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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. barely 7000 tickets needed, right? Uuups, I think that's wrong...
  2. Aehm, there was a thread about top 5 tv-series, I think this merging was a mistake...
  3. Minority? Not so sure. There live a lot of ppl on countryside and in smaller cities with probably only 1 cinema. And those smaller cities tend to be build on rather loosely (nicht eng bebaut) => even in smaller cities they tend to drive, especially as the smaller cities often have not so great public traffic thingies... And even in a big city there are parts the ppl nowadays drive by car to, not all like the bicycle in colder months or...
  4. Never thought about that (even if I was visiting Vienna last year...) but counts that also for the other ~ 5 million ppl too? Since I live in country-side my cinema visits decreased extreme, to much time / ... neded to drive to one. Greater London should also have not so much decrease through the wintery situation or?
  5. Yesterday the Frankfurt airport (9th biggest in the world, biggest working place in Germany) was down for ??? hours beside not being positioned in a snow-rich region. Today they expect in some regions nearby the alps ~ 1 feet new-snow. Luckyly I do not live there anymore => I am guessing in Germany and Austria also some ppl might not want to drive to the cinema. Is there anywhere on the worl a kind of list that includes details like weather conditions, national holidays typically spend with family or with-out, big sports events... too? Could be interesting...
  6. Hihihihi it's out of my dictionary, no alternatives offered. I also think it sounds funny, but I take your translation too (sounds more 'official'?). The funny part was the reason I added the ~ as I wasn't so sure about my dictionary, t isn't the first time it 'does' some 'funny' translation too.... I really miss the 'Thank You' smilie, I think this is the first board without it...
  7. I continue to be dazzeled by the H&G WH numbers.... Beside movie-devoted boards I didn't see either ads nor a specific hint about the German co-production (local support or German production or whatever). Has someone else another impression / experience?
  8. (not laughing about you, I only find this very funny)
  9. I think that is difficult to guess as it doesn't show the typical declining... as an average usually do: week / pos 01 = #2 02 = #2 03 = #2 04 = #2 05 = #2 06 = #4 07 = #5 08 = #6 09 = #5 10 = #5 11 = #4 12 = #6 I think each 'dip' in the position/rank were new releases. Oscar helped, but who knows what rank it will have next weekend, let alone how long it will run? Unusual too: never on #1 still making money like crazy...
  10. Boxofficemojo seem still not up-to-date http://www.insidekino.de/TOPoderFLOP/Global.htm 007 - Skyfall 1.115,2 WW 304,3 USA/CAN 810,9 OS to understand the rest: the red colored numbers are updated at the 10 March 2013, no inflation calculated, numbers are in $US Die historischen Spitzenreiter = ~ historical leaders (in this case per decade) Top-Regisseure mit den meisten Filmen in den Top 100 = top-directors with the most movies in the top 100 list Die 100 umsatzstärksten Filme weltweit = top 100 ~ cash cow movies worldwide Die 100 umsatzstärksten Filme außerhalb USA/Kanada = top 100 cash cow movies outside of the USA/CAN ( = OS )
  11. Hank Pym; Yep, that's the one I can live without too. Growing up in a rather harsh surrounding I learned early to not accept violence, including 'mental' mistreatment... Depending on the year / publisher some comics have a strange way to handle domestic violennce (no matter who the 'violent one is, I am opposed to the 'ideal' to have to stay bcs of being married and think such examples are dangerous) Wolverine: always thinks ~ 'bad' about himself (self-doubt) and sees himself not as good as e.g. the samurai ideal. If I remember it right in one comic one samurai speaks / thinks about him especially about that doubt, something like Wolverine is the ideal samurai, without probably ever realising it. 'I secretly do' - has only a very short time stay in a ~ bar, father needs help, Wolverine clears up a whole crime-organisation to help him.... (and the father wasn't even without fault) It's not about Mutants, its about ~ creative self-doubt. Ppl of great power question themself without over-doing it in the whiney way, giving them strength to stay on their way to not mis-use their abilities. In my youth I didn't get children or youth books, I had to read 'quality' (Nobel prize). Our neighbours of some time gave me secretly e.g. comics, to get my fill for fun stuff. So X-Men were the only alternative I had then. What are your most loved / favourite Avengers story arcs? Or what group of issue numbers should I read to understand your special way to see/love them?
