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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. hmmm is Hulk truely a villian there? Or even 'not-sympathetic'? Btw, I do know / own the stories, but I do not think there is 100% good or bad in a lot of Marvel story lines, but even more difuse in that story line. Whedon likes those not 100% black and white characters, might get interesting alone for that (but I am already hooked)
  2. - The only detail I think looks 'cheap' - better formulated: not well done, are IMHO Mina's hair. Hairline color, also looking a bit to 'pressed on' in the upper parts of the hair's length... something looks too un-natural. Each other 'design'-detail is simply over the top fun for me. Including the dirt on the children's faces whilst still sleeping at home in their beds (means before they get into their 'interrupted' parts of their lives. Was that spoiler free enough? - whole family here is history-crazy (son plans to study among another main-subject 'Modern European History'), we had no problem with the changings. But we already experienced the possibility of changed-details-world of e.g. steam punk via books.
  3. Is this thread the place for this kind of list? International (non-US) B.O. in Mio. $ Nr. B.O. Cume Film #1 69,9 69,9 Oz #2 11,2 142,5 Hansel & Gretel - Witchhunter #3 9,1 177,9 Die Hard 5 #4 7,4 7,4 Doreamon (new Japanese release) #5 7,0 75,0 Silver Linings #6 6,3 41,7 Mama #7 5,8 274,8 Les Miserables #8 5,8 35,2 Beautiful Creatures #9 4,9 22,6 Jack and the Giants #10 4,8 708,1 Hobbit #11 4,7 241,1 Django Unchained edit to add #4
  4. I think the only similarities are: - they are both comedy orientated (but not the same kind of comedy) and - they both use 'mechanical spunk' (like steam punk but without the steam) weapons / tools
  5. Oversea weekend => OS totals ~ $142.5 (newly earned ~ $11,2, I think ~ $3 alone in Germany, where it is in its 2nd weekend) est total incl this weekend US $54.5 totals world-wide ~ $197
  6. Wasn't Prometheus rather a 'filler' as it seems to take place between Blade Runner and Alien? Spin-Offs in tv-series as an example: I think Angel is considered still a spin-of to Buffy beside having 1 main and ~ 2 supporting in it, or?
  7. Interesting multiplier you use nowadays. We here oversee used in pre-3D, pre-VOD, pre-whatever this rule of thumb way: If it is about a movie without any already established franchise (book series, comic series, prequels, theme-parks,..) or genre based probable cult followers who in average spend probably more for franchise than the average movie goer: = time 2.5 of the production cost. No advertising added. => ~ 50% returns by the US market, ~ 40% returns by the oversea market (excluding China), advertising... = knowing it might be a bit high, but balancing also out the reduced returns of the non-US market. Also to call something a success it needs to earn money, not only leave the 'reds', so times 2.5 counted as 'sure' for discussions. As big movie companies use for big money movies usually all possibilties to avoid costs (including having the personal and experience for long running negotiations with e.g. the prime minister of .....for getting money / tax-helpers for creating jobs) tend to pick 'cinema-movie-series' for filming part XX of the movie series or a highly successful book-series... => the income spreads over to a lot of franchise => depending on the age of the viewers the income can be a lot, even without matching the times 2.5 or your budget/ad times 1.75 rule. I think in todays worldwide changing situation (DVDs, VOD, franchise, tv-rights,... add to the result, get higher percentages of the movie's final results as in the past) decreasing ticket sells, but higher prices,,,, => depending much on the region and movie genre very different mix of details, incl. depending on the genre sometimes extreme ad-costs, but in opposite depending on the genre sometimes even decreasing ad-costs via the cheaoer www-possibilities. when the movie aims e.g. video-gamer... => it isn't possible anymore to 'calculate' a financial success for a lot of the movies, especially the ones typical to find on/in the top-anticipiated-lists (franchise). Probably still counting for the average romance movie? To get new 'sure' calculation rules the market should probably stabile for a time, so we can see more pattern evole, but I doubt it will be so soon. Too much happens e.g. overseas, including upcoming film making markets in Asia and worldwide shifting trends for what kind of movies ppl still want to watch at the cinemas. And a lot of technical up-grading in the home-cinema's in former 'under-developed' countries. Hey, away :pounce:with the 'grabby' hands from Marvel-Studio's income, all is needed for their future movie plans For the moment I am happy if the todays manager get out of the red with this not green-lit by them movie, I think it is far to early for hoping for them.
