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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. Even I understand that post and have, and that's rather seldom with posts by Futurist, to agree to some points Its different POV and how ppl perceive the same in different ways and so on.
  2. counting for a lot of countries, but not all countries: 3-D in the Zeitgeist's POV in 2009 a must see in 2019 a must avoid
  3. I'd like to see a Honor Harrington TV-series. If made in an at least above average quality way, means like IMDb 8.0 or higher way.
  4. BOM does often a weekly / Thursday update, if accessible and still early into a run or high enough or buzz enough.... Does not include all Thursday BO ww, there are countries whose Thursday's BO belongs to their weekend BO see the date named beside the amount to see in BOM's foreign tab, its updated 7/25/19
  5. ... for established franchises / ~ names only, but not for all established franchises Advertising budgets got nuts-high for reasons..... only one of many points why its still not easy to reach $1b
  6. As I am never a record hunter (my reason for being into BO is another one than the most here seem to have) I prefer levelled and complex posts to simply adding to the 1000-times repeats of the same not levelled / complex reasoned posts we got here already way too much. Not happy about what might happen here if people really try to get additional ~ 50 pages to reach some record or whatnot
  7. Hmm I see a big difference between those two movies. One I consider great, the other... not so much = I hope for 2 different entries
  8. I can assure you, here write also people who, like me, didn't like AEG and love Avatar... and still do not share your POV about BO. And have literally decades of BO following experience (me as an example started to follow BO in the '70) = maybe its your POV that is a bit cut to match? I do not mean the whole post, but some little parts of the conclusions / details seem a bit not based on a complex POV Hmmm joined yesterday... an alt again? $2b the new $1b and such, who was it that wrote like that again?
  9. He/she uses some phrasings that sound familiar to me, but I am not sure matching to which one. Time will tell
  10. I am thinking about if that Geo 'member' might be another one of those multiple accounts of someone already banned?
  11. No, I only gave the English titles as examples for how different the accents in a tv series, audiobook or.... can be to what someone might consider a somewhat neutral accent version. We even have a word for 'accent free German' = Hochdeutsch = ~ HighGerman = that 'accent' meaning German spoken like written = up in the North of Germany based. To train German, the material should be spoken in Hochdeutsch, not in e.g. Bavarian (like in my region) = most non Bavarians Germans wont really understand a stronger version of a Bavarian accent. Not even all Bavarians understand all of the many different Bavarian accents, beside all of them being German too (I speak about countryside) and all understanding Hochdeutsch.
  12. Without the movie watching trick (tons of movies and TV-series) and later, as I understood more so the visual support was less important, audiobooks I'd not understand any native speaker with a slight accent. And even with audiobooks, I still look a bit for who spoke it, which other audiobooks did he/she..... it helped a lot I did watch TV-series a lot as the lead actors stay the same and as such (with the help of the subtitles) I learned to get used to a certain speaking style, to understand more and more. If you want to learn that way, see the The Wire TV series or the difference between the British and the American version of the Harry Potter audiobooks,, there are TV-series / movies / audiobooks... that get recorded with partially strong local accents, those might not be a good idea to pick early on. Or a mumbling actor.... In the case you do want to try out, let me know which genre you prefer, which kind of story, maybe I'll find something with a better suited pronunciation
  13. that is a loooong answer, hence why I'll use spoiler tags
  14. Atypically they have this year not really considerable pre-year holdovers in comparison to the last few years SMFFH today will be the 2nd Sony distributed movie to reach/surpass the ww $1b milestone, the first being another franchise movie count collector (jokingly meant) = 007's Skyfall Depending on if a certain 007 title gets added to the counter or not, Skyfall is either 007's #23 or #24 release, if #23 = same as AEG (in case someone not into 007 or.... is wondering, its about Never Say Never Again) Ahh, then I misunderstood a very early post of yours There is a big difference to learn something in school or start to use. I had in the '70 an hour per week English in school training for ~ 4 years (special very technical focused school, that cut down on all other kind of subjects to cramp in more technical/maths based subjects), but never clicked with the then teaching system for English. Was always my worst subject and the sole reason I had to repeat a year before the finals.
  15. Your English got a lot better since you started IMHO. Not bad for someone who only rather recently started to learn English (and has to learn the use of our letters as well), I guess in 2 - 3 years you might surpass my also self-trained English
  16. Agree to the ticket prices for ~ middle big to bigger... cities. Countryside... depends on e.g. the distributor too (e.g same screening time/day ~ 50ct+ minimum diff), but in a lot of cases cheaper. Like in an ~ 11000 population city earl-ish in the day (starting time before 18:00 o'clock) weekdays (but not cheap cinema day) starting with 6.2€, really early expensive distributor can be additional 1€ or 2€ too (means before 15:00 o'clock) = actual Sony's SMFFH +1€, Disney's TLK +2€ (in 3D +4€) = TLK at before 15:00 is in 3d 4€ more expensive than a local movie to be screened at 17:30 (actual program) Then congrats to - what looks like to me to be about - a long ~ partnership
  17. a massive rewrite of the screenplay bcs her pregnancy is IMHO a big reason, especially bcs it was rather short timed, plus.... I do not care about a project going worse for an actress not 'being held happy', that's not professional behaviour. Perlmutter (and Arad) I like neither, both hindered way more for different reasons the earlier MCU titles, than 'help'
  18. Different reasons for her phoning in her role then, one was her seemingly not liking at least her co-actor too. The script had to be rewritten rather fast / late too, per her pregnancy. If the articles then had it right she did not help the situation by informing late about her pregnancy also In the end I blame her for to big part for what went wrong with Thor 2 (but not 100%), hence why I am not happy about her return. Maybe she will convince me in the future as Jane, but till now (both Thor movies) nope, not convinced by her performance in this role (she was good in other roles)
  19. I try it with a farther description first as I am not sure where to put a screen-shot up I use a mouse with a left button, a right button and a wheel in the middle 1, I move the mouse till its position is where the text I want to mark starts, 2. I press constantly the left button and move the mouse over the words I want to mark, I see a changed background color for the marked words/letters 3. then the next steps, means either write the snip text or click on quote selection, depending on if I change a quote of try to select something to do a quote
  20. I mark the text or picture or... and type - snip - Link-picture combis or charts.... can sometimes be tricky, then I try to mark only a word or sentence... outside the chart and click on the quote selection mini ~ box, if there is anything more than the chart there. Like only mark your that, to not do a full quote btw, that works also out of a quote within another ones post, with a normal quote you loose the other ones text I hope its clear enough described?
  21. There are other reasons to be interested into BO as well 😉
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