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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I still think they are pretty good as far as tracking goes, since that will never be perfect. But they seem to just have weeks now and then where they are way off.
  2. In order of likeliness: Silence (Scorsese has only missed BP once this century out of 6 films) The Founder (Weinstein biopic. 'Nuff said. Harvey won't screw up again after Carol this year) Zemeckis' WWII Story of Your Life Passengers Sully Bourne 5 (Ultimatum would have likely gotten in with today's rules, so this has a shot if on par with that) The Great Wall The Girl on the Train Billy Lynn (though that MTV Movie Awards cast makes me very hesitant to put it here)
  3. Really hard to say. Should be Max, unless The Big Short is the BP/BD winner, in which case it would likely steal editing away from Max. TFA could also upset Max in Special effects. MM might just win the two sound awards, production, and makeup while TBS ties with 4 wins as well. The other scenario being if the Revenant really does take the big two, it already has actor and cinematography on lock and could then carry a bunch of its technical noms.
  4. If it's not The Big Short, then it may honestly be Mad Max. Ain't that a kick in the head.
  5. Dammit MT, tricking me again! I was totally expecting 50m or so for the 5 day for RA2 before the MT showing was so bad. Should've known better.
  6. Wow, Carol missing BP screwed me majorly on SOTM 6. I would have been up nearly 100k opposed to down 10k.
  7. The movie would totally fail without his performance (even more so than w/o Larson's), so in a way it is pretty bizarre that there is such strong support for it with them, yet he wouldn't be nominated. Especially if Wallis could get in lead for Beasts of the Southern Wild a few years ago.
  8. I'd imagine the same people who enjoy Lava are the kind who love Yellow Submarine and Octopus's Garden. Me personally, I find them to be lows for artists who are above that.
  9. An amazing surprise. The only thing that would have made it even better is if The Martian was snubbed in BP too for TFA.
  10. I don't know, could make a strong argument Room would have replaced Martian given the Scott snub. There must be some major Room love among them for Abrahamson to knock out Scott.
  11. I think it seems like the one the Academy would go for. Unless they do go for The Revenant or Mad Max, but to me those have bigger hurdles to overcome.
  12. There is no front runner right now, but I am still betting on Short, so to speak.
  13. Honestly don't really care about the See You Again snub. The melody is very derivative of some past hits, and the lyrics I always felt were trying too hard to tug the heartstrings without much genuine effort. Hard to feel genuine when your song sounds like it was made in a factory for the sole purpose of being a number one smash hit. Kind of like if Roar by Katy Perry had been in a movie and got nominated.
  14. Hopefully BP follows suit in that case. I feel like both categories are practically wide open still. Truly no front runner in either yet.
  15. He never stood much of a chance given the insanely crowded field and yeah the Netflix thing.
  16. Really annoyed Carell couldn't get in. Favorite performance in that category for me this year. Ironic, since he knocked out my favorite last year.
  17. Yeah I was totally thinking McCarthy could get snubbed, but Abrahamson would have been like 5th on the list to replace him
  18. Good call @Telemachos for saying Carol could miss out this past week. Really didn't think that one would.
  19. Well Room is the best surprise for me. It's too bad Tremblay couldn't have gotten in. Happy Max did what it should have. Huge achievement for it. Bridge of Spies and Brooklyn are such boring BP fillers. So many better choices they could have gone with, but not surprising.
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