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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. Writes a kind of German thing, maps shows, Spain, France, Italy, Swiss, Austrai, Czech, Hungary in red.... The two violet marked ones are doing a twist of it (Belarus and Slovakia) Yellow is voice over, tat too is a twist of it = for the languages with enogh people speaking it to merit the costs it seems to be fairly typical in continental Europe, and near to us Asia 😉
  2. I didn't count it, the amount of lists is stated in the first post of this thread, and the details per movie is stated for every movie he posted 😉 the number of lists a tile was on e.g.: Iron Man (2008) Directed by Jon Favreau Based on "Iron Man" by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Larry Lieber and Don Heck (173 Points, 39 Votes) and under the movie's poster you can see the statistics (quite some details get added!) per movie: Number 2 Placements: 1 Top 4 Placements: 2 Top 6 Placements: 7 Top 10 Placements: 18 I edited and gave the splits the moment I realised all numbers are divisible's (term?) of 8, it was too tempting for me, an absolute lovers of number plays, to not do that 😉
  3. in part maybe also bcs access to BOT is wonky for a few here in between, even if only for a short time per case. After a few of those e.g. me does something else, in the hope later it gets more fluid again. I think too it is more quiet in general - was only about %
  4. It got listed in 32 (4/7) out of 56, no matter its position, means it was not included at all in 24 (3/7) lists. That's ~ 57% to 43% = 'only' 24 out of the 32 listing it at all, placed it into their top 10 = 'only' 43% liked it enough for a top 10 position I am not surprised, but I am not surprised by any rankings, this is too new to me (just very recently started to participate, this one is 1 out of 3 of those ranked lists thing I did participate ) 😉
  5. It has now 4, thx! Beside trying reading through all, I often get disrupted here at home and would have missed that without your post. I can soooo relate to that @captainwondyful - in the way I see them (the different versions of all those movies) as ~ too young behaving/thinking/living/... to be of interest for me and other details I do not click with that character at all. Nothing against him, simple no interest. Might have been another reaction if the first movie would have come out in the '70, but even as a teen I preferred strongly stories with old(er) adults as the main characters. E.g. even as a pre-teen, the first books I read voluntarily were by Pearl S. Buck, CS Forester, .... Forced on per mother as reading learning/training material in the '60 was Camus' The Plague - still do not like that book. Read my first children books (wanted to know) as a mid to end teen, not sure about the exact year = never clicked to any of them. @Plain Old Tele you are aware about lots of people are not aware about which movies too are based on comics and Mangas and so on? I think outside the US even less? The vast majority of even today's pupils here never have read any non-European comic beside Donald Duck/Mickey Mouse/...? European like Asterix,... Here are nearly no comic book stores (the only one I knew about was in my state's capital, they gave up ~ 20y back).... I think you giving Panda so many disbelief.... is 'not cool', he is only the messenger, did and does a tremendous job here, no need to screw with his ~ reaction statistics. A post in between with a list of the titles you disagree to their ranking would say the same, or? There a lots of titles I disagree too, I still give thanks for the work, again, he is 'only' the messenger in a way.
  6. If you can't wait for a top 30 MCU thing you'd have to add the graphic novels, TV-mini-series and TV series I guess. Or add the Marvel One-Shots,.... Or have to wait till 2022 (if they do not add some surprise release dates earlier, like maybe something FOX related or so)
  7. Hubby told, in TV it was yesterday evening at first 50y Woodstock, followed too late for him (he works Saturday too) by 50y for Easy Rider, probably a few hours before or around the time he died. Strange...
  8. cannastop posted it 11 hours back or so, My hubby is very sad over that based on him loving Easy Rider RIP
  9. in especial as the descriptions, reactions, counts, presentation format,... are done in a way over average way (= tons of work I think)
  10. yeah, but as nowadays they do tend to plan to do up to 2 weeks of re-shots for 'event' movies from the beginning (I do not mean the ones for changes). Even those seem to be missing still. = the principal filming for their first idea / version seems to be done, but not the 'final missing few scenes' they like to add whilst working at post.
