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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. On the one hand it'd be silly to doubt Cameron. On the other, most people cared so little about the first film's story they wouldn't even be able to name a single character. There's not exactly a desperation to see what happens next in the saga. It's a pity it'll probably be another ten years before Cameron takes on a new project, but oh well.
  2. God, the Potter movies really were a license to print money.
  3. Even for a cynic like me, it's been damn ugly. Meltdowns are supposed to be fun, but this is something else. The sense of fun and proportion has totally drained from both sides of the argument.
  4. It speaks volumes about the level of discussion surrounding this film that I now assume such sentiments are sincere.
  5. That's a pretty big assumption. Only Affleck would be expensive, and still not nearly that expensive. ETA - nvm, apparently Deadline agrees with you (albeit as an estimate).
  6. "Zack, me and the guys were chatting and we thought it'd be best for your career if you were fired." — WB exec
  7. You can always rely on Vice to do a contrarian think-piece: "Batman v Superman' Is Actually a Good Depiction of the American Muslim Experience" http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/batman-v-superman-is-actually-a-good-depiction-of-the-american-muslim-experience
  8. That site won't let me check it with ad-blocker, but it's a bit of meaningless stat given the Good Friday.
  9. JL is definitely in potential car-crash mode. It has no discernible gimmick and its director is now a proto-Michael Bay, minus the internet's ironic appreciation. I hate that Batman's caught up in all this nonsense but it's fascinating to watch.
  10. It'd be nice to think this kind of thing would put studios off planning expanded universes ten years in advance... but of course it won't.
  11. Not to defend BvS, but screw that crybaby. Batman Returns terrified me as a kid and I loved it.
  12. That's a very liberal use of the word "amazing". I think in most cases "slick" would be more appropriate.
  13. The WW take is being reported as the third headline on the BBC front page, which is unusual for that website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35909299
  14. It's because people still can't decide whether it's a Captain America movie or an Avengers movie.
  15. WB will take consolation from the fact that, like James Bond, Batman can still make bucketloads of money even when he's in bad movies. It's a rare talent.
  16. I was about to suggest that WB (and other studios) could create original franchises, but then I realised how absurd that notion was in this day and age.
  17. I'm with them, but it means fuck all if this film still makes a billion dollars. That said, surely someone high up at WB won't allow yet another dour, incoherent SH movie to slip through the cracks. It's just limiting potential business at this point.
  18. Just watched the RedLetterMedia review. Unlike MoS, which they sincerely loathed, they knew what to expect from this and found it more (unintentionally) amusing. They also say that Affleck's Batman is the only good thing about it and they'd happily watch his solo movie.
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