  12. you do know your fellow movie fans I guess alert is surely right
  13. You like it? Wow... it was only a reaction to you ( I missed the part where Whedon had stoped the Hulk War rumor) so my idea was only to show you there are probably doable solutions. The profis, who have a bit more time for developing ideas would surely come up with something better then my idea, written without sittining down to think beforehand. yeah, yeah, enough time to tell the story. My favorite crime series have on case per season, I prefer mini-series over tv-movies... all for the depth of story / time given for the characters (and the action), I always watch not only the extended versions, I search through all the making of for the few additional seconds that didn't end in the movie. Sometimes it is a complete other movie (or certain characters summary seems to be another one). One example is Kingdom of Heaven, I think the story isn't only longer, it changes even Hulk => not a problem, with so many superheroes no one can expect others to prefer the exact same combination of 'most-loved-heroes-list' or? I like Hulk depending on the story. E.g. together as a bit like Casablanca style seedy bars... gangster world (when Hulk is rather intelligent) I think I like him more for the moment bcs. of the movies, but I never bought especially his comics. I once bought a big 'package' of comics and e-comics, incl his comics, but that was more like his comics were a nice addition, but not the reason. Still haven't read all of those. Friends vs friends, I am with you. Already done a bit (as less as in Civil War) through the 'turned' Hawkeye, I hope they do not repeat that. I love Firefly/Serenity and like Buffy (a bit too teen/YA-orientated at home for my taste) / Angel. Never watched Dollhouse (but bought the DVDs, waiting for the mood, sometimes I need years to get the right mood). I often use the difference between the Buffy movie to Buffy series to show how small the influence of a screenwriter can be, if a director chose to ignore the mood of the script or wants to be creative... Language: me = ex-handcraft, female, used to stron language at building construction sites (event technology) now working e.g. for pupils at a school (technical drawing...) => I am guessing you can't shock me Speak as you like, as long as you look out for the 'not-getting-banned' rules, so we can discuss longer Wonder Woman: if they bite themselfs in the a...? Whedon always wanted to that one (at least in the past). Who knows, maybe they get the idea of a multi-franchise-cinema-movie-series, When didn't they try to copy another ones success (not specifically Avengers.. all successful movies get in some ways copied, or?) JL... who knows. As I read for the 1st time about Ant-Man I thought , but as I do not know how heavyly involved Whedon is in the overall creative work (even as he is the 'boss' of that) or what he could do to 'rescue' the character and do also not know a lot about Edgar Wright (we have the DVDs, but again, for some reasons I still didn't watch those either, I am 'afraid' of the comedy there) so ??? I am wondering witch of the Ant-Man's 'real peopl' they will use. It was too long ago, but at least one of them I didn't like. Could have been the time it was written.. didn't like his tone to his wife also. I think I really shoel sit down and read a lot of the Avengers comics, this time more in one row... Hmmmm, spinning a small variation: what if they chose to go with a mix of Ant-Man 2 and 3? As in based on criminal or the 'character'-bad S.H.I.E.L.D agent and let him learn to be good (as did both charaters in the omics)? Without the woman-drama... Lol, you seem to have a similar background knowledge as me: I do not know GOTG also (beside they exist...) I will watch it at least once, but... very wary. And at the same time ecited, as it could be an interesting Sci-Fi (even if not rooted in the normal Marvel world) My favorite is Wolverine, especially in his older non-X-Man stories, when he thinks a lot in the comics, usually goes with another fighter / undercover name, and is for other people who watch him a very quiet character. Also love the Storm character if done as a strong personality... Unfortunately neither Bryan Singer nor some comic writer are any good with mental and physical strong female heroes. Especially movie Storm gets me more than angry..... Do you happen to know her mini-series, as she goes under-cover as a 'gladiator' for underground-mutant-streetfights? Compare that to X-Men 1, when Storm runs 'screaming' to the Prof. as the Sentaor gets fluid. Panicky eyes and voice, damsell... arrggghhhhhh What's your favorite Marvel character (or other comic's / book's / .... character)
  14. that is possible, 21. March release date... To add the title's name or our fellow posters here aka On the Other Side of the Tracks aka On the Other Side of the Freeway they might be rather happy about the X-Men: First Class - Days of.... casting news too
  15. Thanks Harsh opening numbers for a #1 movie, still surprised about only -33% of H&G WH, mindblowing total admissions for 'Ziemlich beste Freunde' / Intouchables... = brought back?
