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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I just got a projector got Christmas - guess I'll be going to the cinema even less now.
  2. The marketing for this definitely didn't look concerned about awards, though I doubt they'd have complained if it'd been talked of that way...
  3. I tend to download a lot of old films. Yes, I could buy the DVDs and am basically 'stealing', but they've at least made the vast majority of money they'll ever make by that time...
  4. It's impossible to quantify but I definitely thought Fincher's name being attached to a very popular property would yield more than 13m. Being someone who'd happily see the movie for his involvement alone I guess I just thought there'd be more people like me. That's the side effect of following box office - you realise there aren't many people like you.
  5. I've downloaded plenty of films I'd never pay to see. To counter it I always see films that actually look worth my time in theaters. Yes, its a subjective call on my part, but something I don't lose any sleep over.
  6. Dragon's Tattoo's performance is striking. I know it's easy to find reasons for failure after the fact, but I definitely thought it'd do better. At the very least I thought the appeal of Fincher would see it though. Will the other 2 films even get made?
  7. They all died individually (some onscreen, some later after leaving the island) and met in limbo where time was irrelevant. The religious allusions definitely put me off the show as it got into the final year. They weren't subtle.
  8. I'm pretty sure the island stuff actually happened (as Jack's Dad says). It's just when they all died at whatever points they did they collected in the purgatory.
  9. The best thing I can say about Lost is that I kept watching until the end despite thinking its only genuinely good season was the first.
  10. It could take the record, but I don't think Spider-Man will make it to 300m.
  11. For my sins I frequented a few Losts boards when it was still on. It's quite astonishing how intense some of the romance wars got for a show like that.
  12. I too was wondering how Holloway fared in this, and how much screen time he had. Sawyer was the only character I liked on Lost.
  13. When I remember how often I went to movie as a teen I'm stunned I could be so undiscerning in my choices. I lived in quite a boring town but still... so much money wasted on mediocrity.
  14. I'd say it's geographical. I live in London and can practically predict how rowdy any given cinema audience will be based on the area's 'affluence'. The type of movie makes a difference too I guess.
  15. This sounds trivial but I actually think it's a very real problem that puts off a lot of adults going to movies these days.
  16. I wish I'd had the guts to make a club for Sherlock, it's opening is just what I thought it'd be given the good but not great reception of the first film and the extremely tired marketing.
  17. Budgets should be lower anyway, recession or not. For a supposed 'industry', It's absurd how expensive some blockbusters are.
  18. Ouch for Young Adult. Diablo Cody's name being an asset to a production are long-gone, good reviews or not.
  19. Movies won't become extinct anymore than music has become exinct, but the business model definitely needs re-examining. The internet will and is having a huge impact. I have friends who haven't bought a single DVD in a couple of years.
  20. I'm very curious to see how this film does.I just want 3D to either die, or be so good in a film for once that I actually like the format.
  21. Yeah, why the hell is that amongst this lot. It made enough money, don't let's pretend it's award worthy too.
  22. This hits home how mediocre... or should I say confused the award noms in general will be this year.
  23. I could never be sad about a bad film performing badly.
  24. Man, I haven't watched this in a long time. I quite like the audacity of the sci-fi/fantasy final act, as divisive as it was. Apparently Tesla really did destroy a number of his inventions that never saw the light of day...... though whether one of them was a cloning device remains to be seen.
  25. Shame.Especially if it were Michael Fassbender's kid.
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