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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. I'd love too, but I am neither a mod or staff member that can edit a title, nor the thread-starter. I'd prefer no BO details way above not actual BO details, especially in this case, where the BO details are out of the first release week. 2nd weekend the OS part was already $300m+ over the number given in the thread title. Best would be actual BO details, should IMHO get included into the rules for a thread starter, if not already in them. I pinged already repeatedly for a change (incl to a mod), no reaction till now.
  2. That, plus in addition: if you read a lot of his articles, he mentions quite often being a Nolan and a DC fan, prefers Avatar / Cameron way over MCU... is one of those who rather often says certain movies do not deserve.... and so on. He campaigns for more female lead movies, female directors and so on. Human rights,... Lots of in my POV very positive goals I share too. He retweets a lot of interesting to me tweets that I guess some of the US members might consider either leftish (if that is considered good or bad ... POV) or cultural 'better' than event movies, quality..... = I think he sees himself as open minded, pro... above the average persons/people, someone to applaud to for his support...., to say it over the top: an aware and open human being, engaged to better the world and such. The reason I mention comes later (see not open minded). Funny is, how he reasons, when he gets into rants about why audience does not click with e.g. the new version of Tomb Raider,... something he wants to see ending successfully. Like the GA has to click as finally a female lead, and how he gets ~ affronted if they do not do so. Ignoring completely why his chosen titles are not good movies to further the female lead, in this case, action movies 'idea'. E.g. in the new Tomb Raider movie the lead behaves like an immature brat, gets into trouble 90% based on behaving like a foot to ground tapping 9y old. On one hand he writes about wanting strong females, but if its about per movie reactions, he misses the character again following too often seen paths, like not being mature (either in age, behaving, or e.g. having lived in reclusion or...), special lineage or why-ever else they too often do not use people arising out of the pool of the average adult (non virgin, non priest/goddess on a platform, non why-ever an old enough person is still not mature) women. Forbes stands for a certain level in reputation, his rants, comments,.. not only about MCU movies, but also writing for those kind of movies (see Tomb Raider example, or Alita,....) include the same swipes, twisted reasoning, wordings,... a lot of the more fanatic DC, Cameron,... members here use. Exception: if a movie is deemed cultural important, supports minorities,.. and such (but even then he has sometimes a few rather strange wordings in his 'articles') = that is not the style matching what 'Forbes' implies And as such he shows something else I see in a lot of people who think they are above other in especial cultural sense: if they show such kind of behaviour or...: they are at least as closed minded as the people they are writing against. namely if its about people thinking / reacting not like 'planed', see what LawrenceBrolivier wrote (btw, agreeing fully to that). = I think as it got so obvious the last 2 years = that's the main reason people react now way stronger than in the past. The only reason I still follow him at Twitter are his retweets (I should look for someone else who does similar themes and sources), beside often enough sharing which movie I prefer over the other (but definitive not in Tomb Raiders case, a example I love to pick as it has nothing to do with MCU/DC, Nolan nor Cameron) and more.
  3. That too, marketing was really not at their best. I feel of a trailer is misleading, a movie mostly gets a bit of a ~ bad WoM too, like 'I was a bit disappointed, I wanted to see.... and got...' might not be said in a pushing for it tone / mood.
  4. Not all got that, and in parts the damage was already done. The ppl feeling 50/50 can react in such a way, also the ppl who often go to a cinema and watch a lot of different genres... might pick something else, group decisions can be influenced by that also. Its one of my main reasons to follow BO worldwide, I am e.g. not at all into a movie making #1 or whatever, but what made the movie for which audience why enjoyable or not. That includes translations.... as e.g. humour is a difficult thing, what is funny in one culture or age group can be lame or worse for another one. Hence why I love to discuss that and more with my pupils too 😉 But lets get back to this weekend's BOs (I'll soon have to leave for work anyway, want to catch up a bit till then)
  5. Foster family aspect does not balance out that in the end there is a lead character who is an adult looking guy 'running around' that behaves questionable. The jokes,... wont click with all also. But if the advertising.... release date.... I am pretty sure too, it would have made some % more at least still.
  6. That is wrong, I've seen teen to YA women say they wont accompany their BF or loose interest or ... it based on the behaviour at social media and in RL. Beside that, there is a certain % of GA that reacts not good to over the top or even aggressive fan behaviour, I've seen that over and over again over the decades. Generally speaking, not only for CBM counting. Not saying the majority, but, depending on how excessive / big ... usually more than 5% to way more. If rather 'big' its similar to the cooled down reaction the GA shows at once or over the time, if an actor or director does something perceived as negative, but the actor/director usually having a bigger impact - and again it depends on what was done by him or her-, if the fan behaviour isn't too extreme, like to step down to life threats or so, if it makes news, you can see even fast reactions IMHO.
