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Everything posted by peludo

  1. €35m would mean to be the 6th film ever unadjusted, over the biggest franchise in Spain, which still is LOTR. And with a €6.5 average ticket price, that would mean 5.4 million admissions. 2 million more than IW, and a bit over both Superman and Spider-man, becoming the biggest adjusted SH film ever. It would mean to be in the same Star Wars level (in fact, over TFA in admissions). Still behind than LOTR or HP1 in terms of admissions, but an incredible result.
  2. I am awful predicting so I did something wrong if I hit the real numbers... Thank you for your updates, as always
  3. I liked IW way more. I think it was more epic. And I DETEST what they have done with Thor and Hulk. Why to mistreat 2 of the main characters in this way? I have felt cheated. I thought that the Hulk problem in IW would be solved with a redemption here. You can not waste a chaotic character in a chaotic war being an orthodox character. It is a treason. Even if it exists that vision in comics, the saga ending needed the original Hulk. WHY????? Decent endings for both Iron Man and Captain, mainly for the former. And I keep asking myself, why did they introduced Captain Marvel? just as a Deux ex machina? I find it asburd. I feel she could have won the whole war in 5 minutes. Said this, the beginning of the battle is the second most brutal moment in theatres I have ever seen. I just felt more amazed with the unbeatable Rohirrim charge in ROTK, but that is all. Amazing moment. Maybe I will repeat to see it at theatres just because of it. But 3 hours for that moment is a big maybe... Is it a touching movie? The best moment is Ant-man meeting his daughter. I absolutely loved it. But I did not feel the same with IM's, CA's or Black Widow's moments. Not specially touching. At least, not with me. I do not feel the dramatic moments (I am sorry to compare again to LOTR, but Boromir's death says hello, and he was not even a main character). Maybe I can change with a second viewing, but I feel it is far from what I was expecting. A bit disappointing ending for an incredible experiment. I could repeat at theaters, but I am not convinced to do it. It could have been way better if they had just avoided for a single time the fucking jokes (Hulk and Thor are jokes themselves)... I enjoyed it, but I will remember better TA or IW. I give it a B (the beginning battle moment compensates many mistakes).
  4. We can see a huge admissions number relative to gross since we have "Fiesta del Cine" during May 6-8 period. We could see maybe 500,000 admissions in that period with a short impact in gross. I could even see 6 million admissions and maybe €36m total (over $40m)
  5. Maybe in Europe we can think that Asia or Latin America disappointed when Hobbit or Star Wars films (just a couple of examples) came around... it is just called TASTES. Not everything can be liked in the same way everywhere. Said this, Europe is increasing A LOT, reaching SW levels, and even LOTR or HP1-2 unadjusted levels, what is absolutely incredible. I think Avatar WW is done.
  6. I feel the opposite. I think IW is a better film than EG (maybe with my second viewing I will have a better opinion of the film). However I get why everyone is so excited Said this, I think Avatar is done. $3b in play (I can not believe I am saying this).
  7. True. There is a real risk that a new extreme right party can get huge results. I am terrified.
  8. It says: "Best Friday of the year for Endgame, which already cumes €5.5m"
  9. Indeed. Seeing how crowded are the showtimes today we could see: Thursday: 2m Friday: 3.5m Saturday: 4m Sunday: 2.5-3m: I'm afraid that the main target of the movie (young people) prefer to see Avengers instead to be interested in elections, but it still should have some effect. If it had been a normal Sunday, we could see 4 million too. Maybe 12-12.5 million, who knows if more.
  10. I think that is locked. The target is the OW record (The Impossible holds it)
  11. Thursday is a labor day. We can expect bigger numbers mainly today and Saturday. Sunday we have General Elections to choose new Prime Minister, so grosses could be affected a bit. Anyway, I am still expecting OW record (current are €9m 3-day, and €10.3m 4-day)
  12. And over 80% of the market gross. Let's say that it was not a full day. There were showtimes from 19 hours.
  13. Thursday: EG over €2m and over 80% of the market gross (there were showtimes since 19 hours)
  14. That would imply 4-day OW record (current 4-day record is €10.8m)
  15. Thursday: Up from 6/19 sellouts to 14/19 sellouts. Adding up the 17 non-3D showtimes there are 29 free seats. Friday: 3/23 sellouts 7,751 / 9,080 admissions = 85.36% It is absurd...
  16. Update (first session within 3 1/2 hours) 19 showtimes 6 out 19 sellouts 18 out 19 over 90% All of them over 75% 6,949/7,156 = 97.11% admissions sold Original Version = 98.97%
  17. The problem is we do not know the IW's OD in Spain. +60% OW? IW did €7.3m so that increase would mean €11.7m OW. I would not rule it out...
  18. 2 x IW OW would imply €14m OW. Current record is €10.5m 4-day OW, from The Impossible. IMO, the record will fall. Will it reach €14m? I think it is hard but with this madness, who knows...
  19. I have not found it either in Spanish webs or reports from last year. Anyway, you should get ready for HUGE numbers from Spain. The biggest theatre of Spain had sold yesterday 94% of admissions for sale for today's 19 showtimes.
  20. Exactly the same applies to Spain: Titanic: 11.2 million admissions Avatar: 9.5 Infinity War: 3.4 And the same applies to some other European countries. For this reason it is so hard to beat Avatar.
  21. Update (Kinepolis Madrid - Thursday 25th) 19 showtimes 2 out 19 sellouts 16 out 19 over 90% 17 out 19 over 80% 18 out 19 over 70% All of them over 60% 6,725/7,156 = 93.98% admissions sold Original Version = 97.94% (5 showtimes - 1 sellout)
  22. In terms of dollars? Let's say EG does €30m in Spain (a 50% increase), what means $34m (1.13 XR) Avatar did $110m in Spain, so Avatar would be 3.27 times bigger than EG in Spain...
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