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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. A bit late seeing the trailer, but this basically sums it all up for me: It is literally Fast and Furious in space. I can only imagine the Trekkies right now. They must be convulsing in total rage.
  2. Yeah I kinda figured that tbh when I saw you of all people had the highest prediction. Don't worry, when it opens 300+, we'll just go with it being totally serious all along.
  3. To be exact, looks like me, Chewy, Druv, ThatOneGuy, Boxx, and yes of course CJohn. The Ridiculous 6?
  4. No worries. Judging by the predictions in this thread there are only like 4 of us on that crazy train.
  5. TPM would've done a solid 90m+ if released on a Friday, or around $150m adjusted. And keep in mind that is way before OWs became such frontloaded monsters that we now know and no 3D or premium format added in. In fact, both TPM and ROTS would have likely shattered the OW records if released on Friday by a whopping 25% higher gross than the previous record. Applying that same rule to TFA gives us an OW around $265m. And you still think 300 is completely out of the realm of possibility? I sure don't, and I think the late night numbers on Thursday are going to make it clear just why I'm predicting so insanely high. I understand how amazing the OW record would be in December in itself, but I don't think it is going to stop there. TPM's hype was never this generational or world consuming. Everything and everyone seems to want to tie into SW right now somehow. Big companies that shouldn't care one bit about the film industry are getting in on it with SW nods and references. Between the massive success of the OT, then the massive success of the PT, and then SW never really dying out with kids since, the franchise is simply on a new level now then when TPM opened.
  6. Well obviously nothing went wrong if it were to open to that. But I refuse to believe 300 isn't happening. The fact that you would even compare this to AoU shows how much you're not comprehending the hype for this thing. It is unheard of. TFA's hype raced past TPM's pod racer in the Falcon months ago, that's how big it is. There is tangible evidence too backing that up, if not with the pre-sales then with everywhere you look. The generational thing is just on another level, that wasn't even present with the PT, because the over 40 set didn't care that much about those. Now you have kids, teens, 20 somethings, 30 somethings, 40 and over, and all the way up to the baby boomers that all have an interest in this thing. People who never even saw an SW flick (yes they exist) are going to see this because so many people are going in huge groups this weekend. The bottom line is no one want to be left out at this point. It is an absolute phenomenon that I didn't even know the medium could create before this. Maybe it does do 200m for OW and no more. But I simply don't buy that anymore, and I will just have to be an idiot if my 300+ expectations end up way off. I have never felt more confident though then now. Nothing has died down about this film, it just keeps exploding just when you think the hype may have finally plateaued. It is total insanity and insanity deserves insane predictions.
  7. Wanna know something even crazier? I actually believe those numbers can happen. Hell, I really don't think there's a defined ceiling on this thing's OW. We may all be falling out of our chairs.
  8. Here are my changed predictions at any rate. Leave it up to you No Prisoners is you accept them or not. Change: OW: $333m DOM: $1.111b WW: $2.925b
  9. Star Mudda Truckin Wars: $313m Alvin: 9.5m Sisters: 6.6m
  10. Can I still change? Meant to do it last night and forgot. That's OK if not.
  11. That would be nice, but I'm no longer banking on spillover for anything next weekend. People want to see SW and I don't think they have an alternative choice. I think it will be like the Spider-Man 3 weekend, when the OW record got smashed and everything else did horribly.
  12. The sellouts and pre-sale numbers speak for themselves. There have been legitimate signs that 300 could happen when you compare it to any other record breaker ever, and if you haven't seen those signs you're not paying attention. Granted, I will admit the 250 range is more likely but 300 is no longer just lunacy speaking.
  13. No way it hits 300 OW and misses Avatar DOM. I would buy a 150m OW before I'd buy that.
  14. Yes, but then the sequel could feature the bear cubs extracting their revenge, characters we could actually root for!
  15. Second weekend in a row it looks like I will just barely miss getting the ranking questions perfect. Damn you Chris Hemsworth and your spectacular bombage!
  16. Now I'm picturing Leo frozen in the wilderness clutching a frozen bear head with snotsicles.
  17. Back when I was expecting Peanuts to tank, it was for the same reasons as Winnie the Pooh. Most of that purely innocent and whimsical kind of stuff just doesn't fly with today's kids sadly. I guess Peanuts has managed to remain relevant for longer despite being cut from the same cloth as Pooh, but I definitely don't think anyone can be blamed for Winnie the Pooh's failure. They made the best Pooh movie they possibly could have and the audiences simply weren't having it. Nothing would've changed its fate besides a complete revamp of what Pooh is, and that could've come with its own set of problems and backlash. As for TGD, I really do believe it just got caught in a bad release spot between all the animated hits from June through October this year and SW sucking up all the attention the last few months. If it's not because of that, then it's because of the whole "kids don't want cute dinosaurs" thing. Maybe a combo of the two.
  18. Some of you are way too confident about Spotlight. It is way too far out to be saying all these awards are locked up. Last year at this time Birdman couldn't even touch Boyhood in any of the odds, and look what happened. Not only that but Selma was still firmly ahead of Birdman in the odds. So yeah.
  19. Don't know if it's quite that homophobic steeped, but I do think a title like "Sexiest Man Alive" indicates they are probably not very relatable for the average guy. Hemsworth in particular. As I've argued, I think his looks hurt him not help him in the biz because 99% of us guys don't look like that so it's impossible to believe him in any "average guy" type of role. He has to be a superhero or something like that or it just doesn't work. It's the same reason Margot Robbie will probably never be a big lead, because good luck to her relating to the average woman.
  20. EVERYONE knows it's a disappointment. That doesn't mean we're forbidden to comment on it having better holds than normal for the franchise. It could've easily finished with 250m with that OW but that's not happening. So yes it is a small victory for it.
  21. Thank you Captain Obvious. Doesn't change the fact that its holds the first month have been the best of the holiday THG movies. That's ending next weekend, but we can assume without SW the movie would've retained the majority of MJ1's audience.
  22. If MJ2 had the same holds as MJ1 from here out it would finish with 299m. But yeah, we know why that's unlikely.
  23. MJ2 has done well for itself in holds. The OW difference is most of what it's trailing MJ1 by. Too bad that ends next week. Could've probably hit 300 under normal circumstances.
  24. Wait how does changing work? Is it just to differentiate from having a duplicate prediction or can we just change to whatever?
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