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Everything posted by vc2002

  1. Is it possible for non-donors to the change the name? I hope some mod could answer.
  2. I can never get over that one line "From my point of view the jedi are evil". I guess Lucas must have too much backlash towards his writing and directing on the TPM and AOTC, and he had to express his feeling in his last SW film that "Hi haters, you think TPM and AOTC are crap, ok, but that's just your opinion."
  3. Why is MI4 so hot in China??? That's crazy. :oAnd why is it so hot around the world anyway? The last MI had pretty bad reception, but this sequel is acting like it came off a beloved one.
  4. I remember he said this deep-diving will give him inspiration because he will see new creatures never been seen before on that trench. But I think at the end of the day, he just simply wanted to dive.
  5. Well, I dont really see you disagreeing with me. I just think some people are going to extremes on 3D. "The public are tired of 3D. It's going to die.", or "OMG 3D is the future of cinema. 3D will take over everything." In fact 3D is in the middle of them, and will forever be.I'm just saying that people are not tired of the format. What people are tired of is 3D done in bad.
  6. God damn it, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight fight FIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!
  7. It's China's Spring Festival (China's traditional New Year Festival) right now. Will take a few more days before we get any numbers.
  8. Just imagin what would Avatar 2 make on the first week. $100m in play.
  9. LOL is that a joke? ROTK won 11 Oscars, which only 3 films in the history did that, and few people will remember it?
  10. I dont think HP, as a movie franchise, has joined the league with SW. HP is book-based franchise, and if you ask people about it, most of them will remember the book first.Note this is not to dismiss HP. I just think that original franchises like SW and Jones are in a much higher league.
  11. Well, it's obviously because the academy were all out of love for fantasy after ROTK.
  12. That's a little exaggerating. People are tired of 3D done in bad, not the format itself. People are getting skeptical becasue there are too many studio-forced 3D out there that are not worth the extra charge on the tickets.And if someone is to blame for this situation, it's the studios themselves.
  13. According to wiki, Red Tail's budget is 58m. So this is a solid start.
  14. The thing is, on Avatar sequel Cameron wont give a crap what Fox, or anyone else thinks, and he does what he wants, and Fox can't do anything about it.
  15. Just found this hilarious vid LMFAO James Cameron Addicted to Avatar Special Effects http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk7tUKaW59I&feature=fvwrel
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