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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. While I strongly disagree with you on Up and TS3 (I think they're fantastic throughout), I do agree with you most Pixar films rely on certain moments or segments to really elevate them. Up, TS3, Nemo, and Incredibles are the 4 I would mark as truly special all the way through. The only reason Wall-E gets into their category for me is because the first half is even more special than those other 4 are throughout. There's nothing wrong with the second half either, but I think it's just very "good" animated film-making. Nothing to really write home about. I also feel the same way about most of Ratatouille's first half (good but not amazing).
  2. I honestly feel like that monologue is the sole reason Ratatouille even contends with the likes of Nemo, TS3, Wall-E, Up, and Incredibles. Take that away and I bet it would fall more in line with Monsters Inc and ABL with a lot of people.
  3. Ratatouille has the better third act over Wall-E for sure. That being said, nothing in Ratatouille can even touch the first half of Wall-E. That is simply a master class in film making and story telling.
  4. So bummed I missed out on the list as it was being revealed. Been busy this week but would have loved to join all the conversations and comment as we went along. Anyways, I really can't complain about this list. Considering I'm a movie buff and animation is probably my favorite genre, I love seeing what others think of it. And I actually agree with this board quite a bit more than disagree judging by this top 100. Of course like with any list there were a few things that I really disagreed with such as: Brother Bear must hold some deep nostalgia for some folks here to make it on any "best" list , NIMH was criminally low, Aladdin continues to be the most overrated Renaissance film, Incredibles over both Wall-E and TS3 is just downright strange to me, and of course we all know how I feel about It Which Must Not Be Named (hint hint: I'll never let it go). But overall I'd say almost every movie at least deserved a spot on the list, imo (that I've seen). Some on here I still definitely gotta get around to seeing are Akira, Fantastic Mr Fox, The Iron Giant, and Wallace and Gromit. Couldn't be more thrilled with the #1, especially since it was #1 on my list too, lol. There really is no topping TLK as far as I'm concerned in this genre. It's a classic in every sense of the word. I've seen it more than any other film in existence, and as I've said before I consider it the reason I became a movie buff in the first place. Love it to death. Beauty and the Beast and Mulan were very pleasant surprises too. Granted they were both a bit too high for me, but thrilled to see them getting such high recognition non the less. I was worried BATB would be overlooked on this forum since I specifically remember some Frozenite loonies around here downplaying it a lot in the Frozen thread. Also yay for my Toy Story ranking I've always stuck to turning out to be the forum's as well! That's one franchise that really did get better with each film. Incredible job on this list iceroll! BTW, I ran out of my like quota for the day reading through this thread just before making it to the top ten ha ha.
  5. Probably not big enough for it to be one of the top 50 biggest money losers then, but still definitely a huge bomb.
  6. What was SC's budget? Anyways, GOTG isn't my favorite film of the summer (though I like it) but it's just nice to see a big movie this year finally have some REAL legs. I was beginning to worry those were a thing of the past.
  7. It was definitely way better than it looked like it was gonna be after TASM2 and Godzilla released an atom bomb of flatulence at the beginning of the season. Not sure I'd call it one of the best ever for blockbusters, but I guess it would be one of my favs of the past decade looking at which top grossers scored at least a B+ for me: 1. 2008: TDK A+, Wall-E A+, Iron Man A, Kung Fu Panda A-, Get Smart B+, Tropic Thunder B+, Hellboy 2 B+, Wanted B+, 2. 2014: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes A, X-Men:DOFP A, Edge of Tomorrow A, How to Train Your Dragon 2 A-, Guardians of the Galaxy B+, 22 Jump Street B+, The Fault in Our Stars B+ 3 2009:Up A+, Star Trek A, Inglorious Basterds A, District 9 B+, Half Blood Prince B+, The Hangover B+, Public Enemies B+, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs B+ 4. 2004: Spiderman 2 A-, Bourne Supremacy A-, Anchorman A-, Shrek 2 B+, Prisoner of Azkaban B+, Collateral B+, The Day After Tomorrow B+, The Notebook B+, The Terminal B+ 5, 2011: First Class A-, Rise of the Planet of the Apes B+, Bridesmaids B+, Deathly Hallows 2 B+, The Help B+, Kung Fu Panda 2 B+, Crazy Stupid Love B+, Thor B+
  8. Lol at Sin City probably missing a 10m OW. I really don't understand how some movies get greenlit.
  9. GOTG should finish around the 290 mark. I highly doubt it can go the extra 10m to 300 though.
  10. That final NYC action scene in TA easily trumps anything in GOTG for me. So much damn fun, and really innovative action. But the whole movie is great and I don't feel it relies on quite so many cliche and archetypes as GOTG does. Also loved the humor in TA, I remember I've rarely heard audiences laugh that much even in straight up comedies. And that first time I saw it I don't think I've ever been in a theater audience where you could actually feel that everyone was just having a blast. GOTG is good summer entertainment. TA is a blockbuster for the ages. No contest for me.