  16. InsideKino has the 2013 admissions till 3.3.13, the newer numbers incl Oz should follow soon #1 3.061.592 Life of Pi #2 2.040.976 Hansel & Gretel - Witchhunters #3 1.971.760 Django Unchained #4 1.544.603 Die Hard #5 1.172.459 METRO #6 1.162.813 Chinese Zodiac #7 1.082.104 Anna Karenina
  17. the translator did funny things with it , I am pretty sure there were some big mistakes involved => added in favorites and will try out later, thank you
  18. Is it google translate accessable / useable? If it is a BO site I am always interested
  19. I do unfortunately not recognize /understand that acronym
  20. Ruffalo's portrayal was the first Dr. Banner movie interpretation that I liked (too?), even very much so. The probably 90% being Hulk detail let me be wary also. But especially the rather not 100% bad detail of that story line (Hulk has a reason here to be very angry at the ppl behind his Planet Hulk experience IMHO) and the already established relationship with Tony Stark let me assume it might be possible they add an twist to the story line we might not expect, and that twist might even be only a small one, but if chosen wisely it might change the complete tone and outcome of the movie. I do not know how famous the word/sally is, but do you know this one by Archimedes: Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world => small tool/detail, big effect, who knows what Whedon might do ... Only to hypothesise a bit (and as I am no Whedon or Marvel person, this example is in no way a small change of the original story): let the fights in the upcoming movies be one of the reasons he ends on another planet or Thanos world or... might be doable even as a Banner / Hulk mix. And then some humans (e.g. Council in combi with or Dr. Strange and friends alone or....) are (unknowingly?) responsible for the death of ... lets say co-prisoners there, someone or many he emotional strongly connected with. Some rage-alien planet influence mix let him be even more out of control rage-wise as usual, but the hinted on emerging awareness / intelligence of Hulk is now fully developed, plus he might have gained either alien technology or knowledge => he might be able to do some serious harm on earth. So the Avengers job might be to not only to stop him, but also to help him on Tony Stark's insistence. I am sure there are thousands of possibilities so I am very optimistic for the moment I trust in Whedon more then the other comic book movie creatives, as it seems to be nowadays to be 'en vogue' to claim to be a fan of this or that comic, but Whedon at least wrote years before his involvement in Avengers already comics and I see a lot of his work as at least a bit comic book world influenced, including his Buffy series
  21. I have 3 questions: 1. is this thread meant for moives I plan to watch in the cinema in each case, no matter how good I think the movie will be? 2. or plan to watch at all (like indies... via DVD or another kind of possibility) 3. do you only count the release year in the US? Especially the movies released in December tend to get released in the following year in other countries, so if it is important to look for the US year some ppl like me have to be extra 'cautious' when copying out of an excel list or...? Thanks for reading
  22. I love that site, I think it allows especially bcs of their admission lists a lot of 'mind-games/calculating' I wouldn't know where else to get the numbers for.
  23. O.K., but it is not correct #4 7,4 7,4 Doreamon a Japanese movie got added. I'll edit the other post
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