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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. What a fascinating year 1989 was! also known as Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! For some people (out of those that had missed Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) this 3rd Almodovar Banderas combo I guess could be a first awareness film of Antonio Banderas - who later on went to the US where he phonally learned his role for Mambo Kings (not the best of movies, but for me, a non-native English speaker, its fascinating to see how someone plays without speaking 'a word' of English at that time).
  2. I think there is a good chance she'll be in another CM movie again, theoretically in a bigger part than before too, depends on the story's details. CM only destroyed the part of the AI that was on the ship, she told Yon-Rogg she will come and finish the system of lies and so on. Every further interaction between CM and the Supreme Intelligence is still with the same appearance. Even if Minn-Erva is really appearing again (maybe with something happening in the past), it would not make sense to have Bening as Supreme Intelligence there also without CM being there too, as Minn-Erva sees someone else as Supreme Intelligence representative. If Gemma Chan gets cast as another character, that might work in a blue-less appearance, I think in such a case a lot can be done to change appearances quite a lot.
  3. My 15y+ old German Spitz made it till last Wednesday evening. Was very very ill for the last half year +. Feeling with you, it sucks. (edit; the distraction needed is one of the reasons I started to participate with the ranked lists, but also doing some costly tool updates and other insanities I 'justify' with the nearing birthday also and so on)
  4. I have both versions on my list, at both ends. Wrote (Japan) and (US) after the correspondingly versions in the test post. Hope that how you want it, I could add the links to the IMDb entry too for my final version, if you'd prefer that.
  5. I know, that was the reason I am so happy IMDb is also allowed. It did get released in dom, but BOM dos not list it at all, I tried different versions of the title, nothing shows. Do not understand that, see my post about awards, renowned film festivals,....
  6. For me its always a bit difficult to find many titles per year as I cant watch animated without feeling queasy, and do not like certain genres (romance, comedy if its too 'too..', most of horror as I understand the definition of the genre, seems not to be the same as a lot here do) and not knowing all titles released then as not all got released here too. So my provisional top 30 (might change a bit still) - myy 3rd ranked list here at BOT 😉
  7. At that time non-Western-world titles were difficult to find anyway, no matter if there was something with the same name (and very very loosely connected) or not. Story-wise there is no overlap at all, could not be more different than those two movies
  8. This drives me nuts: Kuroi ame aka Black Rain (the Japanese Version) is an 1989 film, acc IMDb released in the US in 1990, but BOM again does not list it under those names. So how to check what BOM says? I mean it won e.g. in Cannes and..., also got nominated best foreign film at the Independent Film Awards, it should be to find at BOM under whatever name???? I get it's probably not 1989, but would love to find out its freaking name at BOM anyway, also in preparation for a list someone might make for whatever year it counts to. Bcs one thing I am sure about: who has seen it wont ever forget it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Rain_(1989_Japanese_film) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097694/?ref_=ttrel_rel_tt Am I blind?
  9. Acc to IMDb it had no release here in Germany as well, but I've seen it, so there is something wrong Its a bit confusing, quite some titles of the top Germany list are 1988 in dom, incl our #1 and #2 I'll get used to it 😉
  10. Just wanted to add Monsieur Hire (released 1989), but BOM says 1990... Is it possible Kuduz did not get a release in dom or did they write it in another way? Can't find it in BOM Lots of foreign language movies I can't find....
  11. Thank You! Just in case: I am not criticising that, I am merely astonished by how to get the idea to count that. But I can see the merit of it especially in connection to advertising effort discussions and such
  12. @grim22 do you plan to provide the missing titles? Its about the group #41 and deeper on the chart, see TalismanRing's hint a few pages back
  13. Do I interpret this right, are those posts about how often he saw a trailer? If yes: Why would people count that? Is it about how good an advertising campaign is?
  14. Depp means literally idiot in German, did not hurt Johnny Depp's success here. What hurt his reputation was way later and had nothing to do with his name I have no idea who the singer is or why the name is considered whatever, I thought its something exotic based. Do people remember the model named Twiggy? Name based on her being extremely thin (as it was the goal at that time) and was very successful. I know, I know, its not the same, only to show there are people getting star status with strange names too.
  15. For the ones interested: after the first shooting in ElPaso with 20 dead occurred another one in Dayton Ohio with at least 10 dead plus injured, and the potential for reasons to have been far worse (kind of weapon vs extreme fast response time). = the 250th mass shooting of the US. I guess that is the utmost bad milestone for a free country. (Discussions in Real life Subforum or where-ever, its just about to inform)
  16. That was not what the post is about: its about Mendelson in certain cases only looks for female lead.... and seems to miss and also to not care about the quality of storytelling - why certain movies did not click with GA or the fans or.... As he also promotes quality.... in general, its a contradiction. He weight seemingly one over the other and does not even hints about the problems in the storytelling, when the GA does not click with the movie... he is behaving like a martyr.
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