  11. I don't think I've ever seen so much red in the summer game as in those domestic standings. Man this summer was a pain in the ass to predict.
  12. Honestly the only reason it wasn't in my top ten is because it's just too damn sad. Yes it's a great film, but I don't really "enjoy" watching it so to speak.
  13. Yeah, I think I'm one of the few people here who truly bitched about TMNT's OW last week. Most people here have been pretty ambivalent towards it.
  14. Here's one of the posts I was referring to for the record. Made merely because kitik gave you an actual decent bit of advice that you should step away from the computer for a moment. Because it was clear you were getting so irrationally agitated it was only a matter of time before you made a post like the above one.
  15. Actually my opinion was based on logic. The two had damn near the same Thursday number, and I thought it was perfectly logical GOTG could have slightly better Fri/Sun holds considering it has more adult appeal. Both have the kid appeal, so that's kind of a draw for them. But nothing has pointed to TMNT having as strong of 4 quad appeal as GOTG. That's why I thought it could beat it this weekend. Not because of my hate for TMNT, which is real I definitely admit. On the contrary you just said yourself you thought the marketing looked stupid for GOTG. Hence you're OW was biased. Even though many of us said how appealing the marketing looked for weeks ahead of release and tracking was huge, you weren't gonna change your mind because it looked bad to you. That my friend is bias, dare I even say "hate." I fell into the exact same trap for TMNT's OW, and I admit it. Again, stop wanting to be a GOTG hater and then not wanting to own up to being one. BTW, I'm not gonna bother requoting posts, but I believe the words "sad individual", "troll", "full of lies", were all tossed towards kitik by you. Even if he started the name calling (I honestly don't know who started it), a mod who's been around the block as much as you should know better to stoop to that level.
  16. Get over yourself. I have never ONCE said anything about you being "wrong" or what not for your GOTG opinions. They're your opinions! I'm saying you can't get on your soapbox and think you're being bullied just because people are reacting to you disliking a popular movie, especially when you do the same damn thing. You're doing it right now to anyone who dislikes TMNT or thinks it shouldn't be having its success. Hence why you picked the fight with me. You know I dislike TMNT and wanted to make a big deal that I was slightly wrong on it's drop this weekend. Again, I didn't start this here. I couldn't care less if you hate GOTG. Just you constantly acting like nobody has a right to say anything about your GOTG stabs on a message board. Again, why even post them then?
  17. And you're being totally smug and almighty about it. You wanna take stabs at GOTG, but then you don't want anybody to respond to them or react? Then why the fuck are you taking stabs in the first place? I came into this thread and the first posts I see from you are name calling ones directed at kitik. Then you pick a fight with me for no reason, saying a drop that was off by like 5% (if even) was so illogical and biased. As if I can't point to dozens of biased and illogical predictions by you (let's start with GOTG's OW shall we). We all make stupid predictions, I definitely have. My prediction that GOTG could beat TMNT this weekend was not one of those however, and the only reason you cared so much about it is because you're in this biased rage right now over anything concerning GOTG being successful. So that's how you were being rude. And these posts where you're coming off like you're being bullied anytime you express GOTG hate and people who disagree react to it are just ridiculous. Again goes with the territory of having an unpopular opinion. We've all been there.
  18. That doesn't give you the right to be rude to posters for no apparent reason like you have been on the last few pages of this thread. And stop with all this "wanting my cake and eating it too" bullshit. Lots of people on here just express their unpopular opinions and get called "haters" or what have you for it. Goes with the territory. Stop acting like you're the only one ever being picked on for having a different opinion and just own up to being a GOTG hater, which is exactly what you are. You've made several jabs at GOTG being the most successful film of the summer, and don't even pretend you haven't. Just like I took several jabs at Frozen being so huge. But at least I didn't turn around and try to spin it like I never said anything bad about it's success, or whine about being picked on for expressing opinions. If you're gonna hate on something that's unpopular to hate on, be prepared. That's just basic logic for anyone who frequents a message board.
  19. Stop being so agitated just because a movie you didn't even like flopped.
  20. Well if that's the case than GOTG won't be far behind and could lose the weekend by like a half mil. Either way, my prediction earlier was hardly just wishful thinking. GOTG had a definite chance to win the weekend going in.
  21. Yeah, there were literally zero reasons for it to do well (especially when franchise fatigue had already hit by the 2nd movie). The leak just was one more straw on the camel's back. I never saw many predictions over 25m OW.
  22. 58%? Now who's wishful thinking? If TMNT is making 28m this weekend then GOTG will make around 27m and have like a 35% drop since they both share the same audiences.
  23. The hell are you even talking about? You do know TMNT is headed for about a 62% drop right? So again how was a 65% drop such wishful thinking?
  24. Right, because me being off by about a whopping 1m for GOTG and under by about 2m for TMNT was clearly such wishful thinking.
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