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Everything posted by peludo

  1. I am pessimistic. Many new cases every day
  2. Yes. Ending of 2001 and beginning of 2002 was a horrible period for XRs. The worst I can remember. Looking at Potter case, on the other side, it was benefited in its latest entries, since 2008-2010 period was the best I can remember. DH2 even added 3D fever with still very good XRs.
  3. By the end of 2001, euro was weaker than dollar. It was about 1€ = 0.9$. So dollar amounts were lower than euro amounts: https://fxtop.com/en/historical-exchange-rates.php?A=1&C1=USD&C2=EUR&DD1=15&MM1=11&YYYY1=2001&B=1&P=&I=1&DD2=15&MM2=12&YYYY2=2001&btnOK=Go! Applying that XR to Spain: €27.6m = $24.7m, what fits with BOM figure. For this reason I have always found really meritory that both HP1 and FOTR could make those OS amounts with a so heavy weight from Euro markets relative to other markets. Just to put into context, nothing excepting the LOTR sequels, Avatar and a local film has sold more admissions in Spain since then. I do not know what to say about UK case. It is true that HP1 did 66 million pounds, what would mean about those $95m you say (about 0.7 pounds = 1$). But I would not doubt too much about OS total gross. If I am not wrong, meanwhile BOM updates the total OS gross with what the studio say, BOM figures for each markets are given with other sources, what could not be really updated. Anyway, as you say, Warner should announce the billion mark with the Chinese re-release.
  4. I agree. Even although FOTR was more attended in Europe than the others, I guess that the fact that both TTT and ROTK had enormous battles could imply more interest in China, for example. I really wish LOTR could be re-released...
  5. I have it at 49. Correct me if I am wrong, but I guess that the difference could be that I have Titanic with both original and 3D re-release. Titanic did $44m in 1998 (about 360 million Yuan with the XR of that year), and then another 946 million Yuan in 2012. I have not access now, but If I remember well, Maoyan only shows the 2012 release in the all time list.
  6. This Chinese re-opening is great to recover my BO interest. If my data are correct, just to notice that "Sheep without a shepherd" has entered in top 50 ever after these numbers. And "Interstellar" is in top 100 again, outgrossing other Hollywood films like "Homecoming" or "Hobbit 3". And waiting for HP1 release. I am curious about the interest about a nearly 20 years old blockbuster. I find great that films that could not have the chance of having big numbers from China can be "a bit compensated" now with these re-releases. I wish there could be more re-releases like this one.
  7. Sure, I know he is not a director of blockbusters or extremely famous movies. It is just that it is a pity that people do not know what he did.
  8. In terms of Oscar, it is curious than the most awarded director ever, John Ford, who won 4 prizes, has 0 films in the list (if I am not wrong, his first film ranks #135). I see his absense in the top 100 nearly as a blasphemy.
  9. 3 Russo Brothers films among 100 best films ever (and 4 among top 200). Nothing to argue if people like them so much, but it is an incredible achievement for two unknown brothers just 6-7 years ago. And to see Paths of glory, A night at the opera, The quiet man, The Sting or Once upon a time in America (this really hurts me) ranking beyond the #200 spot is really disturbing.
  10. I think I have finally been able to sent it. I am not so dumb as I thought
  11. Same result. It says: "The Panda cannot receive messages". I do not know what can be the problem.
  12. @The PandaI have tried to sent you my list but I receive a message saying you can not receive any message. Maybe full inbox? I post my list here:
  13. Top 10 Spain (3 over $100m WW and just 1 over $200m): Film (year): DOM / OS / WW The Others (2001): 96.52 / 111.24 / 207.76 The Impossible (2012): 19.02 / 150.57 / 169.59 Planet 51 (2009): 42.20 / 66.80 / 109.00 Volver (2006): 12.90 / 74.32 / 87.22 Pan's Labyrinth (2006): 37.63 / 49.41 / 87.04 The Orphanage (2007): 7.16 / 72.09 / 79.25 Ocho apellidos vascos (2014): 0 / 77.86 / 77.86 All about my mother (1999): 8.26 / 59.60 / 67.86 The adventures of Tadeo Jones (2012): 0 / 51.03 / 51.03 Talk to her (2002): 9.28 / 41.48 / 50.77 Figures from the-numbers.com Biggest Spanish film in Spain: Ocho apellidos vascos (77.25) Biggest Spanish film in a single market: The Others (96.52) - USA+Canada Biggest Spanish film OS: The Impossible (150.57) Biggest Spanish film WW: The Others (207.76)
  14. Concerning equivalences, when Euro started, it was fixed an equivalence for each currency (the exchange rate between both currencies by December 31st, 1998): 1 euro = 166.386 Pesetas (Spain) 1 euro = 1.95583 Marks (Germany) 1 euro = 6.55957 Francs (France) And the same with the other currencies which disappeared with Euro. I am not sure if I understand what you mean with the 2001 release and 1mn admits... maybe this? https://sede.mcu.gob.es/CatalogoICAA/Peliculas/Detalle?Pelicula=69801 I insist that the 1 million admissions figure comes from 1950s. The 2001 release date could be a re-release date which the Ministry has registered, but no the original one. I can confirm you that Gone with the wind did not sell 1 million admissions in 2001. That is for sure.
