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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. You must be new here. If this board isn't talking about either Batman, Superman or Christopher Nolan at any given second of the day then the universe will implode.
  2. Just found out Jungle Book made more than 100m on its OW. Huh.
  3. Lucas knew the CGI environments of the prequels would end up looking more dated than the practical sets of the OT, so chronologically it works.
  4. By whom? Many people on this thread are bewildered by the prospect of this many films back to back. (It's a given it'll all be wildly profitable, it's the potential quality that's more interesting at this point.)
  5. The trouble with the LotR comparisons is that it had rigorous source material as a jumping off point. Telling a compelling, original story over 4 films is bloody hard, and shooting any films back to back always rings alarm bells in the quality department. I wasn't exactly excited for Avatar sequels anyway, but I'm almost getting intrigued at the car crash potential here. (I know, I know, it's Cameron, can't doubt him at this point, etc, but come on: 4 sequels ferchrissake.)
  6. Love the book, but the giants in this trailer look off. Why can't Hollywood do giants well?
  7. The problem with that analogy is that Apple still has a massive competitor in Samsung, whose smartphones often outsell Apple's and are considered by many to be much better. (But I take your overall point.)
  8. Don't worry too much about iJack. To him a movie is either the best or worst thing ever created in the history of cinema.
  9. If it makes WB realize Snyder was a huge mistake, that'd be great. But still won't get nearly as much media traction as the WW OW.
  10. Thing is, the media at large won't give a shit. This is what happens when you fetishize the OW, it becomes the only news worthy aspect of box office.
  11. FWIW I really do appreciate that the film's popularity wasn't just down to the novelty of 3D, but I also suspect most viewers were perfectly satisfied by the story without feeling especially compelled to see more of it. I know the whole "Avatar is the biggest film no-one ever talks about" thing is a bit cliched at this point... but like most cliches it has at least one foot in the truth.
  12. Was anyone not expecting a massive drop? The Easter weekend would have done that even if the bad reviews hadn't.
  13. On the one hand it'd be silly to doubt Cameron. On the other, most people cared so little about the first film's story they wouldn't even be able to name a single character. There's not exactly a desperation to see what happens next in the saga. It's a pity it'll probably be another ten years before Cameron takes on a new project, but oh well.
  14. God, the Potter movies really were a license to print money.
  15. Even for a cynic like me, it's been damn ugly. Meltdowns are supposed to be fun, but this is something else. The sense of fun and proportion has totally drained from both sides of the argument.
  16. It speaks volumes about the level of discussion surrounding this film that I now assume such sentiments are sincere.
  17. That's a pretty big assumption. Only Affleck would be expensive, and still not nearly that expensive. ETA - nvm, apparently Deadline agrees with you (albeit as an estimate).
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