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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. Marathoning this season today about to watch ep 5 now What is up with that weasel aidan bringing jack name to grayson attention ? Personally I hate jack and emily together tots fan of jack/fake amanda Emily deserves daniel , I want all this revenge business to blow up in her face and for her to become the person she hates victoria grayson trapped in a love/hate marriage I say this becoz I hate what she's doing to daniel for something his parents did I'm loving justin whitley inclusion as patrick , great role for him Please let aidan die already ughhh
  2. Baumer I have to say you're right people should be able to watch what they want when they want! I get funny looks because I don't feel obligated to go watch every movie with black people in it , thing is most of them are crappy bad quality acting writing and tyler perry is just ughhh now when one is good and finds grace in my eyes I have no problem saying so and recommending it but its so rare.for the most part its just that I'm a scifi/fantasy gal at heart when I'm not going around as an upperbrow chick who only watches oscar caliber drama and period pieces I go to the movies alone all the time I like it that way I just want to enjoy the film when I do go with a friend as she's less fluent in english I always end up talking here and there when she doesn't quite understand something and that takes me out of the movie but she has a car and sometimes you have to see the film at night coz rare daytime showings aren't to my convenience! I use to go with my cousin before but he moved to mainland france a year ago for work @leyla lollll indeed that scene is too funny , I don't know what was in that soup but it look like something an orc might eat as they're not particular about food!Watched an hour of the return of the king then went to sleep that EE is literally 4 hrs long so have to pace myself ha ha ha shit is going all over the place from the first minute of this film one giant climax !
  3. And I'm done with the two towers and started , eowyn gets on my nerves grr nowhere near fishnets grievance against the actress LOL Started return of the king. Cannot wait for bit where aragorn blows eowyn off "look I already have a girl and she's THE elvish princess ok" probably will see that tomorrow think its time I called it a night Drama going on between sam frodo and schizo gollum
  4. I don't get this stance of saying tauriel is reduced to a love story plot , chica is badass throughout the film , she's daring and does what she feels is the right thing. She had a good scene with kili 2 people having a good exchange even if one is a prisoner the other the captor and so when they escape and are attacked by orcs she feels its her duty to go after them , she tells legolas she doesn't agree with thranduil stance of leaving orcs roam the place and just defending his borders and she won't leave them attack their prisoners with impunitySeriously whatever romance might or might not be going on is not so heavy as to deter from a great addition to the elvendom characters She clearly belongs to a lower level of elves in mirkwood kingdom and yet you can tell she is more than just a captain of the guard which just goes to show that prince legolas has good taste if he's fancying her , personally I think she fancies legolas more they have known each other for a few centuries after all!The next scene with kili when she saves his life can be also seen as her doing what she deems right , she has absolute trust legolas can handle a few orcs on his own and there you have kili who will die if not taken care of immediately I think she may be flattered by kili thinking so highly of her but at no moment does she show a defined liking /attachment to him. She doesn't cry or kiss him or hug him at the most she let's him touch her fingers as he ask if she could love him (the guy is delirious from orc poison) Personally if she is falling for kili I cannot blame her he's hot but so is legolas aww to be face with such a choice hmmmmI digress even if she is link to a romance how the heck does that negate her badassery ? Why are they exclusive aspects that can't coexist together , its like telling women they can't be working and be moms at same time And let's be serious romance has never been a large component of this world building in LOTR there was only aragorn and arwen and that was kept to a minimum even as it tied into bigger politicking of middle-earth So let hobbit have a little romance its harmless in the grand scheme of things but please don't reduce tauriel to a girl fawning over a guy Don't forget she is an elf of great beauty and elves don't make it their business to mix with other races so here like in LOtR its a great moment to be in the presence of an elf esp the ladies and witnessing elvish magic/healing rituals that's how I saw that scene in bard house it was shown from kili delirious mind pov not tauriel's. I expect nothing but more badassery from her in the 3rd film hoping she can help them save laketown be heroic in that sequence save as many oh and her kissing legolas (total fangirl moment in the making)
  5. I like that brit list they have awesome taste , someday I'll get myself a collector's edition of battlestar galactica someday for now I'll do with the cheap boxset I have of first 3 seasons and the fourth one I downloaded (love that series so much) also would love to have harry potter too so I can put it next to my boxset of the books I have ! Watching two towers right now , gollum is too much , I remember I was scared of the nazguls they and their baby "dragon" rides were creepy as shit ! Damn if orlando bloom face has hardly changed one bit !
