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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Please don't twist my words, I said nothing about non-white films and actors never deserving recognition. I'm saying there were very few that did this year, and the ones that did could be argued were sunk by other issues (i.e. Netflix, niche role, etc). And for the record, Europe is a very diverse continent, stop trying to cast them all under the umbrella of "white." Ethnicity has nothing to do with skin color. Like trying to say all Africans are the same.
  2. Meh. He basically watched My Left Foot and did his best to copy that, which was still nowhere near as good as DDL.
  3. Take him out of the equation and it makes maybe 40m and gets medicore reviews. It is still very much his movie.
  4. Not saying you're wrong, but I still don't think B. Jordan should have been his replacement. And what do you expect when Redmayne just won for the exact same kind of performance? They like him, they like that kind of performance.
  5. I really couldn't agree less with some of you thinking B. Jordan was so award worthy in Creed. I'd also be willing to bet if he were white, no one would have made a big deal he didn't get nominated for that performance. It was still Sly's movie, and more importantly Sly's franchise. That's why he (deservedly) is getting all the praise.
  6. I meant Jurassic World 2 years after JP3 instead of 14. The wait helped immensely for a franchise that wasn't cared about that much anymore. Only reason I brign that up is because I believe the wait also helps this. If it had been released 2-4 years after the first I would have said major flop, but now I think there will actually be enough nostalgia and interest for at least 100+ to happen.
  7. Just from your list I can tell you are having to really reach to provide all these supposed deserved replacements for people of color nominations. I mean Attah, Coogler, Mitchell, Thompson, Jada Pinkett for Magic freaking Mike?!? C'mon now man. You're basically suggesting they set aside a specific percentage of the noms for people of color regardless of if there are actually that many award worthy ones. B. Jordan, Smith, Elba, Del Toro, and Isaac are the only ones that should be in the conversation at all. As I already said, Beasts was bound to be ignored at every turn due to the Netflix politics. Smith probably would have gotten in if he had toned it down just a notch and not veered into over the top/trying too hard territory, like he almost always does in his Oscar baiting roles. Besides, Carell was better than all 5 noms, and you don't see him there either despite being white as can be. Oscar politics are about more than color. The Rocky franchise has been totally ignored at awards beyond the first. Creed would have had to be on the level of Million Dollar Baby or Raging Bull to get any more attention than Sly's nom. And sorry, but it was merely just another good boxing flick at the end of the day. We've seen it a hundred times before, including with the prior film in the franchise. If you want to be mad about a B. Jordan snub, Fruitvale Station would be the one to be upset about. Del Toro was in too crowded of a field. Isaac was in too weird/niche of a movie to get an acting nom from them for that. Even Vikander couldn't manage it for that. Jackson has been snubbed by them his whole career. Maybe it's a racism thing, but I'm more inclined to think they just don't like him. There are plenty of actors who the Academy consistently like to ignore for whatever reason. I was aboard the #oscarssowhite issue last year, but sorry I'm not this year. Yes, I really do believe it was that weak of a year for people of color, and the stronger roles that were there unfortunately happened in a lot of genre films that the Oscars tend to ignore regardless. Now you could argue there aren't enough good roles written for people of color in the first place, but that's a whole other issue beyond the Oscars being racist. That expands to the industry in general. This year there wasn't a whole lot to choose from for award worthiness in that demographic. And no, people of color should not just be nominated for the sake of being nominated. It should be for an award worthy performance. Also why is skin color such a big deal anyways? Are we supposed to ignore the wide array of ethnic backgrounds the nominees this year do come from just because their skin is light?
  8. Boo indeed, not sure what's more frightening than this garbage continuing.
  9. Oyelowo in Selma was one of the decade's finest performances. And DuVernay's direction was superb. Now those were legit reasons to get upset on the whole #oscarssowhite topic, but as you said it could have also been due to that movie's botched campaign and release. This year's controversy is pretty ridiculous though. Sorry, but SOC is not a BP worthy nominee, not even in a category of like 15. It's a cool little biopic for fans of the group, really nothing more. Smith and B. Jordan turned in good but not great performances, that any white actor would have also been ignored for. Elba maybe should have been in, but I guarantee that was far more to do with the Netflix politics than anything. And who should he have replaced? Was an extremely competitive category this year. Shannon, Dano, Del Toro, and Tremblay could also be highly contested as "unfair" snubs there. So that leaves See You Again, which yes probably was snubbed because it's rap. Are we supposed to call the Academy racist because they don't have much of a fondness for rap though? There was still a white guy there singing the hook. They just didn't care for the song apparently. Hey, a lot of black people don't like country. In the end, the African American centric actors and movies were just on the weaker side this year, that's all.
  10. Yes, but none of the Feb releases are very notable except the VD/President's weekend releases, which is a holiday weekend so the hold should still be decent. I doubt theaters will want to axe a lot of TFA showings for the likes of The Choice, Risen, Race, Eddie the Eagle, Triple 9, etc.
  11. 1. What will Kung Fu Panda's OW be? 44m 2. What will Revenant's total be by the end of the game? 170m 3. What will Star Wars' February gross be (till end of game of course)? 28m 4. What will Norm of the North's 2nd weekend drop be? 2.8m 5. What will Dirty Grandpa's 2nd weekend total be? 4.8m 6. What will be the difference between 50 Shades of Black's OW and 50 Shades of Grey's? 71m 7. What will Hail Caesar and Pride and Prejudice's Combine OW be? 22m 8. What will be the difference in Zoolander and Deadpool's OW? 3.8m 9. What will be the difference in total gross between Alvin and Sister's by the end of the game? 3.5m 10. What will be the Big Short's total January Gross (starting from January 1st)? 34m 11. What will be the gross of the 15th placed film domestic at the end of the game? 68m 12. What will the Hateful 8 gross between February 1st and February 10th (inclusive)? 1m
  12. If you see an insane prediction in this thread, just remember who likely originated it.
  13. Yuck. That's almost as cringeworthy as when Bieber made Anne Frank's house all about him.
  14. Surprised about Carol. I remember you giving reports in the weekend thread when you were watching it about how bored you were.
  15. Damn, impressive! I have to say 4 times was kind of enough for me. I don't need to see it again for at least a few months.
  16. The Ladykillers/Terminal combo was where Hanks stopped being an A lister. Before that he could do practically no wrong since the early 90's. Captain Phillips, Banks, and BoS is the first stretch he's had in ages where he has been in both acclaimed and successful films (and didn't have to rely on a franchise). Granted not blockbuster successes, but still a very nice rebound for him.
  17. Wasn't counting animation or OS grosses. That basically leaves The Da Vinci Code as his sole success, though certainly not acclaim wise. Terminal and Angels and Demons were minor hits. No real awards recognition for him in that span either.
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