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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I can disparage this all I want, but I know I'd have eaten it up as a 7 year old.
  2. Something tells me after the terrible run Efron's recently had he wishes he hadn't done this movie and just waited for Neighbors 2.
  3. Watson's doing the live action Beauty and the Beast, which will be the most high profile thing she's done post-Potter. She's seems fine as a person and I get the allure but I don't think anyone's going to pretend she has the acting chops of, say, Lawrence.
  4. TV spot does the job. I always admired the Borne films more than I actually liked them, but I might catch this.
  5. I've gone from being dismayed to being curious. The director has made good movies, and Gosling's a fine actor. LOL at Ford returning given how much he claimed to dislike the original, but I guess he's enjoyed riding on the coattails of former glories recently.
  6. It shouldn't really surprise me as every interview I've seen of Pratt suggests he's an empty Bro, but that's a douchey quote.
  7. You think Hollywood, of all places, gives a shit about a director cheating on his wife?
  8. Read the book, not sure I could endure the first half again on film. Glad to hear the latter does the former justice, though.
  9. From what I've read your enjoyment of the movie will depend on your tolerance for the problems of a rich guy in Hollywood who fucks beautiful women, but it looks as great as you'd expect from Malick.
  10. It's worth noting that research by the Economist suggests black actors winning Oscars has skewed broadly in line with the black population in the US. http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2016/01/film-and-race This doesn't account for the lack of Asian actors winning, of course, which few people ever seem to care about.
  11. For about an hour this is one of the best sensory experiences a movie has ever offered. But when you realise it has little else to it, the second half becomes trying and by the final standoff you've given up caring. I had no problem with the 'divisive' direction, but the movie's just too damn long for such a thematically empty plot. Unlike most on here, I'd be fine with DiCaprio winning the Oscar. He's had more interesting performances, but I'm just a sucker for someone going through that much shit for a movie. PS - my girlfriend loathed it. I've never seen someone so happy to leave a theater.
  12. Craig will probably be back for one more massive pay-day, but I doubt Mendes will.
  13. Forgive my laziness in not reading the past few pages, but how much left does this have in the OS tank?
  14. How much does TFA have left in the OS tank anyway? I see that Furious 7 is still 150m ahead of it...
  15. ^ Trust me, compared to the book the movie simplified it as much as it was humanly possible. The lead characters still have to sound like they actually know a bit about finance given its their profession.
  16. Avatar comfortably won the OS battle. You can argue about exchange rates but the fact is the 3D angle simply piqued universal curiosity in a way no movie has before. From a US POV it's also necessary to accept that SW just isn't quite the phenomenon around the world that it is in that country. A billion-plus overseas is still amazing.
  17. Cool to see The Big Short have a nice run. After its OW I thought it might go off the radar.
  18. Love this movie. If you have ten minutes to kill, and ignore the fact that the question's meant to be a metaphor, this is a cool analysis which ponders whether Childs (the black guy at the end) was infected or not.
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