  7. I thought you wanted to bring the data together to help to see in a fast way the differences. If the quote with the older data would be in a spoiler tag (as those data is rather long) I think a few might even find thos helpful 😉
  8. Besides campy means in my POV something else anyway, there are differences in %, also rather differences like other kind of action, visuals,... and had details included, that have a chance to appeal to different age-gender mix groups to a limitation per the character/story not clicking with all of the GA. Too different to compare.
  9. I think that, plus its not ideal release date, the story / characters not appealing to all gender-age combis/groups, plus, acc to quite a lot of what I read at social media, the (reputation damaging) fan behaviour seemed to be reasons for the result too. As another release date might have caused a less of those behaviour, I guess the release date was not good for at least 2 different reasons directly and indirectly.
  10. If they really wouldn't find some additional titles on their old libraries (& tseveral libraries of other not active anymore companies), they can start to look into Fox libraries = I guess for a time they'll find still material, even if I hope they'll do original too (but I guess the big budget ones might be over, see John Carter and so on)
  11. The picture under this part is a bit old, not actual in all details, but it shows details the next one does not include. Additional hints: A&E (and as such Lifetime) they own 50% (Hearst the other 50%), based on the FOX buy, they'll have to sell their European part for that (Hearst might buy that). ESPN they own 80% (Hearst 20%) Vice the own 16% directly, and 10% indirectly per the 20% share via A&E's 20% share E.g. Marvel are a 100% subsidiaries, seperated per internal different departments, but still to report to, financed,.... fully to and by Disney) Touchstone is dormant since 2016, but still 'there' (btw, Miramax they owned once too, got sold in 2010) Now add the recent 21centuy Fox acquisition (lots of sales of parts per legal needs), be aware, all actual Fox movie releases already get released by Disney, but are still out of the pre-Disney buy production time and teams. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_21st_Century_Fox_by_Disney and you can add those too to 'no matter which one is names out of all of those, its still Disney' names / companies (excluding the Verge symbol, that's it where that picture's source it) With the buy Disney increased their share at Hulu to majority holder, the remaining 33% are still owned by NBCUniversal (that one is owned by Comcast, just in case) and got 100% of Star, very much worth a read, if not already aware (Star reaches ~ 100 + countries, has 60 (or 65) stations,...) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_India
  12. Reminds me about Fellowship, as Boromir cut his finger at the broken sword, saying still sharp.... Got loud laughter in at least some of the UK and also in Eire cinemas, and also by me and my son. There is a reason Sean Bean is the person to advertise for those things in the eyes instead of glasses (forgot the term) The Sharpe TV movie series Love it (and he does not die in it)
  13. H&S = 620 cinemas Benjamin Blümchen = A children's movie for the real young ones = should not show at late hours = 500 cinemas Leberkäsjunkie = local comedy part ??? in 256 cin#nemas The owner of the website thinks 440.000 admissions for H&S btw and reaching #2 with that. He thinks TLK will be slightly over 500k #1 his chart is here to see with this browser I can't copy their chart presentation http://www.insidekino.com/DProg/ProgAUG12019.htm (bottom end) Be aware, this complete week is the only week the whole the German states have summer school holiday together, might be a reason for the more family focused expectations???? The upcoming week is has still a big overlap
  14. the users at Insidekino's forum can do a prediction thing there too. Average guess is slightly under, as in 491.700 admissions for the weekend.
  15. Ahh, thx a lot! 😉 I heard people speak here about it only in connection with something like browser based games and another version I think, not sure??? Not really important to me, as not for me. I knew only about the live action version as no animated movies / tv-series for me (smilies work, animated movies.... makes me feel queasy and more, see being 2d-sighted might be the reason for that)
  16. I guess you are way younger than me then 😉 Spider-Man and me are of rather similar age, I knew the character since long before the first game I'd call video game was made possible per technological advancements. Even if including the arcade things.... (forgot the term)
  17. Lol, as I do not watch animated (as told, I am 2d-sighted and animated is somehow wrong for me / my eyes), also am not a gamer.... I had not as much to pluck from. A few titles other here named I have not even heard of... some I have to catch up to (a few discs are bought since some time, but the mood never struck)
  18. the subscription accounts have perks, one of those is increased PM count starting with the silver account premium gold To make the list full... Copper offers ad-free and 100 likes /day, but no increase / addition of the other possibilities I do delete some, but try to save all I think are important or might be interesting for future reuse.
  19. For SW's release year the average ticket price was €2.84 (= roughly $3.16) here
  20. I've seen The Jungle Book (the first Disney version) early into its run for less than a dollar (as a non adult) Average ticket price was around something under $2 then I think if his parents took him as a like ~ 2y old or so? For me SW was my first self-paid ticket per self-earned money, as my family is too cultural arrogant to watch Sci-Fi and a few other genres.
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