  15. The only explanation I can find is multiple re-releases, with big releases more recently (with recently I mean during 60s-70s-80s). For example, France re-released in 1962 with, apparently, 2.15 million admissions (http://www.jpbox-office.com/fichfilm.php?id=9695&view=2). But average ticket price was €0.34 (€0.11 in 1950). But with this ticket prices, I agree that it does not seem enough to reach those $200m.
  16. Very true. Avatar is maybe the most bloated film ever. It had the best ERs and the explosion of 3D (what was a James Cameron's merit, being fair). I can not imagine a film making $110m in Spain. The 9.5 million admissions sold, 2nd best number ever, mean today about $70m, a 36.5% lower than the official data.
  17. FOTR over HP1, and so close to both TFA and TLK? WOW.... I thought that even although HP1 had a huge advantage from Japan, it had been bigger in Europe too. It won the battle in the 2 biggest European markets: UK and France. Glad to see this result, since although I like HP1 a lot, FOTR is my favorite blockbuster ever. And of course, glad to see the whole LOTR trilogy in top 10.
  18. Concerning GWTW and Spain, I only have data from Ministry of Culture, but talking about 70 years ago (the film was released here in 1950 because of censorship) data are always very doubtful. Anyway, I read some time ago that GWTW had been released in just 2 theaters in the whole country (Madrid and Barcelona), and it sold 1 million admissions during about 250 days it was at those 2 theaters. In fact, Ministry of Culture says 1,059,855 admissions for GWTW.
  19. Again, great thread. Thank you very much @charlie Jatinder Just a petition: could you post the list of most attended films excluding China? or even excluding both DOM and China? I know that in last few years, there are more expanding markets beyond China, but it is obvious that China, as the 2nd biggest market in the world, has changed everything for WW grosses and attendance. There are old films which were not even released there (today it still happens but it is not very usual for big blockbusters). Thank you in advance
  20. I an curious about two first parts of LOTR, mainly FOTR, which was the biggest of the trilogy in admissions in some European countries. The gap in admissions with ROTK is not as big as the WW figures said (ERs in 2001-2002 were a joke).
  21. Spidey's OW was astonishing. To reach $100m in one weekend was magical. Let's remember that the previous record was beaten barely 6 months earlier by first Harry Potter ($90m), which had beaten The Lost World's record ($72m). In fact, SM1 2nd weekend was just $1m lower than Lost World's OW. My interest with BO started with HP1 vs FOTR battle in December 2001, but it is true that 2002 was an incredible year for BO. Sadly I did not find BOM until 2004 (if I remember well, about Shrek 2 release). I would have loved to follow those years in the forums.
  22. I have just realized EG doubled TA in admissions in Spain, a not very good market for SH. But the key jump is China: 12 million to 86. That is 74 million gap. To put into context, those 74 million mean, more or less, the amount of admissions that sold in USA+Canada films like Avatar or Shrek 2. It is an absurd jump.
  23. Well, it is true that TFA was way more attended in countries with more expensive tickets, and TA was bigger in countries with cheaper tickets, and one could think that the gap in admissions would be closer to 0. But even with this argument, I think the gap of $500m WW between both films is wide enough to compensate it. If I remember well (correct me if I am wrong), exchange rates in 2012 were quite good for BO and 3D share was still high. I am not so surprised with this result.
  24. It is not obviously as complete as @charlie Jatinder numbers (thank you for your recopilation in the thread about global admissions), but to see the impact of EG (or any film since Titanic) in each market, I like a lot this link (I guess that @charlie Jatinder already knew about it): https://www.insidekino.de/BO/Titanic.htm It is in German, but I think it is easily understandable (figures given are admissions). It gives the ranking in admissions in each country since Titanic.
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