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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I thought that gross was from the Tuesday sneaks not midnights?
  2. Wow. THG had almost as good of a Wednesday hold as Lorax. That's gotta be a good sign heading into this weekend.
  3. Crud. Well I guess that whole neck and neck with THG thing was the dead give away it was being overestimated.
  4. I have to admit TPM 3D kind of pissed me off. The 3D in that one was entirely useless. I mean entirely. Conversely though I was pleasantly surprised with both TLK and BATB 3D, so I'm not always opposed to it if it's done well. And from the sounds of things it seems like it is here. I mean this is Cameron were talking about, he started the whole 3D craze. So it would look pretty awful back on him if he put out a crappy 3D film.
  5. Expendables 2Mirror Mirror total or Snow White OW
  6. Random Miley Cyrus teen romance, biggest movie and director the world has ever seen....
  7. It would be a disaster if this didn't hit 30m for the 5 day with this OD. No offense but your Last Song comparison is extremely silly. Titanic and Last Song being compared to each other? :lol:
  8. Lol, yeah what a shocker, a movie will drop from its OD!
  9. Does it beat the first trailer at least? Cause that one was extremely disappointing to me. I loved the teaser though, so if it's more in line with that I'll be happy. Was kind of just meh on the extended clip trailer.
  10. Kind of hard to tell off a mid week OD, but I'd say yes.
  11. So did you see it? Was it good in your opinion? How did it compare with the other trailers for it?
  12. Titanic is totally a weekend date night movie. Friday and Saturday will destroy its numbers today.
  13. I doubt there was much of a rush considering this is a wednesday in April. I don't even know why they opened it today honestly, Wednesday openings really only work in the summer or holiday seasons. Its weekend numbers should obliterate whatever it did today.
  14. Maybe THG somehow managed to stay flat or even increase today. That would be amazing!
  15. Easter is Sunday. Why does that affect the Saturday?
  16. Why on earth would saturday decrease like that?
  17. Awesome! That would put it exactly where I expected on my original $50m 5 day trajectory.
  18. 139m (really hard to guess without knowing how TH1 is received but I'm assuming it's good)Monsters University
  19. I'm starting to highly doubt the prospect of this being a trilogy like he's supposedly said it will be. I think it will take him forever to get this one out, and he should probably just leave it at that.
  20. Cameron does seem to have issues making films less than a decade apart anymore. Maybe it will be like 2020 before we see this.
  21. Except that article didn't even sound overly enthusiastic about the first act. If anything they raved the most about the animation than anything else. They just said Merida was "likable enough" but no Wall-e or Nemo.
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