5. I think Zoolander and Anchorman are in the same type of cult hit category, a more mainstream one. Anchorman wasn't that big at the B.O. either after all. Zoolander is the film that really helped establish Farrell as a comedic film star, he didn't really have any films to his name prior. I think it's likely it could have also been affected by 9/11 at the box office. Don't know if many were really in the mood for something so lighthearted that September. Either way both are way different than Dumb and Dumber, which was a massive box office hit from the get go. I think Stiller/Wilson have maintained enough popularity with a younger audience through their naughties comedy hits. Compared to Carrey who's big hits were in the 90's and are frankly probably not relevant to a younger audience anymore. So that was my point there. Anyways, why would this show up on Fandango's top ten of 2016 if it were only going to open with like 20m? That list isn't foolproof, but I can't think of a case where a movie on it didn't crack 100 at least.
  6. My slogan for this awards season is officially: "Don't short The Big Short." Conversely, "Bet Big on Short" works too.
  7. Oh god, now we'll have people saying the treacly cliche ridden Martian deserves to win because it has a diverse cast.
  8. I see no reason for it to open lower than Dumb and Dumber To's 36m. Marketing has been way better than the abomination that was that movie's trailers, and I think Stiller/Wilson are still more relevant comedians to a younger audience than Carrey is now. Usually movies that become cult classics have big OWs if a sequel is finally made. Dumb and Dumber was huge in its theatrical run and people wanted the sequel way back in the 90's. No one cared in 2014. I think Zoolander still has big cult classic status today. Anchorman is a good comparison for this, except its OW was muted by a Christmas release. Currently going with 40/120.
  9. Spotlight is pretty damn white as well. And anyways, both films paint white guys in a bad light when you think about it (i.e. white guys responsible for molesting kids in the catholic church, white guys responsible for the '07-'08 financial crisis).
  10. Really pissed BOM adjusted average ticket price again so now Snow White went up from 939m to 948m adjusted. Going to take a big re-expansion for the top ten adjusted to have a shot now. Hoping it at least holds exceptionally well over this week and next weekend if the storms cut in this weekend.
  11. Good week for me, although Exxdee is seriously a machine at this point. Looks like he might be almost perfect on both part 1 and part 3 and get a bonus as well.
  12. If we're making diversity all about race, sure. However, if we're talking about diversity in the sense of genre and types of films, TBS isn't exactly your typical BP winner. I mean the guy who's responsible for Anchorman and Talladega Nights may get an Oscar for a movie that still maintains some of that brand of humor in it.
  13. Told you guys TBS would emerge as the front runner. So it begins. I think the big question is going to be can McKay also win director? Miller and Inarittu will both make it tough for him. But I have to believe if they like TBS enough for it to win BP, then McKay stands a good chance since it is very much him that makes that movie work.
  14. I would like to hope that Chipmunks is what would have suffered worst if this kept its original date, but seeing as Norm of the North apparently has good WOM I have no faith in our children these days.
  15. Smith's own ego did him in. As I said, he totally thought he was too big to fail around the '07-'08 years and started making stupid comments and taking shitty roles because he thought anything he did would be huge.
  16. Smith easily would have turned it into a hit 10 years ago. It has all been downhill for him ever since he made that dumb comment on how he was too big to fail back before Hancock was coming out. Granted, that movie didn't fail but it definitely started the backlash I'd say.
  17. Sorry to put this back on the topic of box office, but it just occurred to me how god awful Concussion has held. Smith has practically gone from being the biggest draw in Hollywood ten years ago to box office poison today. 3 films in a row under 60 DOM, each progressively lower. He's damn lucky he was able to get in on Suicide Squad.
  18. Deadpool is pretty much locked to open higher, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's by as little as 5m. People are way underestimating this. It didn't show up in several most anticipated 2016 film polls for nothing.
  19. Ok, now you've gone too far. No need for such explicit language, we have teenagers in this thread.
  20. I remember back in Greek times when wrestling was a totally heterosexual affair, what with the lack of clothes and all. Then Vince McMahon watched Pitch Perfect and now look at it.
  21. Well he should have known better than to post the Pitch Perfect poster with all its sexuality persuading powers.
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