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  1. Is that seriously meant? If yes, both are known for the possibility to damage the memory, slow down reactions even if sober, limit logical thinking abilities and whatnot. I can remember details out of my pre-kindergarten time Not saying all who do drugs or not will experience the exact same but conspicuous there are differences to the average.
  2. OMG, that was ~ in the mid '70, whoever sang 'Dolly' at that time in Munich / Germany = I have no idea... It took a long time till I gave the next 'sung-play' a try. O.K., than husband, all his siblings, my younger brother and I are all baby boomers in the US too. As its about increasing birth numbers, here it was a bit later, as mentioned: 1955-1969 What do you call people born in 1898 (121 years back, not a typo), that's when my father-in-law was born? He was a WW I vet, my father a WWII vet, that's all I know how to ~ name the generations in a way. Hmm, both get born during the reign of the last German emperor, are they empero-something-ists then? 😉 That makes my (surprise-) son (the youngest of that generation of our family) just a Millennial as born before 1997, interesting. Some of my nephews too, the others are Gen X. Wondering about why the naming of generations got created or however to call that
  3. When a music teacher decides all her pupils have to watch it on a stage, charters a bus... ... and grumbles loudly the whole nearly 2 hours long drive back about 'them' giving the lead to someone who was/is famous who is way too old to still carry it, has no range left, has no air/breath... left. And so on. Depending on the country and outlet, I've read different limits, what do you count as the baby boomer generation start and end year? I ask as causes like rebuild... it seems to have started later here.
  4. That's about $5m budget movies And in those cases they were not wary about the outcome, the goal wasn't the same, including other distributor ~ routes all over the world, in which cinemas and whatnot. You can't compare a $200m budgeted movie with a $5m movie out of another genre, other production details / needs. Beside that, Deadline has no idea about the real details, they use industry averages for it. Only in cases of hacked studios see Sony we will learn some more details You'll weep if they release something like that for this (if they do not try again). OMG Between 'finished filming (seemingly only till the typical 1st 'its a rap') and a ~ supernatural movie being finished to release its tons of work to do. wiki: The typical re-shots that the most movie get through, seem never to have taken place, after such a long time, that means rebuild of the sets (if the original hospital is still available, still need adjustments) = if they will do the re-shoots, its not a thing of in between some other projects, means lots of coordination and energy also financial effort. And for that, you need the typical distribution, ads.... efforts as well. A romance movie you can film with very low budgets, if you film something with CGI needed, watch Gabriel and see what happens: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0857376/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_1 They did their version of low costs by the setting in part, looks like they 'reserved' quite some for the additional work needed. Lots of practical, 10% green screen on the original version, still practical needs enhancements, and so on, that's not $5m indie / low budget
  5. Hmmm the producing studio seems to have showed respect by not releasing it in a way, as in respecting the fans to not let them cry over the result (as it seems not even be finished, as such not over the end-result). And to distribute a movie like that, especially ww, multiply with 4x at least, maybe even with 6x or... Lucas is not kicked out, he is their biggest share holder (overtook with the buy the then #1 shareholder ... Marvel's Ike) He is 75 years old, when he wants to go to the sets, he does it. He got to be a father in 2013 (married in that year also his GF), guess what he is doing also. He finalised a movie he started to work on 15y before its release in 2015 in 2015 then in 2018 He had a lot of 'fun' to even find a usable location for his museum (as in not)... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas_Museum_of_Narrative_Art Where did you get all those misinformations?
  6. How many siblings do you have and how many of them try to take over? Sends hugs and wishes for mom and for your energy and health too, long lasting illnesses of loved ones tend to drain the 'healthy' ones too.
  7. The VW ad's description sounds like to be rather similar to the old British book series where exactly that kind of behaviour split was focus of the critic: boys always did play and create things, the girl sat nearby and read good behaving a book. Or waited patiently or was inactive in another way. I have not seen the advertisement, but the book series got rightly thrown out of the library, beside a few males do not see the harm (majority does). Maybe seen as deep roots in the British culture? There will be no change if the presentation does not change. Does not mean there is a need for a crusade, but awareness should exists too. There are usually 2 sides of the coin....
  8. Logos do not interest GA You really should read through past per movies threads, repeatedly people tell there about experiences people not knowing As GotG got released I had it to explain quite often myself, even to CBM fans. only as an example. Part 1 of a new character not always had contact to the others.... Till shortly before Endgame I had to explain to people which movies also belong to the MCU, not only the Avenger movies or them plus the IM movies...
