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Everything posted by peludo

  1. 7 1/2 points are correct, but Avatar did not sell more admissions DOM than Endgame. I guess that every adjusted list is based on average ticket price to get the admissions sold and then get the adjusted figure. But it does not work very well with Avatar, which was bloated because of an incredible 3D ratio. It is estimated that Avatar sold 76-78 million admissions DOM, while, if I am not wrong, Endgame has already reached the 80 million figure. Endgame is already over Avatar adjusting by inflation in USA+Canada.
  2. Money is the only thing that they care about... I have another link with estimations of DOM attendance, but it is not updated since 2012: http://www.mrob.com/pub/film-video/topadj.html#fn_1
  3. Of course, EG has not finished its run yet, so the numbers should still increase a bit.
  4. Avatar UK: 17,284,124 France: 14,775,990 Germany: 11,318,518 Italy: 7,517,743 Spain: 9,536,218 Netherlands: 1,772,000 Portugal: 1,207,749 Greece: 990,000 Czech Republic: 1,358,262 Hungary: 1,160,604 Romania: 881,718 Bulgaria: 474,817 Ukraine: 1,544,286 Russia: 14,156,289 China: 27,645,400 South Korea: 13,624,328 Australia: 9,643,335 Brazil: 9,172,377 Argentina: 2,860,000 Colombia: 2,760,570 Mexico: 10,210,000 DOM: 76,000,000 (estimated) Endgame UK: 11,268,418 France: 6,738,931 Germany: 4,986,437 Italy: 4,018,033 Spain: 4,495,971 Netherlands: 1,130,000 Portugal: 643,465 Greece: 524,643 Czech Republic: 871,489 Hungary: 793,427 Romania: 561,400 Bulgaria: 215,996 Ukraine: 1,397,322 Russia: 10,251,652 China: 86,721,451 South Korea: 13,749,139 Australia: 5,554,918 Brazil: 18,862,071 Argentina: 3,690,885 Colombia: 5,678,201 Mexico: 23,900,000 DOM: 84,900,198 http://www.insidekino.com/BO/Avatar.htm Total of these countries: Avatar: 234,299,528 Endgame: 290,954,047 China is the key. There is a 56 million gap and Endgame has sold 59 million more admissions in China than Avatar did.
  5. It is not directly comparable, since TS3 was released on Wednesday instead Friday, as it has happened with TS4. Anyway, data are clear: TS3 3-day: €4.25m TS3 5-day: €6.23m
  6. Avatar, being abnormaly huge, it is a step behind than the little boat. Titanic sold about 50 million admissions more than Avatar just domestically. And since we are in Chinese thread, I still find hard to believe the $43m figure in China of 1998 when the market was a joke compared with today... https://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=intl&country=CH&id=titanic.htm It is not even among my top 100 favourite films, but it is, by far, the most impressive run I have ever seen. Nothing comes close to it.
  7. June 14th-16th: First of all, the Aladdin's cume is estimated. The number reported is not correct. On Sunday it was reported $20.0m. Applying a XR 1.12, we get the €17.857m figure I am saying. Aladdin is the first film of the year ranking #1 during 4 weekends in a row, and the first since Aquaman. Its 4th weekend is on par to Jungle Book (€1.6m) and Dumbo (€1.4m). Jungle Book did €4m more since this point and Dumbo €3m. Let's say Aladdin does €3.5m. It would finish with €21.3m and around 4 million admissions. MIB fails. The previous films did: MIB: €8,662,463 (2,631,375 admissions) MIB2: €11,056,581 (2,499,413) MIB3: €7,275,334 (1,125,447) MIB International seems headed to 2.5 or 3 million. Dark Phoenix drops heavily. It has made a 2nd weekend similar to 3rd of Apocalypse (€418k). Apocalypse did €900k more since that point, so a €3m total for Dark Phoenix seems probable. Apocalypse did €4.85m. Rocketman has a normal drop. Maybe €2.5m total. EG could barely reach the €29m barrier, but that's all. Two Towers is safe at #9 all time And to mention that "Mia et le lion blanc" is leaving the top 25 with a x7.5 multiplier.
