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Everything posted by vc2002

  1. The way Fox is promoting it, plus how many theaters it has, it's totally like a new release. A major one.
  2. I think Fox is getting better deals than that. Fox spent tons of money marketing the shit out of Titanic in China. They wouldn't do that unless they got better deals.
  3. $11m OD means at least $50-60m opening week. And that's already over half of $100m. It probably needs repeating business like Avatar to make it to $150m, which is hard to ask for for a re-release. But $100m looks pretty solid ATM.
  4. China is a very immature market. You cant just view it the same way you do on other markets.
  5. As a matter of fact very few people knew this is the 100th anniversary, or even the film was about a real sinking ship. They just knew this was the film that defined a generation of movie goers, and even only for refreshing th memory of the joyful experience they had in 1998 they will be back to Titanic.China is a very unique market. Despite its poor numbers from other market, it will explode in China.
  6. They are promoting it in EVERY way you can think of. They even made a few clips about movie goers, theater employee and filmmakers talking about their memeory about Titanic hitting China in 1998.You basically see Titanic everywhere. Websites, TV, newpapaer, everywhere. CCTV, the government-owned and the biggest TV network in China, even did a couple programs and TV shows about the film. I have no doubt that this is the biggest promotion for a foreign film in China, ever.
  7. I dont how much marketing they did in the US, but here in China, as I said a few days ago, Fox is putting on the heaviest promotion ever for a foreign film on Titanic, and I do mean heaviest. Besides, IMO Titanic stroke China more shockly than it ever did to any of other countries back in 1998.
  8. Oh yeah thats the scene I really love. My 2nd fav scene, only after the ending.
  9. (Well, I don't really love Wall-E and Up.) It's not about being illogic. It's about the continuation and the balance. Illogic is a must have for most of the animation films, but I despise the idea of slamming the illogical part into the normal human world. You have this normal guy and a normal place, and on the other hand you have this unnormal rat that pulls his hair and teaches him how to cook. This is like eating a crab and a lemon together. It's just a bad mix. In Toy Story, the filmmakers went very careful. When the scene included human and the toys, the toys were being toys, and the human looked them as just toys, and I liked it a lot.
  10. I dont think Battleship will be a monster. It's no transformers. Battleship is hardly known here. It's just gonna be a bigger Battle Los Angeles.
  11. 80's and 90's were really the glory days of action films.
  12. 1) Finding Nemo2) TS1, TS2, TS3, The Incredibles3) Monsters Inc. A Bug's Life, Cars...4) Wall-E, Up.....5) Cars2....6) Ratatouille The only Pixar film I hate. IMO the story of a rat pulling the hair of a man to control him making food is plainly stupid and absurd.
  13. Fox is putting the heaviest promotion ever for a foreign film on Titanic. They must have HUGE anticipation in its return from China. It will be like a new major release that takes over half of the screens. Sth like 80m or even $100m is not that unthinkable.
  14. Come on. I usually dont over-predict, but when I do.... you know what I mean.
  15. 10th Apr. $30m might be done in the first week.
  16. Hey, how come no one recommanding Terminator 2?
  17. Titanic will make close to $100m in China alone.
  18. Damn we all used to think Titanic 3D at least would have a bigger OW than its debut in 1997.
  19. Inception did pretty well on bly-ray, but the fact is the DVD market has been shrinking fast. Keep in mind that even Toy Story 3 and Avatar, top 2 DVD sellers in the last 3 years, just sold a little over 10m units each. 10m would be considered average 5 years ago.
  20. Inception?---------edited--------Never mind. Inception won 3.
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