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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. Did you, or did you not opine in the Weekend Estimates thread that the media was only giving THG good reviews because they have an "agenda" or all are "on it's side"? Sure, you didn't call them or anyone else who likes the film any names. But, you're inferring that the only possible reason the media could like a film that you hate so much, is because they have an agenda. Not because of what you always preach about how "different people like different things."That is what makes you a hypocrite.
  2. Oh bull. You don't have to call someone a retard or an idiot to discredit their opinion.
  3. And yet you do the same exact thing you chastise others for.
  4. This is true. Which may be why GRRM was okay with them playing it this way in the show.
  5. Hey, it didn't even go down by half a mill. I'm more than fine with that. :DTwilight dropped 39% in it's 4th weekend. But that was close to Christmas. What will this one do without much competition but with no holiday either?
  6. CEDAR, now you know people were going to think that was the actual when you posted that, lol. *cybersmack*
  7. Theon is a pervy betraying little douchebag. You'll come to hate him.And yes, that scene did happen in the book, albeit a little differently. His sister's name is actually "Asha" in the book, but that's a bit too close to the wildling/captive friend of Bran's at Winterfell (her name is Osha) so they changed it for the show.In the book Theon meets her on a ship and he tries to talk her up a lot and get into her panties. Asha/Yara goes along with it and grabs his junk a couple of times, but throws his wit right back at him. The more she does, the more Theon is attracted to her. But on the horse on the way to Pyke all he does is grab her boobs a couple of times, he doesn't reach down her pants. AND when he does grab her boobs she pushes his hands away. He also finds out she's his sister before they come to their father.
  8. Well, the producer has said they're not 100% sure they're splitting Mockingjay yet. They're going to see what Suzanne thinks when the time comes.
  9. I wasn't that thrilled with last night's episode. Not bad, not good. Just kinda boring. That ending was definitely a stray from the book. Not sure where they're gonna go with that. Also, in the book Tyrion didn't believe Thorne's/Mormont's white walkers story in the slightest.
  10. Posting a gif is exactly like posting a picture. Do the same exact thing, as a gif *is* a picture, animated or not.
  11. He asked and he received.
  12. I totally forgot that I said I'd upload this, lol.Here ya go, boys. Right-Click / Save-As to download: Harry Potter ~ A Tribute to the Magic
  13. Last Easter the Tuesday before had a similiar increase. 15-20% seems normal for this week.
  14. Well, to be fair, it might be great to them if they were personally expecting (or fearing) something lower. Subjectivity.
  15. I would imagine it will be close. It's at what, $253m now? There'll be somewhere between $28m & $35m this weekend, average that out to 31.5 and it needs around $15m Tues-Thurs. Might be just a bit shy, or barely over if it gets there. By next Tuesday for sure though.
  16. Umm, I'm pretty sure that shriek wasn't being serious.
  17. Quoting myself because apparently some people missed this post.
  18. I'm pretty sure the fact that it's going to get upwards of $350m when 9 months ago Lionsgate wasn't even positive it was going to make $100m is pretty extraordinary.
  19. I know the loonie thing is meant all in good fun, guys. I'm just extra pissy today because my work place and co-workers get more and more stupid by the day. It's starting to make my anger boil over.
  20. That's another thing I hate. The fact that this film is headed to somewhere around $350m, give or take several million, is amazing. Yet, I come on here and a few people, even a couple of the big fans, make me feel like it's one giant failure by the way you're acting and talking about it.At the end of the day, a first film in a franchise that not that many people knew about a year ago will have made $500m-$600m WW on a $78m budget + $45 marketing. So everyone, fan or non-fan, talking about drops, good or bad, legs, good or bad, how "loony-fied" this may be, can kiss my ever-loving behind.
  21. Ugh, I hate the way the word "loonie" is used on this board. It comes off as so condescending and degrading to me. Whether it's meant that way or not. It's insulting.
  22. Probably. But still, at least people will expect it then.
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