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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. If you feel that strongly you won't continue to support them by watching Hollywood movies ever again, right?
  2. So was I the only person on the forum who actually saw this? Anyway, I went in with low expectations — poor rich white guy fucking all those beautiful women! — but ended up loving it. At this point Malick either clicks for you or doesn't, but I was totally taken in. I can't think of another movie where LA looked so intoxicating.
  3. I'm the same, but with me I suspect it's simply down to the leads. To say I could take or leave Pratt and Lawrence would be putting it kindly.
  4. I have never, ever understood Diesel's popularity. But I concede it must be weird for him to watch someone far more charismatic than him come in and completely hijack a franchise he was pretty much the face of.
  5. Lol. That's some mighty fine deflecting.
  6. Undoubtedly a good cast but I suppose it had to be given it's completely impossible to feel strongly about the Ocean's franchise either way.
  7. Just read the plot on Wikipedia. Yup, they should definitely come up with a more interesting ending.
  8. Please don't start this shit. Please don't do this.
  9. Cynically jumping on the gender war was definitely a mistake. Sony's problem was that it totally overestimated how much people cared about all that.
  10. Jeez, and I thought my childhood was sheltered...
  11. The prospect of Mirren acting in a scene with the Rock is pretty enticing.
  12. Honestly don't have a problem with Cavill. He looks the part and if the script allowed him some moments of actual warmth he'd pull it off. But it doesn't. It takes every conceivable opportunity to fuck him over.
  13. Ok, finally got round to this. Saw the extended cut, which was probably a mistake because 3 hours of this was really trying. Anyway... it's bad. But it's fascinatingly bad, like an unpleasant fever-dream that constantly moves too fast for you to get a grip of. For at least the first hour, probably longer, we plunge in and out of scenes with barely any sense of where we are, what characters want, and what the point of it all is. It really does feel like you're watching the movie on a bad drug trip. If they took up all of the movie's first half scenes and shuffled them like a deck of cards to create a totally different order I really don't think it would make much difference. I don't hold anything against the actors, they did the best they could with the material. I even find myself mildly curious to see what Snyder will do with Justice League, because he's clearly gone beyond the point of taking in any of the many criticisms leveled at him. It will be his hellish vision.
  14. Bad Moms looks like one of the worst things ever made by a human — kind of impressed its RT isn't awful.
  15. There will always be awards contenders, but 'plenty' is certainly not a word I'd use to describe the state of the mid-budget film at this point. The fact that they're all shoved into a very small window kinda confirms that.
  16. The slow death of the mid-budget movie is definitely the saddest trend of the last decade.
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