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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Judging by some comments Im guessing there was an update lower than what's in the thread title. No matter, I shall choose denial and only accept the higher estimate.Those ARE the numbers I'm looking for.
  2. Just got off, I knew 300 was happening!!! It definitely will with 145. So freakin awesome! EVERYONE at my work was talking about it today. Shocked how many saw it last night. This is just another level and we truly may never see it happen again.
  3. Half of the theater was chanting "Star Wars:" through the last half of the trailers. I woulda probably been a bit annoyed if they hadn't literally been WTF or sucky trailers.
  4. I had the most buzz killing trailers ever at the screening. It was 13 Hours, Angry Birds, Gods of Egypt, The Finest Hours, The Jungle Book, KFP3, and Kubo and the Two Strings (poor thing got booed to the far depths of hell by that point). Everyone just wanted the movie to start. Literally none of the massive batch of new blockbuster trailers people might actually care about.
  5. Actually, my only real disappointments pretty much all stem from lack of screentime for characters. Poe, R2, 3PO, and Phasma (talk about pointless) all got the shaft big time.
  6. Very true. Nothing about this movie is self contained, that's for sure. I still think the new characters really being their own unique and well developed characters are what truly sets it apart though. Rey is no Luke and Finn is no Han. They are very different but work very well. I guess this makes Poe as Leia's comparison in this analogy. Who btw was one of my few disappointments. He was barely involved at all. Hopefully VIII fixes that.
  7. Is it just me, or was there a slight resemblance between Driver and Christensen in the film? I'm wondering if that's part of why they went with Driver. Kinda make him look like Anakin but with Han and Leia's dark hair.
  8. I mean I thought we basically got confirmation Rey is Luke's daughter already. If that's not the intent of the scene where Luke's lightsaber comes to her and The Force theme sweeps in is meant to confirm then clearly they are trying to mislead us or something.
  9. Such a wonderfully done scene. The beautiful wordless execution of it is a concept that would've went right over Lucas' head if he had been in charge, that's for sure. The acting really was fantastic in this all around.
  10. Yeah, I literally lost track of all the thunderous round of applause at mine. It was absolutely unprecedented compared to any other screening I've been to. And I've been to some pretty raucous ones.
  11. Grr, I had a big long post written out with my reactions, and then the forum crashed when I went to post and I lost all of it. Will try to get most of it back down again. First thing's first: WELCOME BACK STAR WARS! Seeing the movie tonight made me realize just how much I missed this franchise. My initial reactions are all pretty positive, although I am weary it may end up seeming like too much of an ANH nostalgia trip once the hype wears off. I think what ultimately saves it from just being "A Newer Hope" though is how fantastic the new characters are. Rey, BB-8, Finn, Maz, and Kylo are all very much their own characters and they all work wonderfully. So glad I hopped on the BB-8 train way back when the teaser came out. Following up R2 as the staple lovable droid is no easy feat, but I think BB was the best possible outcome we could've hoped for there. And how much perfection is Rey/Ridley? Easily my favorite main protagonist already of the three trilogies. Finn was shockingly likable too, since I wasn't a fan from the marketing. I literally may have to burn the Kylo Ren shirt I wore to the premiere now though. Seriously, I hate that little Han killing prick! But that's kind of a good thing, since they managed to throw a curve-ball with an SW villain for once. Instead of a "cool" bad guy like Maul or Vader, or a fun campy one like The Emperor or Jabba, this time we get a baddie to genuinely loath. In fact it's the first time I've hated an SW character for the right reasons, and not just because they're an awfully written character in the prequel! Ford really didn't miss a beat, and it's like he never stopped playing Han. A far more successful return to an icon than with Indy (not that i'm blaming Ford for the latter, didn't have much to work with there). I came to grips with Han dying in the one a few months ago. I just knew it was coming. Still, my heart sank when Han walked out on that bridge though. I;m sure we all knew in my audience what was coming, but the tension was definitely palpable and everyone in the theater had baited breath. Speaking of knowing, I actually wasn't surprised much at all despite avoiding all spoilers. Had a lot of it figured out, especially that Luke wasn't showing until the last scene. Still, it had nice turns without being convoluted, which certainly wouldn't be befitting of the franchise. Overall I think this functioned very nicely as the start to a new trilogy while being an homage to the OT. I am excited to see where they go with the sequels, there is all kinds of potential and I get the feeling that's when this trilogy will really come into its own. Mostly nothing but fond reactions thinking of the film now. I do only hope that it holds up as well once the "SW high" has worn off more.
  12. Agreed. Odds are slim it gets in w/o the Best Drama Globe nom. That has always preceded a BP nom for a Tarantino flick and I get the feeling the HFP are a bit warmer to him than the Academy.
  13. Well I suppose given the time of year there's still the chance we could all be way off on OW and it really will be another December OW. If that happens though then I have to believe insane legs are coming. There is just no way it doesn't make obscene amounts of money in the long run.
  14. Exactly! TPM hype was a fanboy-gasm that may never be matched, but TFA hype is everywhere and with everyone. That is why TFA's hype is bigger overall, even if not necessarily on the crazed level individually of some of the OT fanboys in '99. And yes I was around, only 9 mind you, but I have pretty good memories from 8 on. I simply don't remember the everyday person on the whole being as universally enamored by TPM's arrival as what has happened with TFA. I remember lots of my friends didn't even care, and I know lots of older people didn't care either. It was the gen that grew up with the OT that was so pumped. TFA is everyone though. That's the defining difference.
  15. Nah, those saying 200 aren't being crazy at all, merely logical.
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