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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. I tried to refresh the international release date list. But a few countries have according to IMDb 2 release dates. Can someone look over ot and tell me why? Argentinia, Australia (?), Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Israel, Iran, Jordan, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico (?), Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, South Korea, Switzerland (part), Thailand, UAE Arab., UK, Ukraine = 31 July 2014 Canada, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, USA, Vietnam = 1 August 2014 Australia (?),Cambodia, Hong Kong (???), New Zealand, Portugal, Serbia = 7 August 2014 Bulgaria, India, Mexico (?), Venezuela, = 8 August 2014 Belgium, France = 13 August 2014 Spain, Hungary, Netherlands = 14 August 2014 Greece = 4 September 2014 China = 5 September 2014 (see AKAs post) Japan = 13 September 2014 Italy = 22 October 2014
  2. Found at Marvel.com.ru the release date for Russia = 31 July too (according to ggogle translate)
  3. Some additional release dates for the OP: Azerbaijan, Chile, Israel, South Korea, Macedonia, Philippines, Singapore, Slovenia = 31 July 2014 Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Vietnam = 1 August 2014 Australia, New Zealand, Portugal = 7 August 2014 India = 8 August 2014 Belgium = 13 August 2014 Spain, Hungary = 14 August 2014 Greece = 4 September 2014 China = 5 September 2014 (see AKAs post) Japan = 13 September 2014
  4. I have to 'confess' I only know about the title because I am reading / writing here... I read a lot, but not a lot of youth books, even when also running a public ~ school library. The ones I let myself get convinced into to read are either more Sci-Fi or... lets say, what the male youth tends to read. But usually the original version of those books (twisted 'excuse' before myself for reading it?) Still haven't read Markus Heitz whom so many here recommend either. I think it is a difficult 'job' to run a cinema, one mistake and you might miss not only for a whole week a lot of money, but ppl might also discover another cinema or.... 1000 little things, that can go wrong / make things difficult (including food)
  5. I feel for the ppl working there, no tipps... no tickets either for the owners...
  6. So, it is the 3rd weekend out in Germany and Austria: country = rank / week Germany = #1 / #2 / #2 Austria = #1 / #1 / #1 not released in Italy (1st May), probably a release in Japan, as John Marston tried to post a possible movie poster?
  7. Austria, in between details for admissions Hansel & Gretel - Witchhunter (-43 %) = 22T admissions, still rank #1 New: This is 40 (20T/23T) Jack and the Giants (9T/10T) Rubinrot (5T/6T).
  8. Only to give you an update: I am still searching for my e-comics. As I live in an unfinished house, with often rather a lot dust in the air, someone or me did put them in a box. But I always write on the boxes what is inside to find. Strangely there are a lot of boxes without any description... I guess I'll have to ask my husband for the whys.... but he never knows where he put something, fingers crossed for a soon re-emerging.
  9. pic doesn't workfor me Italy release date: I think it is the same since a time.I am at least sure about knowing it has an even later release date thean we here had (for a German Co-production I was a bit irritated, why Germany / Austria / german speaking part of Switzerland got such an late release date....
  10. You asked for numbers? rank / OS / OS totals 1 46,6 136,6 Oz2 20,4 201,3 Die Hard 53 10,2 35,2 Jack and the Giants4 6,2 151,2 Hansel & Gretel - Witchhunter5 4,5 13,5 Doraemon 33 (Japan)6 4,1 4,1 Platinum Data (Japan)7 4,0 33,5 Warm Bodies8 4,0 85,0 Silver Linings9 3,8 47,1 Mama10 3,5 3,5 Jappeloup (France)Die Hard 5 opened in China, the Doraemon movie titles I asked resently about, seem to be one and the same as the number here seems to be a total of both titles The details per country follow usually as the 'come in', see here http://www.insidekino.de/News.htm (the 'mehr' isa link to the countries details, including rank, cume,... For Germany they are 'only' allowed to show the ticket numbers, and be aware, often the countries details are in the countries currency listed) It s a bit early, sometimes they add some delayed numbers and usually a few days later they add also the ranks starting with #11. At least Les Mis seems to be missing too....
  11. I am asking as the international BO rank list of the last week and the week before have two different titles listed on it, both marked as newly released and as the cum is the same as the OW result, they seem to handle them as 2 different titles, but I am a bit irritated as only one week betwen release dates seem a bit too time-near for 2 really new movies....