  8. Was today at midday in an OV viewing. The cinema already had one of those for H&G WH during the week at the evening and do usually only one OV viewing per average movie as far as I know. AS it was so early it was way cheaper than last time, only 8.5€ instead of 10.90€ (both 3D) Today was 1/4 to 1/3 full, all rather no teens and probably also no twens (I might have missed one or two, but I didn't see even one young one), some laughter... leaving with smiling faces. 3rd trend says now even 240T tickets (1st and 2nd Trend estimates were 225T) = position 2.
  9. I really think Gopher already descriped it nicely. Add a bit User-name changing after the warnings and some high-spirited till overly-cocky reacting-posts to the warning...
  10. Is it allowed to link to another BO side? It is in German and the news part is pretty early for international numbers too (mostly text, google translator?), plus they update later the per country tables too. Each country has a quartal-week combined view and you can browse back .... Some other details too. The only minus IMHO is: they have quiet some countries, but not all countries. Others might not like their way to show the results in the country's currency. The German numbers are ticket numbers, but with a bit of search you will find the money part too. They even have a not simple to find part were they list the German ticket numbers per city (or even cinema, if big enough even Fr / Sa / Sun details per cinema..) and they list even the movies there with only 8 tickets in the whole country = for ppl who'd like to go in the deep with calculating / analyzing they might be helpful. This part is ~ 1 week behind the actual date. Allowed to post to them?
  11. Do you know screen numbers of the time BO results were fine and how many your country now (after the closing of the 2nd biggest company) has in total? If yes, it might help with your frustration to calculate the old results to how much they would have made with the reduced screen numbers (I know, very theoretically and probably very inaccurate) and find new BO results/goals to hope for?
  12. I didn't expect H&G WH to be on #1 or #2 ... at its 2nd weekend here... wow I think the whole 1st Quarter of 2013 had more BO-surprises than usually
  13. Wiseguy, The Wire Sherlock, The Unusuals, Police Rescue Babylon 5, Firefly, Farscape, BSG Sharpe, Hornbloer, The Company, Raumpatrouille - Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion TV-movie/mini-series
  14. hmmm, wonder what their marketing budget was and how they used it internationally. Most effective should be for a ~ special kind of genre movie like this to reach out to the 'typical' fans for those => internet internationally probably the best place to add an ad, give interviews... , or?
  15. Will you watch it? As I have for the moment no young enough relatives typical for a family film any more I did not develope an 'urge' to watch it.... yet.
  16. I hadn't seen any marketing here, but as I frequently visit some international movie sides... I was very aware of the movie. Might be interesting to compare the marketings within the different countries and compare it to the box office? => what kind of marketing did they and where?
  17. For the ones who also waited (even if we got the details via some posts here) BOM has finally updated UK
  18. Do you know accidentally the age recommendations for H&G WH? It is still 'only' reommendations in France, or?
  19. Strange logic IMHO, especially if it involves Chinese actors and companies (including a Chinese owned US special effect company???),... thank you very much for your prompt answer I am so unsure about predictions: the pre-Avenger movies didn't do really well oversees, but with growing markets oversees and the Avenger's success... if the marketing is perfect (and WOM too) it might reach 1 Billion world-wide (OS up to $600?), but if it is not matching to some countries cultural taste (especially comedy seems to be preceived very differently, also ethic values can vary a bit) it might not much more money as the last installment beside the 3D... => $450 OS is also possible. I might be too conservative with my predictions, but better calculating with a deeper result and then be positvly surprised as majorly dissapointed, or?
