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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. People are crazy to expect TDKR to increase domestically (has anyone around here actually rpedicted as much though?) but I don't think it's unreasonable to think it has a good chance to beat it WW. 4 years is a long time in the international markets, it seems.
  2. Nor was there any 'fair' to speak of.
  3. Ha, does he say that? Well, I guess there was a Myspace reference in the first Iron Man...
  4. Wait, Titanic hit the iceberg way after the 45 minute mark in the film surely?
  5. The trouble is Drive and Cabin were advertised as something they weren't, and audiences don't like to be fooled into watching genres they didn't pay for even if the movies themselves are actually pretty good. That was definitely the case with Drive.
  6. Confident, fun and genuinely sexy. One can only wonder what the hell happened to Lopez's career afterwards.
  7. Didn't like this film at all. Unrealistic dialogue is fine as long as it's interesting, but nothing that came out of the titular character's mouth was.
  8. Is THG going to make it to 400m? I can't be bothered to do the maths...
  9. Not completely awful, just a waste of time.The biggest flaw is it can't decide who's the main character. They clearly wanted it to be Worthington, but then hired Bale as John Connor and felt compelled to show him way more than necessary.
  10. So the only films of his you like are the ones that are the most 'style and no substance'?Anyway, I love RD. It's lean, brutal and funny. A blistering debut that, despite the praise for Pulp Fiction, I don't think he bettered.
  11. Off topic, but I just saw Jason Satham filming a movie in a park round the corner from where I work. He was wearing a suit and talking to a nun. Funny old world.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17515305
  13. I don't find Emma Stone pretty, but her personality is aimiable enough. So... good for her, I guess.
  14. Dare I say some people are waking up to the reality that most teens and adults don't want to pay 3D prices for a film they've already seen?TLK at least had the hook of parents taking younger kids who may not have watched it already.
  15. Titanic and Star Wars underperforming would definitely make other studios think twice about this 3D re-release ploy (wonder how Universal now feel about Jurassic Park) but it's hard to imagine LOTR not giving it a try, particularly with The Hobbit set to remind people of the franchise.
  16. No one should shed any tears for AR's performance. It was the sequel nobody asked for.
  17. It's a decent enough opening day. I always found the 150m DOM predictions ridiculous.(Although it's still a Cameron film so even now I have a slight hesitation in completely writing that figure off.)
  18. Avengers would surely beat that figure, unless it's a really bad film.
  19. Man, just read this entire thread in one go.Regarding what makes an 'impressive' performance, it's true that front-loading is now the norm. But to me, that actually makes a film with good legs more impressive than a massive opening weekend, because it's so damn rare in this environment.Still, when the OW is 150m for a film that was totally unexpected to get it then that's something in itself.
  20. It was always going to be frontloaded. As mediocre as the other two openings were, they still combined to make 50m worth of competition for the young males and family demos.
  21. That 55m doesn't make sense given the supposed Friday number, but I'd say it's safe to rule out 70m + for the weekend.
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