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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Why? It was obviously the actors just riffing most of the time (and not in a good way).
  2. Sigh. I knew Shame and Fassbender would get snubbed. Forget all the sexual controversy, it was just a really well made and well acted film that deserved more.
  3. Yes, very good film. I like the way on first viewing it seems to set gosling's character up as the bad guy/screw up, but looking beyond the surface you realise williams' character is just as (if not more) guilty of the relationship's decline.
  4. In fairness the only good thing about the movie is the fight scenes. Youreally believe she could beat all the men - can't think of any current actresses that could pull that off frankly.
  5. I'd say I was completely underwhelmed by Avatar's 3D, but even I'm tired of talking about that now. Suffice it to say if that's Exhibit A in why the format is good my point still stands.
  6. Not surprised at Haywire's cinescore. The (infrequent) fight scenes were great but the plot was needlessly convoluted, the funk soundtrack oppressive and the actors were wasted. It's just about watchable but totally forgettable.
  7. ^ Tell that to the millions of Americans and Europeans who've had enough of 3D. It's got a long way to go to truly be 'the future'.
  8. Serious film fan to me = someone who has a great appetite for all forms of the medium. So not being into smaller and/or foreign films (which make a up a big % of all films made anyway) would negate that description IMO.
  9. They should have had the guts to make it ONLY about Charles and Eric. I just didn't care about anyone else.
  10. The impression I get from this board is that most people are into big films and occasionally dabble in smaller fare, but few are what i would consider serious film fans. (And no, I don't consider myself one either. I like what I like but my knowledge on, say, European and Asian indie cinema is limited to say the least.)
  11. Only just came out in the UK.Thought it was brilliant, and am surprised it's not a much more prominent awards contender. I haven't seen Descendents or Moneyball, but man... Clooney and Pitt must be pretty damn good to deserve any acting awards over Fassbender.I'd definitely watch it again. It's highly emotive.
  12. Lock, Stock's a decent genre film (that also has quite striking photography). I'm more suprised Snatch is so high on the list.
  13. There wouldn't have been one. Movies are so prevelant these days it'd be far more weird not to be 'into' them.
  14. I've long stopped complaining about the IMDB top 250 because it is what it is: a popularity contest that has nothing to with quality. That said, Big Fish and Kill Bill 2 are lucky to be on the list.
  15. TDKR, simply because Nolan is, following Inception, considered a bigger deal than Jackson at this point in time and TDKR will be an original story so there's more room to screw it up. The impression I get is that most Hobbit fans are just happy Jackson has returned at all, and the trailer makes it plain that the story isn't as big as LOTR was.
  16. As someone who's completely indifferent to Potter but has ended up seeing most of them anyway I found DH2 by far the best of the series in as much as I actually cared about the trio's plight for the first time. Their acting was better and the scale of the franchise finally felt as large and grave as the marketing kept claiming it was. Given DH2's binary grading system its high percentage isn't surprising.
  17. TDKR and Prometheus are the only big movies I'm anticpating. Shame (comes out in the UK in a week and half) is the only small movie that comes to mind, though there may be others.2012 looks like being another year I don't feel inclined to go to the cinema much, though it could surprise me yet...
  18. It may be little more than an aesthetic experience, but it was one of the greatest aesthetic experiences of the year the cinema had to offer.
  19. I strongly dislike the term 'overrated', but the praise for Bridesmaids definitely wasn't in line with the quality of the film. People seemed to be so amazed that women could be quite funny they went overboard for it. And why does anything Judd Apatow related have to be at least 20 minutes too long?
  20. America is in decline but, as a Brit whose country's foreign policy is entangled with that of the US, it matters who is President of the country. Obama will probably get a second term, then whatever happens the Republicans will get it next time. And the pathetic charade of democracy continues (not that things are any better in Europe of course, oh no.)
  21. I just got a projector got Christmas - guess I'll be going to the cinema even less now.
  22. The marketing for this definitely didn't look concerned about awards, though I doubt they'd have complained if it'd been talked of that way...
  23. I tend to download a lot of old films. Yes, I could buy the DVDs and am basically 'stealing', but they've at least made the vast majority of money they'll ever make by that time...
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