  20. Did someone see the original version too? I've seen the German version and am thinking about finding a cinema with the OV. Recommandable / differences?
  21. I'm not really up-to-date with the details to this movie and the current rules in China; as the movie has China as a 2nd producing country listed, has Walt Disney China and a few Chinese actors/actresses involved and gets distributed by DMG Entertainment... => does this movie fall also under / count as foreign enough to count for the 'maximum-4-weeks' rule the Chinese have (now without exceptions)?
  22. A lot of interesting fights already listed here.... The more directer / dirtier fight scenes in 13th Warrior as today usual Summer Glau's 'River' vs.. all (both scenes: vs the all in the 'Salon' and vs. all the 'Reavers') Viggo Mortensen as 'Aragon' (LotR), 'Nikolai' (Eastern Promises) and as 'Diego Alatriste' (Alatriste) has some good moves Charles Bronson as 'Harmonica' (Once Upon a Time) including his mind games before the duel... he did some nice ones as 'Paul Kersey' and 'Pardon Chato' and.... too hmmm count funny fights too? Him against Toshiro Mifune in Red Sun, as Mifune throws him around for a bit Harrison Ford's 'Indiana Jones' 'fight' against the sable fighter 'honoy' mention (TV): Adrian Paul vs Anthony De Longis in Highlander 'Duende' (last fight)
  23. Do you think we have any chance to see Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons on the big screen? Numbers and reactions (New Zealand) star to make me curios about that movie. Have you contact to the InsideKino ppl? Their link to the actual weekend results goes to records (Django...)
  24. In addition to zackzack's post.... I think it might have several reasons: The French's expectations: - the critics seem to not expect it to be a musical at all (didn't care to inform themselves beforehand) and were a 'bit' surprised whilst sitting in the cinemas (no joke, at least counting for some of the most prestigious critics!) - the musical version is not that well known there as it is in UK / USA / Japan,... - they also didn't expect it to be based on the musical with it's changed main focus (in France nearly all pupils have to read in the books or the complete book(s), so they might be sick of it too, see zackzack's post) - they clearly didn't expect it to be in English, see some of the articles / posts... A statement I very often heard whilst being there (I speak a bit English, but no French at all beside the basic words like water, bread, ham, and, butter...) and had always a lot of 'fun' to find someone who was willing to speak in English to me e.g in a supermarket: we are also a world nation (La Grand Nation) = world language, why should we learn/use another world language => don't forget, it is the country who was/is so irritated with/about the English influence, it developed (also uses and sells/sold? it to African nations) its own French based Software and throws/throw? e.g. radio DJ's in jail who play more than 3 or 4 non-French songs in a row. Not meant as an insult to France, only that there is a special version of culture that might hinder the succes of an English sung musical France and Germany have one thing in common: - not really used to subtitled movies, TV-Series,.... In a lot of countries it was for many years usus to subtitle English spoken movies or TV-Series. If you ever tried to find an episode of a tv-series in the net, you might have found some of them. Scandinavian countries, Netherland,... tend to subtitle, in many countries where bootlegged DVDs are common the ppl got used to subtitles too. In addition: I do not know anyone here in Germany, who would watch a 'happy' musical, I am still surprised about the German numbers of Mamma Mia (might have to do with a big song hit in the 70ties we had here, Abba was big here and a 'neighbor), but still do not know anyone who has 'confessed' to have seen it. Be aware, my circle of friends doesn't count as typical here. Les Miserables is considerable more dark, not what those who watched Mamma Mia might want to see. Strangely I know a few male teens (16 years old) who want to watch it and one woman beside myself. We all still have to go, so 'our' money is still missing in the box office numbers . The books are known here, but probably less well known than they seem to be in other countries, especially the younger ones here seem to not even know the title (btw, here the title of the book is known in its translated version 'Die Elenden', the movie / musical's title wasn't translated too, IMHO a big mistake)
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