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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Then they're idiots. Shrek is a way bigger franchise, and Puss in Boots is a more known and popular character than the Penguins. There's no equation that adds up to Penguins being more successful, unless it had killer WOM or something.
  2. I can't imagine DWA ever intended Penguins to be an "event" or huge grosser DOM. If they ever expected more than Puss in Boots then they clearly are completely out of touch. 125-140m should have been the range all along. Granted, it probably won't hit the low end of that range either now, but it's certainly not some huge underperformer DOM the way Dragon 2 was. It's an OS franchise in the first place, and I'm sure it will be profitable WW. Which is far more than I can say for Home which I fully expect to pull worse numbers than Turbo DOM and OS. And KFP3 might tank worse than Penguins DOM in next Holiday's marketplace. Penguins is the least of their concerns right now.
  3. Great Friday for MJ1, better than CF coming off a better Thursday hold than CF too. Has continued to prove people wrong all week with several better holds than CF. Same Sat/Sun holds as CF put it at 58m, and -52.4%. I say it's still in the race for #1, though just hanging on by the skin of its teeth. IS hold is pretty amazing. Definitely called the legs wrong on that one. I guess Nolan truly is the king of WOM.
  4. If DWA expected anymore than 150m outta Penguins DOM then they must be completely out of it. That would be great for it, and OS would make it profitable in that case. That said, they are in some deep shit looking at their schedule the next two years. Home is an insta-bomb if there ever was one, KFP3 is smashed into the most crowded Holiday season ever, and Boss Baby makes me want to personally punch anyone in the face responsible for it just from the title/synopsis. Trolls 2 years from now is their first chance at a profitable film after Penguins, imo.
  5. Yeah, but even Shrek's lowest grossing beats Madagascar's highest. So again, way bigger franchise.
  6. Beating Puss in Boots would be impressive since the Madagascar franchise is nowhere near as big as Shrek was.
  7. Yuck, that would be the first truly disappointing hold for MJ1 compared to CF if it doesn't end up a solid 1m higher. Tuesday looked so promising too. Numbers are still early though. Penguins would do about 150m if it held the same as Rise of the Guardians off of that OD. Not that we could remotely determine that it will of course.
  8. 6% better hold than CF. C'mon, spread them wings Mockingjay!
  9. As I said it does indeed look like a Holiday movie, however it would be suicide if they did actually release it next Nov/Dec. There's already the possibiliy of some big franchise movies having issues next Holiday because of how packed the schedule is. The kid/family movie schedule is crazy too. This would be completely buried. July is nowhere near the schedule that is Nov/Dec next year. Though it will be in trouble if Ant Man gets a big kid audience like MCU often does. Then both Ant Man and Minions will be stealing its audience. It should really be August. I don't see any of those scheduled movies being particularly successful and there's no reason for studios to be scared of that month anymore for blockbusters after this year.
  10. Well obviously. Hence why no one is arguing how big the gross difference is going to be. The same multi as CF gives it 327m total, or nearly a 100m difference in gross. But it still could have a multi very near that. Nothing so far is pointing against it going under 2.6x. Though it is of course still very early to tell.
  11. You do realize that the numbers being lower have nothing to do with it following CF's hold patterns right? Which is exactly all I've been pointing out.
  12. Unless it's just too generic for even the Academy or gets totally panned, I think Unbroken has it this year. It's reminding me so much of a King's Speech type of movie that the Academy will go head over heels for. Birdman and Boyhood are just not the kind of movie that wins BP with the Academy. Boyhood is so Linklater it hurts, and the Academy has never even seemed to like his work that much. Besides they really only give BP to something that indie if it has some political message that they wanna promote (12YAS, The Hurt Locker). Imitation Game I guess could, but it couldn't feel any less buzzed about right now so I don't see it either. Selma is still a bit of a wildcard, so who knows maybe that will come in and blow everything else out of contention. But my money is definitely still on Unbroken.
  13. MJ1 dropped 1% more than CF its first Monday. Toxic WOM confirmed guys!
  14. I'm sure it's due to the fairytale making a big comeback in the last 3-4 years. Ever since Alice we've gotten all kinds of fairytale box office hits, live action and animated. And it's spread to other forms of entertainment too, like TV and Theater.
  15. Also this has a total Holiday look and vibe going on in that trailer to me. I wonder if they originally wanted it to be next Holiday but the schedule is just so damn packed.
  16. Not as bad as the posters at least. The visuals looks quite unique and interesting actually. But if people wanna complain about dialouge/delivery in a trailer, here ya go. Hugh Jackman's delivery had me literally lol'ing here: "WELCOME TO NEVRALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!"
  17. Agreed. The less talk about that disaster (of a) movie, the better.
  18. I literally use literally when I want people to take me literally. Literally.
  19. But hey now, GOTG outsold The Bible: In the Beginning from 1966. That's quite the amazing achievement.
  20. Three Men and a Baby is a box office giant compared to anything this year.
  21. In hindsight it was pretty ridiculous of us to expect such a massive OW out of IM2 when the first didn't even hit 100. Nothing remotely ridiculous about expecting 150m out of MJ1 though.
  22. Dem posters. Since when is Captain Hook a GQ model and Blackbeard an aging drag queen? Why is Peter the least effeminate character here?
  23. I'm waiting for that Twilight of the Planet of the Apes crossover movie to happen. It's obvious all out vampire vs ape warfare is what they're building to.
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