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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Ok, finally got round to this. Saw the extended cut, which was probably a mistake because 3 hours of this was really trying. Anyway... it's bad. But it's fascinatingly bad, like an unpleasant fever-dream that constantly moves too fast for you to get a grip of. For at least the first hour, probably longer, we plunge in and out of scenes with barely any sense of where we are, what characters want, and what the point of it all is. It really does feel like you're watching the movie on a bad drug trip. If they took up all of the movie's first half scenes and shuffled them like a deck of cards to create a totally different order I really don't think it would make much difference. I don't hold anything against the actors, they did the best they could with the material. I even find myself mildly curious to see what Snyder will do with Justice League, because he's clearly gone beyond the point of taking in any of the many criticisms leveled at him. It will be his hellish vision.
  2. Bad Moms looks like one of the worst things ever made by a human — kind of impressed its RT isn't awful.
  3. There will always be awards contenders, but 'plenty' is certainly not a word I'd use to describe the state of the mid-budget film at this point. The fact that they're all shoved into a very small window kinda confirms that.
  4. The slow death of the mid-budget movie is definitely the saddest trend of the last decade.
  5. The amnesia was a double edged sword for the series. It was a cool gimmick that we learned things as he did, but it also meant Bourne himself was a personality vacuum.
  6. pleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegood
  7. If it can just be the middle third of Jackson's King Kong then I'm in. And by 'in' I mean I'll download it in a few months.
  8. World Premier today? Didn't they already have a premier in London like two weeks ago?
  9. Perfectly adequate for Ghostbusters, much like its weekend figure.
  10. I can take or leave Pratt, but I can see why studios chomped at the bit. They've been desperate for an all-American action mega-star for so long now they'll take anyone who even slightly fits the profile.
  11. That's probably more of an indictment on a piss-poor summer season so far, but it's decent enough for Ghostbusters.
  12. He's kind of like his Jurassic World character: the 'funny badass' who's neither particularly funny nor particularly badass.
  13. Quite a few people said the book didn't stick the landing, so I never read it. Can't imagine I'll catch this either, although Blunt deserves a big break.
  14. For some reason all I could think watching this trailer was 'this all feels very 2016.'
  15. Fox will certainly hope so! I know the 'cultural legacy' debate over Avatar has been done to death around here, but I have found GA's relationship to The Biggest Grossing Film Of All Time in the years since its release interesting. Cameron seems to have doubled down on calling the doubters' bluffs.
  16. My problem with Avatar is not is lack of originality but that all the characters are so aggressively archetypal the whole thing feels a bit too much like a vehicle for 3D and effects. Unlike Titanic, it strikes me as a passion project of technology much more than storytelling. And I think this has been reflected in the general response to sequels: people seem curious at best, but hardly desperate to find out what happens next. That said, it's undeniably intriguing to see how much money they'll make.
  17. People instinctively know that Bond will outlive us all regardless of box office fluctuations. One Bond movie every three years isn't comparable to 87 superhero movies a year anyway. I actually don't think there's SH movie fatigue yet, but we may be starting to see shared universe fatigue.
  18. I don't see the problem. Most bad films are performing poorly. The system works.
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