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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. Oh, don't worry DeeCee.... there's one coming. OHHHH is there one coming.You guys also have to remember, this isn't a movie and doesn't have the big budget of a film. Battle scenes take a lot of time & money to film, both of which they have to use as efficiently as possible in order to spread out over 10 episodes.There's a lot more to this story than battles. It's not about battles, it's about power and greed and the nature of man.
  2. Sometime before midnight tonight Pacific Time. As long as it makes $780,981 today.
  3. Oh and... :D ;)You have nooooo idea, bud, lol. Can't wait for the reactions next week. It's gonna be eeeepiiiic. I can see the trending topics on Twitter right now.
  4. No, he's just a spoiled, sniveling little bastard. A sociopath, actually.
  5. Arya is at Harrenhal. It's a castle sort of near the riverlands that Tywin Lannister's army just took over. They say it at the very end of Episode 3 that they're taking them to Harrenhal.Harrenhal looks all melted and strange because it was besieged by the Targaryens and their dragons many years ago, and the dragonfire melted the stone and burned to death a lot of people behind the walls. As a result, it's thought that Harrenhal is haunted.The Brotherhood is the "Brotherhood Without Banners." Something you'll probably learn about next season.
  6. They did some really smart and great condensing in this episode. Having the Tickler at Harrenhal and Renly already being at Storm's End.And Took out a lot of unnecessary filler that way.
  7. It gets another week in IMAX starting April 27th as well.
  8. I know, I thought the same thing when I saw the MSNBC guy say it on a "news break" on the Weather Channel this morning. I was like .... huh? I thought it was supposed to be The Lucky One doing it. Although I imagine both may gross higher than HG this weekend.
  9. I haven't seen this yet, but I was looking at reviews and, as far as the negative go, I think the critics just wanted to be able to use the word "anthropomorphizing."I mean it's like they read the first person say it and went "Ooooooo I like that word! Big word! I'm gonna use it too!!" Even if it's what they really think, how often do you see that word, really?Seriously, look at this page, just run down the summary blurbs from each review and tell me how many times you see a form of it. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/chimpanzee_2012/reviews/I don't really know what a lot of those people expected a DISNEY NATURE film about a baby chimp to be, but I can help but have the word "pretentious" come to mind when I read the reviews. How can one be so hateful about a cutesy little nature film aimed at kids & families?
  10. They actually had a story on MSNBC this morning about how Think Like A Man will unseat Hunger Games this weekend. I was like "Naww, ya don't say?" Slow news day? lol
  11. If they split SoS into 2 seasons it will be easier to leave her in. I hope so. It just wouldn't be near the same having Margaery say/do some of those things.I'm betting that the end of Season 2 will use the prologue from SoS. That would be one hell of an ending to this season.
  12. I keep thinking about next season. I hope beyond hope that they decide to leave in Lady Olenna. She's pure comedy.
  13. Grossing less than THG wouldn't necessarily mean they'd be of lesser quality. And vice versa.
  14. I know there were a lot of kids still on Easter break last week that just went back to school on Monday. Maybe that has something to do with it.
  15. Well yes, this is true. I guess I should have said that he was trying to find out which was the most narcified of the narcs, lol. But #'s is right, as long as the interests of the other two are served, they are great at keeping secrets. Pycelle is just not. At all.
  16. Yeah, man. Not to go with stereotypes too much (it's kind of hard not to here) but without even going into any more specific details... Loras is the Knight of Flowers and Renly's kingsguard are the RAINBOW cloaks. Red flag!! LOL!! As far as the other details, someone at IGN put it best: Great, great episode. I enjoyed all of the book changes & fast-tracks. I love how they did the little Tyrion "montage" of sorts to show how he figured out which council-member was the narc. They didn't draw it out.
  17. Doesn't necessarily mean that will translate into box office. I don't know why everyone just assumes that it will. Yeah, it's in the news but doesn't mean it will make them want to fork out the moolah.It might, but it's not a foregone conclusion that it will make much difference.
  18. Umm... *thinks* Nothing real major doesn't make it in. Small things, mostly insignificant. Things were shortened for time, obviously. So you can't quite get the full emotions behind a lot of the things that you do in the book. But that always happens.
  19. Well, we've already seen Theon's and Hodor's, what's stopping HBO?
  20. Well it's just, having read the books I can tell that scene serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever for the rest of the series. :lol:I mean...
  21. Yeah, Maisie Williams is definitely not 24. She talks in "Making of" featurettes how, when she was cast, her Mom read the books and decided they were way too adult for her to read so she just told Maisie the basic plotlines.And Isaac Hempstead-Wright is 12-years-old, he said so on Twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/IsaacBranFlakes/status/154147857698533376
  22. I would imagine that at least WoW will be complete by then. If they split SoS into two seasons, plus the FoC and DwD seasons, that would give GRRM 4 more years to finish WoW. Although they might have to make FoC and DwD into one to make an interesting season so it would negate that. I could definitely see DoS not being finished in time for the season after that though.All I know is he needs to finish stuff faster. He's only getting older and he's not exactly the picture of perfect health. If the man dies before he finishes the story then that would SUCK.
  23. I definitely enjoyed this episode more on a second viewing. I think I wasn't paying full attention on Sunday, was distracted as I had to leave to take out the trash and more in the middle of it and was putting away laundry. I totally agree. Have no problem whatsoever with the gratuitous sex/nudity as long as it either a.) is in the book, implied or explicit or b.) actually serves the story in some way. However, a couple of the things they have done seem like they're putting it in just because they can. That irks me.The 'play with her arse' (though it wasn't her arse she was playing with, lol) scene last year at least served a purpose somewhat in that what Littlefinger was saying in the meantime was very interesting. Albeit a little hard to hear over the chicks.But that entire scene in the brothel with the chick and the other guy / Ros getting upset wasn't needed. Even the non-sexual parts. They need to stop pushing Ros on us. I don't give a flying fark about her and every second she's on screen just takes that time away from an actually important character.
  24. I'm just imagining how trippy and weird the visuals will be for That's confusing enough to read, let alone see.
  25. Christina's just pissed off that Justin Timberlake told everyone to watch & vote for Tony earlier today on Twitter instead of one of her team members. Hence her "because you have celebrities supporting you" comment.Even if she really does think that, it was a little rude to go at him quite like that on live national television. Seemed to come out of nowhere.
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