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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. McConaughey has never been that good (even the performance he won on Oscar for was easily beaten by several others that year), it's just for some reason everyone bought into the "McConaughssaince" narrative hook, line, and sinker for awhile. I guess cause he seems like a nice guy and it's fun to root for an underdog? Now that the narrative has worn off though, he will go back to just being considered an alright actor who is best at being charming in the right kind of movie.
  2. Lmao, that's like $275 per theater and half of the theater average Jem got on OW. Here I thought it would maybe pull a couple mil.
  3. Yeah, best to avoid that thread for the most part.
  4. Maybe not though. I think 80% of the board is expecting horrible legs at this point. I mean dat marketing. Oof.
  5. This year is going to be rough for the cbm fatigue arguments when Civil War and BvS both way underperform the outlandish expectations due to an overcrowded slate for the genre this year.
  6. The Martian manipulates feel good emotions every step of the way, and I still don't know how any of it is supposed to feel genuine when you know every insurmountable odd is just an "aw shucks" brilliant solution away.
  7. I don't even think Inarritu knows what his agenda is, except he wants to make "art."
  8. No way man. The Revenant does at least have everything going for it in a big way on all the technical levels. The Martian's technical aspects are the definition of good enough and not even close to the best of the year. The Martian may have more heart I guess, but only because Matt Damon is likable. Hardly a testament to the film.
  9. Exactly. I mean just imagine Gervais at the Oscars throwing the Academy under the bus like he likes to with the HFPA, and then getting asked to return host. Yeah, wouldn't happen. The GG are just a fun show for the celebs to have a good time.
  10. Fortunately I think The Revenant will indeed win at the Oscars before The Martian (yikes, talk about pick your poison). The HFPA loves feel good trite like The Martian. The Academy are at least a little more discerning.
  11. The Globes have never been as important in determining the BP winner as the likes of say the PGA or DGA. Even SAG can be more indicative sometimes.
  12. A post worthy of an award. But not a Golden Globe, that would be beneath it.
  13. There are literally only 6 categories it can get nominated in, but I suspect it to score all 6. If it doesn't, then I will start to question its chances. To me it seems like exactly what they would go for today.
  14. Room, by a lot. Too bad it lacks the push to ever have stood a chance.
  15. Well then, The Godfather II will finally get some company.
  16. Still think TBS cleans up at the Oscars. I can totally see why the HFP wouldn't go for it as much to be honest.
  17. Only decent thing about this. Finally proves Spotlight has had about zero momentum all along.
  18. Clearly this Leo vendetta doesn't extend outside of The Revenant? Say it ain't so right Tele?
  19. Finally, a deserving one. And I'm just now realizing how lovely Room's score is.
  20. Hey at least Twilight is even more unique than the forced, cliche, "insurmountable odds that actually don't ever feel threatening", feel-good plot of The Martian.
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