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Everything posted by FTF

  1. That's hard to say because I think most consider this weekend Valentines weekend, so the boost it may get will be over after Tuesday, not carry into next weekend.
  2. Amazing weekend! I would never have believed two movies like the vow and safe house could open in February and both make $40m ow! Journey 2's sat jump is really impressive and TPM is a good opening (especially considering it's dislike by the majority of its fan base). I never saw it this weekend as I planned as me and my friends came to our senses and realized paying $15 for a bad 3D conversion of a bad/so-so prequel wasn't worth it (especially since we could just watch it on blu-ray now).Also, Baumer, I think you're way off about The Artist. Just because you don't appreciate it and understand its appeal, that doesn't make it a bad movie (in no way is it a 0/10, even if you don't like it), it's more of a you problem, not a problem with the movie (I don't mean that harshly, just not sure how else to word it). For example, I had a friend in school who hated calculus and said it was terrible because he wasn't good at it and failed the class. But it doesn't mean calculus is terrible just because he didn't get it and didn't like it, etc.
  3. Crazy Friday! The Vow and Safe House #'s are really, really impressive and how could they be so off with TPM, last nights est started at like $13m?? Anyway, the great box office run of 2012 continues and that's great to see.
  4. I agree, its lower than expected/deserved score is from idiot teens thinking it was going to be a total action movie and not giving the movie a chance cause their tiny add brains couldn't handle it.I partly blame the marketing (which did make it look way more action packed than it was) but do some research before seeing a movie instead of complaining about it afterwards (which I heard from dumb ass kids leaving the theater).
  5. There's no way DH2 gets in over movies like Dragon Tattoo, 50/50, Tinker Tailor, and some others I can't think of off the top of my head, even if it was mandatory 10 best pic noms.
  6. I agree with almost everything you said (though I think Midnight in Paris is a great movie). I also think 2010 was light years better than 2011 and this trend has gone on for 4-5 years now. 2008 was a great year for quality movies, 2009 was so-so/mediocre, 2010 was an amazing year and 2011 was also so-so/mediocre...and 2012 already has more promise than last year (TDKR, TH, Prometheus, The Master, Lincoln, Brave, Django Unchained, etc).
  7. Some terrible choices this year...EL&IC over Dragon Tattoo is a complete joke. Also, where's Dragon Tattoo's score nom? Did it not qualify for some reason? Hugo is arguably my favorite movie of the year so I'm fine with all its noms, The Artist is in my top 10 (maybe 5) for the year so that's fine too. I still have to see The Descendants so can't comment on that, and people say Tilda Swinton should be in but I didn't see her movie either. Anyway, I don't know anyone that has seen EL&IC and has liked it so the academy should be embarrassed, plus it's like 45% on rt so critics hate it too. Many are saying it's the worst best picture nom of all time. Having dragon tattoo in over that would have made a huge difference and made the best pic noms look so much better.
  8. A classic masterpiece and simply one of the all-time bests. I always say it's impossible to make a list of my top 10 movies of all-time (I could make a top 50), but if I was forced, Jaws would probably make the cut.
  9. Fantastic movie...neck and neck with ROTK as my favorite film of 2003.
  10. Just watched it again as it's been on HBO this week and am again reminded why it's my favorite movie from 2010...simply an amazing film.
  11. Easily one of my favorites from 2008, such a great movie.
  12. Splitting up best director and best picture is becoming more common these days, which is kind of strange.
  13. Yeah I agree - I don't know what Superbad this thread is about, but the one with Cera, Stone, McLoven and Hill is hilarious and great.
  14. Just picked up Crazy Stupid Love, ROTPOTA, and Super 8 on br.
  15. Edit: ah, you were joking. Well played sir.
  16. I try to avoid seeing universally poorly received movies, but I definitely saw some shitty movies last year. The worst were, in no particular order:The Green LanternCowboys & AliensSucker PunchYour Highness
  17. Don't worry, you wasted your time enough. Also, did you only see 4 movies in 2010, cause that's the only way to explain your list.
  18. My favorite film of 2009 and QT's best after Pulp Fiction.A+
  19. Holy shit, almost $17m!?! That's crazy and all the money should go to the marketing team as only they deserve the money this pile of crap is making.
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