  6. I really hope he pulls through I keep watching french news channel for updates but not much you know our hospital policy is pretty tight lips. They don't want you to know you aint knowing squat ! At least he had his helmet on for what its worth , the weather has been awful in france for past days making skiing condition iffy !they even said he's lucky someone saw the accident or else who knows how long he would have waited for his kid to go get help etc , the fact he had a neck injury in a previous accident can't be helping if that area already suffered a trauma Really hoping he pulls through I love formula 1 and never missed a race of his in the heyday of him/ferrari and jean todt collaboration In any case its a good hospital they're use to dealing with such trauma so I'm sure they'll do their best
  7. @leyla Yes PJ is very lucky to have dedicated fans like us who have a deep appreciation for the world and characters he created Today doesn't feel like a sunday , I woke up late at 10am didn't eat before 1.30pm , did some chores and now to do a fitness dvd have to kickstart the new year the right way lol then I'll sit down to watch two towers and at some point I'll tell miranda otto character to keep her paws off aragorn he's taken ok lollllllOh dear the news michael schumacher is in the hospital hit his head against a rock while skiing , aie I still remember liam neeson wife freak ski accident that cost her her life! And I still have RUSH(great film btw) fresh in my mind , these athletes are always living on the edge
  8. And I'm done watching fellowship of the ring extended edition 1 down 2 to go tomorrow I have to say it : Sean bean dies like its nobody business ! The guy should get a special oscar just for a career of epic emotional death scene .Boromir's gets me everytime the scene and dialogue aw the drama! Ok high time I go to napaville see you guys tomorrow
  9. So I did notice on my 3rd viewing that gandalf staff is destroyed by necromancer/sauron fire. So I guess we'll see in the last film how he gets radagast staffAlso something I notice first and 2nd time but only confirmed this trip , there's this guy in laketown who reminded me of someone in LOTR A soldier , this trip even though I still didn't get a good look at his face and I'm wondering now if that's done on purpose HoWeVer I did hear his name BRAGA and I'm thinking he'd have to be young to be around in LOTR or perhaps his kid? Think its someone in the two towers One reason I'm watching LOTR now so I can verify whether its who I think it is or pure coincidence Another reason just want to watch legolas again and compare how he is he now to then Also can't let the year end without watching the best trilogy ever one last time what's the holiday for otherwise? Its a thing with gandalf always been tossed around and captures by someone sauron spirit in hobbit 2 , saruman here in Fotr lol Aww I missed those little buggers merry and pippin lol
  10. The hobbit 2 just doesn't get old or boring , love rewatchable factor ! Just came back an hour ago from the cinema and my 3rd viewing There's something so comforting about these films its like snuggling under a quilt on a cold winter night having a hot cup of tea and having a jolly good time! Now I'm home actually having a hot cup of tea (apple-cinamon) and I decided to start watching LOTR fotr tonight then tt and rotk tomorrow (EE naturally) Ps: if I'm still alive fall '14 sure I'm interested in secret santa thingy Ps2: look its end of the year so if you guys want to crow over CF have at it as the saying goes "de gustibus et coloribus non est disputadem" us IM3 fans will have what to celebrate too !