  11. I guess you might be the right person to ask (I know others know too, but you seem to be up to date with lots of read articles and such: what are the actual confirmed & the looking like it will happen TV-series or TV-miniseries for SW, live action / animated version? Looking like as in reported per the typical outlets or very trustworthy whatever you use as sources, e.g. Obi Wan, even if still 'may...' status.
  12. No idea. He's supposed to leave, but who knows if he sticks around. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Iger
  13. Acc to all I've read (not counting blogs and such) its not finished, not even if they wouldn't aim to change the result. To change was a decision at FOX already. Its only filmed seemingly till the first 'Its a wrap', means no typical re-shots (that all movies nowadays get), no CGI after that phase and so on. The majority of people needed for the reshots (FOX spoke of 50% if the movie) is involved in other projects, till all can get shovelled free it might take some time, if they really want to finish it.
  14. I would never buy shares of any company for reasons (means even if I'd won a lottery) , but I guess you are right, the top owning shares shareholders will get those kind of information: #1 nowadays Steve Jobs estate (per Pixar sale, originally 138 million shares, but she sold ~ half of it, now 65million = ~ 4% of Disney, only 40m showing up in relation to her name), #2 George Lucas (and #1 largest non-institutional shareholder) owns ~ 37 million = 2%, #3 Ike Perlmutter (got $1.4b in a share money mix out of the $4b Marvel sold for),..... = those not as a 'person'. As a person, means individual shareholder that's at #1 Bob Igor, who owns ~ 1 million shares One of Jobs children is I think #4 per a trust with something list with under 8 million shares
  15. I'd like them to include detailed digital + disc numbers for dom and OS. I an aware they will probably never do that
  16. 50th anniversary of: 15. till 18. August 1969 (Woodstock Music & Art Fair presents An Aquarian Exposition – 3 Days of Peace & Music)
  17. Am I the only one who gets 502 bad gateway for page 6? (Can not give likes for the last 2 or 3 posts of page 5 neither)
  18. It has a complete other speed, style,... than nowadays, but is even or especial during its 'slowest' moments showing an impressive intensity that on the one hand is ~ dramatic, but in a way at the same time realistic, if done by poeple who want to see themselves as such hard guys. The motherload of the hard Italian macho characters 😉 Got filmed with 3 different languages a little bit like Babylon. An Italian director, language-mixed staff (he brought a lot of Italians to Mexico with him), filming in Mexico, with some American actors included as well. Final product in another way multi language like a mere dubbing. Plus he let the actors do a lot without them saying anything. Something like this you wont see that much nowadays:
  19. No, I do hear the soundtrack of Once Upon a Time in the West. I found it nice that there was a kind of conversation here in this thread and we two also hear at the same time our favourite (mine for the moment only, next week????) music. I made a break and listened to your clip too. Both have distinctive intrument parts and.... still very much differ 😉 So different in so many details like age, language, gender, and some pretty different POV sometimes, and still same idea and such = nice
  20. new old favourite... bcs that tweet... let to me shoveling out the soundtrack some minutes into the movie in between some minutes short of the end of the movie nick name of Charles Bronson's character was.... harmonica. What a great way to include story music to the soundtrack, what a great collection of not average ~ vibes / unique characters, especially in comparison to today in my POV 😉
  21. I spoke solely about my father and m father-in-law
  22. acc to the description at wiki They never felt that way, no one would have desribed them as such = a bit strange. Maybe because there both the kind of people with a clear picture of potentioal futures, open minded,... they had less problems to adapt to a new situation? Per this thread I found this at wiki I feel the names as funny
  23. Runs to wikipedia.... Lost.... is the last description that would match to both of them. But the were both rather critical and modern thinking for their time and even in their '60 counted as such in comparison to e.g. '20 or '30. Such funny names....
  24. Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs Blood pressure? Pain too possible, of at the limit? Not enough liquid? And tell someone to put the dogs on a leash in the house, in a crate, take them with whoever leaves the room, not fun to have to suffer that much, no matter if a dog was involved or not!
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