  9. For movies doing only lets say Dark Phoenix numbers - their part I think is by a very large margin less than for a dom $200m+ movie Its the same in a way with the special interest, indies,... people interested into that in general might be aware about it getting released, but usual will decide after having a feel for if its good enough or,.... But for the reputation of a franchise a member of the GA must not have seen a movie to get a wrong impression, the little new titbit here and there can lessen interest too. Worst: bad impression per trailer that can sit for quite a while in someone's brain The part who is into X-Men... I think they are already aware about the last few FOX movies were made with as less effort as possible, as the sale already loomed (not to whom they'll sell, but that they will sell). I mean after the production effort, the original budget of Dark Phoenix acc wiki is insane in every case. I think especially in OS the lines blur more, its not part of the news, way less promotion locally per involved cast and crew.... For now GA has the idea to go to the cinema, lets look what is running... ahhh an MCU is running, that's something for the whole family (if the children are not too small) The moment that sureness is missing, the moment its, we have to check if its appropriate or whatever lets people pause, you'll loose a part of the potential audience. If the movie would be really good, and they'd see a possibility to promote it without loosing the franchise reputation (e.g. family movies), and.... I think they'd have already released it. Horror is in in a way, but I am not sure about a CBM 'too' focused on horror appeals to all horror fans, nor to all CBM, if the quality is also in doubt,... They'd sent a signal that might hinder future other projects, also aiming at horror parts, see e.g. DS 2 or.... Or they think its adding to the time till they can include mutants into the MCU, too time-near is another thing best to avoid. A mix of all of that, I might do it myself
  10. GA did not know X-Men isn't Marvel Studios, in part does not know about every character who is DC and who is Marvel based and so on. It has nothing to do with dumbness, it has to do with being not such ueberfans that they'll read up nor are watching those CBMs bcs they ever read comics. The part of the population that goes a few times a year into a cinema is still the majority of the paying audience, they have enough to do in their day-to-day live to not being interested into additional details.
  11. InsideKino‏ @MarkGInsideKino 8 hours ago More Heute vor 50 Jahren startete SPIEL MIR DAS LIED VOM TOD, der gewaltigste Langläufer aller Zeiten - bis zum Video Release gab es selbst in den 80er Jahren noch 0,5 Mio. Besucher pro Jahr. (Der DDR Release 1981 mit 1,7 Mio. ist da gar nicht berücksichtigt) http://www.insidekino.de/DJahr/D1969.htm Today 50 years back started Once Upon a Time in the West, the ~ most extreme long-runner of all time - till the home video even in the '80 it got 0.5m admissions a year (excluding the release in the former East Germany in 1981 with 1.7m admissions) Die Hälfte der 13 Mio. Besucher gab es z.B. von 1974-1976 und 2,5 Mio. von 1980-1984. Half of it's 13m admissions occurred e.g. 1974 till 1976, and 2.5m within 1980 till 1984 http://www.insidekino.de/DJahr/D1969.htm Mandatory age limit for that movie is 16years old, I managed to get to see it way younger then, but it helped that it run as long (1969 I was still in elementary school, was then small for my age, growth spurts to be over average for my age and country happened only in my mid-teenager phase/age/time) Soundtrack is still something else (edit to add: its still 'only' on #3 in admissions in the time since 1963, the year the charts start at Insidekino.de, #1 being the original Jungle Book)
  12. Wrong The problem is, GA dowa not follow behind-the-scene news, FOX buy is already old news since the first announcement, people wont separate = damage to the reputation at a part of the GA. Add to that, the 'final' situation AEG caused (and helped for a possibility to change away from certain structured, maybe), the amount of not known characters, and worlds to introduced as the main count per year (during the last build up its was known characters e.g. 2 movies, a new one also = the new one gets carried a bit per the known character's hype), the only known title with a character already announced (I mean release dates) being a prequel... = that's already certain parts of the GA will see as a fall of the heights, as those will earn way less per year money for the MCU as the last 2 years, logic is one thing, but GA has no reason to read up on the whys,.... It's the contrast that could get seen as a decline or whatever. No need to add any possible damage, even if that 'its damaged' gut reaction of a part of the GA would be something not based on logic. Long as I am not sure how to word what I want to convey in English
  13. As I am using a lot of machines again (my own little wood workshop at home, and no, its not something my husband does or uses), and some other reasons, went to the hair-cutter, who cut away up to 20"++ (at the side less than at the back) Its still 2-3" longer than what I think is considered as shoulder length. I guess it really was time..... (but still am a bit sad, was the longest I managed since a long time, and rather seldom here for my age, but security has priority) In some hours I'll get my much needed new glasses....