  11. Go hobbit for a 3rd weekend at n1!!!Even if there's a copy out there I'm still going to see this in theatre Some movies are meant to be seen on a big screen and middle earth is one of them nuff said! Of course once it leaves my theatre and until dvd becomes available that's a whole other situation where given I would need my hobbit 2 fix an online copy would be an option to consider
  12. Well I'm off in a couple hours for my 3rd deployment to middle-earth!!! Extremely eager soldier here willing to follow her general legolas lead in killing those filthy ugly orcs scums!What's more annoying is I'm going to have to watch this in 3D again incredible unless there is a new movie coming out in that format soon I'll be stuck watching this way any news on that front ? My wallet would appreciate!
  13. "Love actually" actually has a really superbe soundtrack I love it Its just a great all around good feel movie
  14. @SamNaaah its ok I'm just pulling your leg , just maybe in the decade when that film came out he was manly but now nope THOR is IT for l'oreal
  15. Someone save me just started watching love actually that hugging montage makes me want to puke I'm such a grinch when I watch this film I start out being all cynical and by the end I'm always so full of fuzzy warm feelings for 5mn before I revert to my old cynical self Oh that's martin freeman bilbo plays a soft porn actor lol.
  16. Sam are you high ? That stringy redneck mop on his head you dare compare to awesomeness of Thor god of thunder ? Blasphemy
  17. Still going through my brit flick marathon today I watched "bend it like beckham"(so funny seeing keira knightley/jonathan rhys meyers so young) and "last chance harvey" I just love going down memory lane in england via movies , gahh 2003 seems like such a long time ago still nothing like being able to say I know those streets that building or that park , I want to go back so bad , my fav thing to do in birmingham was go to a starbucks on have a large frapuccino with a chocolate muffin and read a book people came in sat down to talk with friends after shopping for a bit and were never in a hurry to leave
  18. GO HOBBIT In other news since I'm internet-free I'm going through my rainy day stash : marathoning beauty and the beast 2nd season new episodes its really good,also have revenge and scandal to catch up on among so many others
  19. There are so many films I have yet to see that I can't possibly make an informed list Films like before midnight / blue jasmine / 12YAS. So until I do don't know can't even find a screener its hopeless Ps: at the very least will smith got me to watch after earth to the very end don't think I made it past 20 minute with RIPD. Die hard 5 was an uber snooze fest I'll def think about doing list but I feel a top 10 bad list will be quicker to form with certainty
  20. Great for the hobbit , after all xmas and middle earth is now tradition Can't wait for saturday to go see it a 3rd time !
  21. About a boy was beyond sweet! One of hugh grant finest turn as an actor I have to say even if my favs with him are 4weddings and nothing hills And what a treat to see nicholas hoult so young I remember thinking he'll do fine as an actor when he gets older and I just had an ah-ha moment recognizing nymphadora as a teenager he has a crush on whaaat was she like always around and I just never noticed her properly before harry potter and game of thrones ?
  22. Still on my brit film binge now watching about a boy (haven't seen this in ages probably a decade)then "last chance harvey" "bend it like beckham" "love actually" was as sappy gooey and very brit as usual if you're a grinch by nature like me you can nearly feel your tiny heart filling up with empathy and love blech
  23. Hi guys , glad to see the hobbit numbers , hope it does well today again! Leyla I had no idea there are fics hmm I have to go check that out This is a big reason I need a tablet lol , someday soon maybe end of next month ! Anyhoo going out for a bit to walk around coz staying home is boring with no internet plus neighbours playing shitty hip hop crap ughh. Peak back in later ,be nice everyone whether you celebrate or not or grinching like me !
  24. Well merry not xmas to you too big bad mean internet company grrr They just suspended my sister account on the stroke of midnight as if...arghLike who does that couldn't it wait till morning , did they bother to call to see if there was a good reason she forgot to pay that bill I was busy doing nothing on internet how dare they? To heck with them lucky I have internet on my phone its just a tad annoying on a blackberry tiny screen better this than nothing Oh well let me go watch love actually for some good holiday cheering and screw all the scrooges of the world who would dare deprive an internet junkie of her fix on xmas day of all days Merry xmas guys , don't like staying on long via phone !
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