  12. Is Doraemon and Doraemon 33 the same movie, both part of an actual movie series or one of them a re-release or...? (Japan)
  13. rank world US OS totals movie1 148,3 79,1 69,2 148,3 Oz2 15,1 9,8 5,3 66,6 Jack and the Giants3 11,7 0,2 11,5 195,4 Hansel & Gretel - Witchhunter (US/German)4 11,1 2,1 9,0 240,5 Die Hard 55 10,5 3,6 6,9 195,4 Silver Linings6 9,6 5,1 4,5 21,4 21 and Over7 7,4 - 7,4 19,0 Upside Down (Can/France)8 6,9 - 6,9 6,9 Doraemon 33 (Japan)9 6,7 6,3 0,4 118,7 Identity Thief10 6,3 0,3 6,0 423,5 Les Miserables11 6,1 0,2 5,9 112,4 Mama (CAN/Spain)12 6,0 3,8 2,2 74,7 Safe Haven13 5,3 0,4 4,9 1.010,2 Hobbit14 5,3 5,3 - 5,3 Dead Man Down15 5,2 5,1 0,1 35,0 Snitch16 5,1 - 5,1 5,1 Princess and 7 Kungfu Masters (China/Hongkong)17 5,0 0,4 4,6 402,4 Django Unchained = NOT the actual weekend!
  14. Omei, for some reson I never really checked those also... thank you for the hint How to not loose over-sight, with the many sections threads here
  15. I watched it with a pupil of mine and my son, both 16y old. I usually am not a fan of horror and also not of comedy, but for not to explain reasons, I found something appealing enough in the trailer, that I watched it still. The clearly not meant to be a 'good' movie, the over the top / punk weapons and tools (like steam punk without steam), the fun I think the actors had (something literally radiated through the performance), the fast story-telling I usually also do not like, was here somehow correct, the winks I think they did to cult-movies (Matrix, one of the movies that played in the dessert Prince of Persia or one of these Titan ones, Star Wars VI, and...), I laughed a lot, enjoyed the tough female role of Gretel (I hate damsel in distress roles),... the unusual sister - brother fighter pairing, the baddass not only being the brother, but the sister too being a baddass (see her way to answer the sheriffs ranting during their first enounter) and even the wrong / not logical dialects... Btw, the useless Mina someone mentioned, killed more than all others together. And the opening credits could be a wink to Game of Thrones, or? Loved them too. Or the missing children drawings on the unbreakable milk-bottles or.... Costumes... great, Mina's hair was the only detail I really didn't like, to obviously too arteficial looking (toomuch hairsprayand a bit color strangeness) Great pop-corn movie. As I am not familiar with the letter system, I'd say it is a 6.5 out of 10 for me.
  16. Thank You. I had hoped for some older fan made lists, like about a mix of press-releases, company reports, top-something lists... or some accidental insight info.
  17. Hi, I have a question: is there any chance tofind out about the DVD/Blu-RAY, rent, VOD, tv-rights... totals of e,g, Van Helsing (released before the-numbers added those details). We have here since years an ongoing 'discussion' about additonal income for that movie, so I hope to find numbers for the US, but also for international earnings
  18. Don't they always put the pre-numbers to the weekend results?
  19. 1. you mentioned you might watch it too, did you? 2. Reeeaaaaally? Calendar: Jänner =/= Januar (January) food: Erdäpfel =/= Kartoffeln (potatoes) Obers =/ Sahne (cream) Paradeiser =/= Tomaten (tomatoes) Kren =/= Meerrettich (horse-radish) Weight-strangeness => Zentner (hundredweight?): 1 Zenter in Austria is 100kg, in Germany it is only 50kg The pound is only in Germany in use ( 1/2kg ) big diffs in medical area terms too My 1st grade in school was ~ 15km like the birds fly away from the Austrian boarder. Our neighbours who lived there since ever (many generations) didn't understand the ones on the other side really well. But both spoke a real intense old (isolated) dialect, 'normal' to slightly dialect speakers have usually not a big problem beside reading the menue....
  20. I already mailed it ~ 2 days back to the mod. He answered he tries to figure it out how to 'undo' it (I think he will have to pick each post...) and confirmed it was a mistake, he wanted to merge the 5-top tv-shows with the 10-top tv-shows thread Problem seems to be, that it will be time-spending and he/she has for the moment for RL-reasons no time ...
  21. Nahh he plays Angelo Errichettihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelo_Errichetti For the one who was so surprised about his casting: he is in since last early summer, if I remember it right. There were lots of rumors about his role, as a few actors at first weren't official in (probably filming dates conflicts?) so he got named for a lot of roles, including the role Bale now has (again)
  22. Beside, isn't in the eastern european countries more common to take French as a 2nd foreign language then English (in the past Russian + French in a lot of the UDSSR states - I think) ? Does that still count and/or did that count for Poland too?
  23. Ok.thank you for the answer. But: is it for movies you already have seen or ALSO / only for those you plan to see (too)?
  24. according to BOM it made within 13 weeks only $3,208,362
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