  14. to add a little bit to that: means ~ Netherlands: Both versions of The Lion King belong now ~ into the top 10 of all time (€). The original is at/on (?) #7 of the all time admission chart - let's see how far the remake will make it....
  15. It is, Haven't seen it for a while (hmmm, might be something for my media class' pupils), forgot it for the moment (my focus is e.g. on some rebuilding here, and other distractions) Thank you for pointing it out, without e.g. a wink ... I tend to take posts usually as written, too often not as probably meant
  16. One of man reasons it started low-ish (I have a problem to call it low = meant lower than possible and...) was, during its OW there was a bad snow storm over dense populated US regions at that weekend. The version they say stay at home.... Not saying the difference could have been 50%+, but enough to see a few $m at least I think, as if I remember right e.g. New York... too was affected. = not meant to devalue at all, its only about the mp in an average situation might be even more difficult to reach, to be aware....
  17. 😉 (as CM is one of my fafourites I was more pleased about it got listed than to see why else I might have needed to look twice till I 'understood', a probably not needed but just in case hint)
  18. Yep. Is on my 'German' part of my list. For its Das Boot and/or Die Brücke, but I am not done by far. Funnily I have way more French titles on my list than German ones. Lots of Italians too. Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Greek. E.g. also 2x Dutch, 1x Saami,... What is the best Danish movie in your POV? In the past I watched nearly all, but nowadays I am done with a lot of themes. (no animated, no horror, no focused on romance, no too comedic / slapstick. No extremer drama in the behaviour, I am so overfed on those. And as I have lost quite some friends and family to mostly cancer, accidents caused by others, heart-attacks e.g. per bullying .... for the moment no need for a movie that ends badly/sad. My dog is now dead since 12 days .All those ~ genres can be excellent, but might not be good for my mood. Need uplift, captivating,...)
  19. Don't estimate HV, as it was at that time a bit better for discs, and is now to get as digital too = lots of newer fans buy the 'collection' Rentals US (stupid system at BOM for that) US sales now add TV rights,... the afore mentioned digital rents and sales, and you get a nice additional amount for the US. And now... imagine a 'little bit' more for non-US Years to come with some drops here and there, for years still adding up. At itunes Germany for the moment slightly reduced as part of their MCU offers (all of them are reduced, varying degrees, see e.g. CA 1-3 prices), IHULK for 7.99. ..... Euros That's ~ $9. According to the best-selling lists the MCU titles are doing good, there at least.
  20. Aehm I am looking into this for Banderas, and because I want to know if this one will be better than the 1967 one (1967 version = lacking in my POV) I liked the principle idea, disliked the 1998 version even more, have no idea why they did a part 2 for that afterwards. Fingers crossed they do this time something worthwhile with the story idea
  21. I blame you 😉 For the moment the plan is to collect titles in the different languages and such, to have some basics I'll reduce later to the count you'll give. It is already nearing a count of 90 I know I did not got them all, too many I do not remember any actor's name nor the director's, it difficult with a description in a searching engine, as every one uses other terms for a summary of a movie.
  22. Exhibitor Relations Co.‏ @ERCboxoffice 1h1 hour ago More DORA AND THE LOST CITY OF GOLD underperformed internationally with just $2.5M in 11% of the int'l footprint. Spain drops Aug 30, Mexico Sept 13 and Brazil Nov 7. Exhibitor Relations Co.‏ @ERCboxoffice 1h1 hour ago More HOLLYWOOD is coming for the world. QT's latest joint debuted in Russia this weekend with $7.7M--Tarantino's largest debut ever there. FRA/UK (8/14) OZ/BRA/GER/ESP (8/15) MEX (8/23) JPN (8/30) ITA (9/18) KOR (9/26) Screen International‏Verified account @Screendaily 46m46 minutes ago More 'Hobbs & Shaw' crosses $300m worldwide box office as China waits in wings https://bit.ly/2KI9RHY More Scott Mendelson‏Verified account @ScottMendelson 2m2 minutes ago More Box Office: THE LION KING Passes BEAUTY AND THE BEAST And FROZEN To Become Either Disney's Biggest Homegrown Live-Action Global Hit Or The Biggest Animated Movie Ever via @forbes by @ScottMendelson
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