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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Japan getting it early is really stupid since Frozen only closed like a month ago there. It will be like a whopping 3 months between, and I don't think the Japanese will be ready to make another Disney animated movie huge when Frozen mania still hasn't even died down there.
  2. I must say the previews I've seen for this make it look awful. Utterly shocked its getting such good early reviews. New Edge of Tomorrow (bad marketing, good under-performing movie)?
  3. Not over SA, but the other two easily. Has more charm, better humor, and a bigger heart than those two. And Boo's character and dynamic with Sully alone destroys the entirety of Frozen. All that said, MI shouldn't even be in a top 100 films ever list.
  4. Fury will most certainly eat into GG's market, lukewarm reviews or not. Pitt and Affleck's name draw many a similar crowd.
  5. I'd definitely call it the dark horse BP contender this year. It could definitely pull a Beasts of the Southern Wild and get nominated I think. We'll see how it can hold its momentum through the storm of the big contenders, which could potentially wash it out of the race.
  6. I think the fact that it came back at all squashes the whole "IMDB absorbed it" thing we were worried about. Not sure why it would come back if IMDB had decided to shut it down. This seems like a technical problem with the site to me now that's hopefully fixed, and we just have to give them a bit of time to catch up on the updates. But if I'm wrong and it goes away again this will pretty much be the worst thing ever.
  7. Awful 12 hour day at work today, but getting home and seeing BOM back just made me a whole lot happier. Looks like they're not updating yet, but at least the site is back! And big thanks to whoever made that deal with the devil IMDB to get it back for us. Just know your soul has not been lost in vain.
  8. The fact that it stopped re-directing to IMDB for awhile gives me hope it really isn't a permanent thing. Have to hope.
  9. I would boycott IMDB and honestly not visit the site anymore. If they're absorbing BOM then they better be getting ready to step up and give us a great box office database section on the site for free..
  10. Ugh, the little "See more box office results at BoxOfficeMojo.com" link at the bottom of the IMDB page is cruel and unusual punishment.
  11. The Judge not doing very well at all for an RDJ flick. He even opened the horrendous looking Due Date to over $30m.
  12. Yeah, but it does at least leave a sliver of hope. I mean you'd think IMDB deciding to absorb a huge site like BOM would at least warrant an official announcement on their part? Right? They have to do that at least. Right???? Unless this is only temporary! Yay denial, everyone come on in!
  13. You know what sucks is I have my IMDB bookmark right below my BOM one, so when I got redirected I merely thought I had accidentally hit IMDB's bookmark. Then I tried again, this time making sure I was clicking BOM's. And then I was like...WHAT...THE...FUCK...and rushed here immediately to see what was going on.
  14. Seriously, if it doesn't come back it will easily be the most depressing and devastating website shut down of all time for me.
  15. Dear god this is absolutely awful as any kind of box office tracking fan. BOM was the place to keep up on the box office. Sorry, but nowhere else can remotely compare. Think of all the stats and data we no longer have access to without it! I can't even find freakin dailies on IMDB! Seriously this sucks so hard it's beyond expression. It simply will not be fun to track box office anymore without BOM or a new site very similar to it. If it doesn't come back I may honestly lose my interest in box office tracking, and I never thought I'd say that.
  16. At present I think the noms look like: Locks: Unbroken Foxcatcher The Imitation Game Birdman Boyhood Near-locks: Interstellar (not calling it a lock given their history with Sci-fi and Nolan snubs in general) Gone Girl Fairly likely: Selma The Grand Budapest Hotel The Theory of Everything Outside Chances: American Sniper Whiplash Wild Big Eyes I honestly don't think Into the Woods is even an outside chance unless it gets stellar reviews and grosses like $200m+ at the box office. Marshall hasn't gotten close to a BP nod since Chicago, and this feels like Nine all over again. Musical with a big cast that will be a critical failure. Maybe this one will be commercially successful since it's got Disney behind it, but BP chances seem nil to me.
  17. Eastwood's track record since Gran Torino has been abysmal even with his Oscar baiting films (J Edgar), so I certainly would hold off on calling anything by him an Oscar contender right now before it comes out. Especially since even Changeling and Gran Torino were ignored despite actually being good movies.
  18. Boyhood will be nominated, but I'd bet money it won't win despite the early odds in its favor. It's just not the kind of movie I can see the Academy really going for, especially with half a dozen major Oscar baiting films in contention this year. At best Linklater will get Director and BP will be different for the third year in a row. Though that seems unlikely too.
  19. Man with these awesome new cast additions my interest for this franchise keeps growing exponentially. Such a surprise, I never would have suspected I'd care one iota about the first, let alone a whole franchise of it before I saw it. Guess you really can never judge a movie till you see it.
  20. Thank god here is about the only place in the whole world it would ever make a top 100 all time films list.
  21. Yep. The best made horror film of the past decade to me. Really great film-making all around in that movie, not just for its genre but movies in general. The great performances were also an extremely welcome treat for a genre that tends to lack that immensely.
  22. Yikes, that was a big dropoff for both from initial report. Still good, but not quite as exciting now.
  23. Wow at both those ODs. Of course Annabelle will be uber frontloaded, but both should still have two of the bigger Oct openings. Nice needed shot in the arm to the B.O.
  24. I often wonder just how big Denzel's success would be if he made really good movies more often. Most of the time his movies are the definition of mediocre, typically only redeemed by his performances.
  25. Very good trailer, but now I really think the movie should have just been called Baymax. Even the taglines throughout the trailer sound like they're leading to that title.
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