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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. Christina is such a cow. She was totally ridiculous tonight. BITCH.
  2. He won't though, too many girls & women think he's cute and vote that way.
  3. Well, in the book Doreah dies while they're still in the Red Waste, so this just kinda takes the place of Doreah dying.Also, Theon taking over Winterfell was supposed to be odd at first. That's exactly what happens in the book. Bran wakes up, hears that from Theon and is like "..... huh?" Because no one takes him seriously yet. Which just pisses Theon off and makes him more apt to do despicable things.
  4. I think they are doing that as a means to get Dany to the House of the Undying.
  5. Now every non-book reader on Twitter hates Theon as much as all of us book readers do, lol.
  6. @ the thread title change.
  7. LOTR: Return of the King. Fish loathes Miranda Otto with every fiber of her being and she calls her (and the film) Shriekapoo because of how Otto shrieked "I AM NO MAN!"
  8. If Nikki does this all weekend then she better watch out for the wrath of the Marvel-ites.
  9. I hope that's a joke. :lol:If not, look in the first post or on Page 2.
  10. They mean that Friday night and Saturday/Sunday tend to do way more business for Marvel films than the midnight/OD does. As opposed to films like Twilight/HP/THG who do most of it on the OD.That's what he means by "backloaded" on the OW.
  11. Not sure. I think it was 40-something million? Can't be positive.
  12. I didn't say her voice is similar. The look and the type of music would be similar enough to the American public, is all I'm saying.Christina may have been being honest, but she very obviously directed unnecessary vitriol Tony's way that most of the time never had to do with his performance. She'd even go out of her way to backhand him in critiquing other contestants' performances. Not to mention how she ends up bringing every single critique of every contestant back to her somehow. "When *I* sang that..." etc etc.She bitches about Tony having famous friends rooting for him when 1.) he isn't the only contestant that has that and 2.) the hypocrite turned around and yesterday Re-Tweeted Josh Groban voicing his support for Chris Mann. So it's okay for a contestant to have celebrity endorsers as long as it's her own contestant, right?I don't care who wins because as American Idol has shown in the past, whether they win or not, the truly special end up making it on their own anyhow just from the exposure of the show. I mean, how many AI winners have done absolutely nothing, but a lot of the runners-up have?
  13. That's not exactly fair to say Tony got a free ride, like he did badly or just coasted through without doing anything. We can speculate all we want but we don't know Adam's real reasoning. He also gave HIS points before the audience vote was revealed.I honestly don't think any of them will do much of anything. They are all too similar to other artists, aside from maybe Juliet. Katrina is very Adele-ish, Tony is Jason Mraz/John Mayer/etc, Chris is... not going to make it in pop unless he goes Buble on us and how many of those can be out at once? Juliet has a voice that people either love or hate.
  14. Uhh, with a $152m OW, a 2.6 multiplier is great. At least to me.
  15. One thing to keep in mind though... the fairy tale parts come off as really really really really corny at first (anything with the blue fairy still does.) Just keep watching for a few episodes and you'll grow used to it, as well as they get less corny.Oh, and you'll very badly want to reach through the TV and beat the shit out of Lana Parrilla.She better get an Emmy nom for Supporting Actress Drama and Robert Carlyle better get a Best Actor Drama nod for Rumple. He's the best part of the show.
  16. I think Christina was the ultimate reason Adam had Tony go through. She's a bitch to Adam (and everyone else,) and she's obviously bothered by Tony, so I wouldn't be surprised if Adam did it just to piss her off because of what she said in the critiques, telling people to vote for Katrina and such.I don't really think it mattered who went from Adam's team anyway, be it Katrina or Tony. I think it's pretty obvious that Juliet will win.
  17. Because Stannis is still a Baratheon and actually does have the lawful claim to the throne.
  18. YASSS. That would be very nice. Too bad Blake and Christina's mediocre teams have to have a representative.And I don't know if Tony Lucca pissed in Christina's morning Cheerio's or what, but she just can't help but be a bitch to him. But then she's shown very much on this show that she just plain IS a bitch. I'm gonna have to just ignore her personally and only listen to her music. If I don't I'll hate her.
  19. I don't care who does it. It was funny the first maybe 3 times someone did it, but not the 300 after it.
  20. Well that's about as much as we get of Renly's death in the book as well because we hear it from Catelyn's POV and she and Brienne get the hell out of there, lol.The Littlefinger in camp scenes make sense now because they wanted to show possibly why the Tyrells didn't flip over to Stannis after Renly's death. Just happened a little earlier than in the book.
  21. I don't think too much was said in that post either.Speculating if/when characters that non-book readers don't even know yet show up (which gives nothing away) and that a certain part (again, nothing specific unless using the word "prologue" is too specific) will be in the end of Season 2 are not spoilers.It continues to amaze me how awesome they are with the adaptation of this. Sure, some things are condensed, changed, left out, or added, but I think it all works well.The Tickler thing, I'm sure they'll find something suitably badass to replace it.
  22. Doesn't really matter. Already had an under $1m day yesterday, and even if they're reporting $900some thousand as $1m it's still going to be close to it.
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