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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. He wasn't captured, it was his own men pulling him back that we saw.
  2. From this season alone? Hmm. Hard to pick just one. Tyrion, Arya, Ygritte, Jaime and Brienne I loved this season.My three favorite from all 5 of the books are Tyrion, Jon, and Jaime.Other characters we have yet to meet are kind of great too though. Mance Rayder, the Martells of Dorne, Daario Naharis, Lady Olenna Redwyne. All awesome.
  3. Exactly. Think about that. We don't really know why they are returning now. Probably to do with the fact that a very long Winter is on its way. It was 8,000 years ago that they were last seen, and at that time there was a Winter that lasted an entire generation and a "Long Night." Winters in Westeros usually last just as long or longer than the Summers that preceded it, and the Summer that is on it's way out now has lasted a good 17+ years. The history of the "Others" (they are called The Others in the books) from a Wiki of Ice & Fire (not really spoilers, but so long that I put it in a spoiler tag): Remember that Melisandre thinks that Stannis is Azhor Azhai reborn, and that his sword is Lightbringer. Jaqen (or whatever his name actually is) is a Faceless Man of Braavos. They are an elite group of assassins who use magic to assist in their duties. Including changing their appearance. They don't contact each other through the coins. He told Arya, if she ever needed to find him again, to give that coin to any person from Braavos and say that phrase to them. The Braavosi would know what to do and would help Arya be where she needed to be.
  4. Why do people talk about Cinemascore so much anyway? Don't people have to actually call in and give their scores? My guess is the only ones that matter are the extremes, the A+ and the D-F's.
  5. I quite liked this. The crowd seemed to agree with me.I thought KStew was fine, as was Hems (yes, bad accent but I don't think anyone cared. I certainly didn't focus on it.) Charlize wss awesome... once she stopped the OTT cheeseball screaming near the beginning.Loved the imagery, score & dwarves.Also, anyone else get a Neverending Story flashback when that white horse was stuck in the mud? My sister and I immediately looked at each other and were like "ARRRRTEXXX!!! Aiyeeeeeee!!"
  6. I'm almost positive that will be either episode 8 or 9 next season. *cries*
  7. Incredible film. One of, if not THE, favorite and best of Angelina's performances for me. It's so crazy to think that all actually happened though. Those poor little boys. Definite A. Bit of a peeve of mine though... it's just "Changeling" not "The Changeling."
  8. I keep thinking of the non-book readers and how y'all have noooooooo idea what is coming in the next couple of seasons. You guys think HOLY CRAP over some stuff so far... wooo just wait til a year from now. THAT will be epic to witness the reactions.
  9. It's the same song Bronn was singing earlier in the episode. It's a Lannister song called "The Rains of Castamere." The version at the end was by a band called "The National." Can find it on Youtube, that band put it on their official account.It's a creepy foreshadowing to sn important event that will be late in Season 3.
  10. Remember Littlefinger at Renly's camp talking to Margaery? And did any non-book readers realize what Loras was wearing or what horse he rode?
  11. Holy wow that episode was PERFECT. Only GRRM could have written it so well.
  12. I didn't even realize it was leaked. I thought it was an official soundtrack place posting them. Sorry.
  13. GOD, the final two episodes are going to be SO epic.With the next being entirely the BoB, that last episode is going to be PACKED full of stuff.
  14. Well yeah, that was always going to happen. Doesn't mean he'll sell once the "American Idol finale" hype dies down ... in two weeks.
  15. No, he doesn't. He'll fade into oblivion just like the rest of the "cute" WGWG that have won recently. But then, I don't think Jessica has much of a chance either. Not yet, she needs some seasoning first.
  16. Winning is damn near the kiss of death to these people though, so Jessica might have been better off not winning. I mean, in the 10 seasons prior, they have a 20% success rate as far as winners becoming superstars, Kelly and Carrie. The others either fade into oblivion or are ... Scotty.
  17. The first book you've already seen in Season 1. You'd be fine reading the first two books. You won't be done with the 2nd before this season's finale.
  18. This. Totally forgot about that part, lol. Getting show confused with book.Though, I think in the show she was planning to anyway.
  19. Well, remember it was Tyrion's idea. Tyrion actually is willing to do that. He doesn't want Sansa forced to marry Joffrey or kept captive by Cersei either and just wants his brother back. Besides, he knows it would piss off Cersei to lose Sansa and he loves pissing off Cersei. Also, you'll learn that Jaime is the least of the Catelyn Stark's problems.Jaime has quite a bit of character development upcoming (that part with he and Brienne and the boat is actually from the beginning of the 3rd book) and he's not near as horrible as the first two books would have you believe. That's what makes the whole series so great. Aside from a few characters whom it's hard not to hate, you're not sure who to root for.
  20. 1.) Remember Littlefinger visiting her at Renly's camp? He suggested that Tyrion would exchange both girls (she has no idea they don't have Arya) for Jaime.2.) They just want to get her to the HotU basically. But no, they really aren't on her side. Well, Pyat Pree isn't. Xaro... he's on his own side, lol.
  21. I'm completely baffled as to how they're going to do the House of the Undying. Probably just like it is in the book, with a bunch of "WTF are we seeing?" images. Non-book reader viewers will be totally confused, which is good because so are most of the book readers, LOL!There are a couple images that are VERY important though, that there's no way GRRM (he wrote the next episode) would leave out. That is, IF the HotU is in the Blackwater ep. It should be cool, but Dany's story doesn't really pick up until the 3rd book.One thing you non-book readers have to realize, that of course you wouldn't yet, is that the story goes beyond the Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, etc. Yes, they are the "main" characters, but the story doesn't begin and end with them.
  22. Read the books. Depending on how fast you read, that could take you a year, lol. These things are gigantic.
  23. No. I don't think they have time. They'll have to wrap ALL of the non-Blackwater storylines up in basically one episode.
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