  8. And nearly tied on Sunday. I can not remember other cases, but are presales so important in China for animated films? I guess they give signals about its possible run, but I do not think they are so definitive as other fan-driven genres like SH or other well known franchises. Or am I wrong?
  9. Agreed. I do not get that re-release aversion. If a film keeps the interest through the time and it is able to bring back people to theaters again, the money collected is as valid as the original run. I personally would love to see re-releases more often.
  10. Aladdin: €1.5m weekend. It means 40% drop relative to previous weekend. Weekdays have been higher than I had thought.
  11. Being logical, it should land with €22m (same than BatB). But I think it will go higher, maybe €23m or even €24m. Astonishing result.
  12. $20.0m in Spain means about €17.85m. That implies about €2.8m whole week. I can not compare with previous week because we had a discount period with very inflated weekdays, but I am guessing 1.7-1.8 weekend, what means about 30% drop relative to last weekend (€2.49m).
  13. Just to add that it is estimated TLK sold 8.08 million admissions in UK
  14. I wish both could do great numbers. SA is my favorite animated film, but I love TS films too.
  15. OD right now: Spirited Away: 1.77m Yuan Toy Story 4: 643k Yuan So, SA is nearly tripling TS4.
  16. Ask what you want I will try to answer. This is just my perception, it is not necessarily the truth. IMO, there are 2 main reasons: first of all is 2008 economical collapse. Before that, there was a low unemployment rate, about 8%, what maybe is not special for many countries but in Spain was the lowest rate in the whole democratic period (since 1978). When crisis hit us, the unemployment rate reached nearly 26% (2012-2013). Concerning market behaviour, I think these data are very clear: Yearly admissions in Spain: 2000: 135.4 2001: 146.8 2002: 140.7 2003: 137.5 2004: 143.9 million 2005: 127.7 (beginning of massive downloads) 2006: 121.7 2007: 116.9 2008: 107.8 2009: 110.0 2010: 101.6 2011: 98.3 2012: 94.2 2013: 78.7 (peak of unemployment) 2014: 88.0 2015: 96.1 2016: 101.8 2017: 99.8 2018: 97.7 (estimated) People are coming back to theaters since the worst moment of the crisis. We have basically recovered the 100 million level. But it is still far from early 00s. What happened? what I think it is the second reason: to see films at home. There is a drop from 2005, when downloads started to rise. Spain has downloaded A LOT (by 2014, Spain was the 5th country in the world with more downloads). And now there is craziness about TV at home (Netflix, HBO, Amazon, ...) so people prefer to see contents at home instead at theaters, so attendance drops or at very least, it is not able to reach early 00s level. And you say that every market tend to rise. I think that is a bit tricky. You have to take into account more factors. There are developing markets which have room for growth. I have not updated data, but for example, Brazil is probably already over 200 million admissions per year. But its population is 209 million, so we are talking about 1 ticket per person and year. Spain has 46 million inhabitants, so we go more than 2 times per year to see films. Concerning inflation, Spain tickets are flat since 2010, when it was €6.52. Right now, it is about €6.50 (we have been under €6 during this period). And there is another important factor: the population is not growing and it is becoming older and older. There are more deaths than births, and the more aged population is growing while the young population is decreasing. This does not help to films that are oriented to young people like CBMs, which use to be the biggest films worldwide.
  17. Maybe the reason of that is Spider-man was already very popular here. It sold 5.2 million admissions. In the same way than Superman in 1978 (5.2 million admissions) or Batman in 1989 (3.5 million admissions). Those 3 characters have always been considered the most famous (until MCU). Even X-Men were selling 2 million admissions in early 00s and now it is not able to reach 1 million. And I insist, the market was way more attended 15-20 years ago than now. In early 00s, Spain was selling 130-140 million admissions per year. Right now, it barely sells 100 million. And let's remember something basic: this is an American comic. The genre has never been as big in Europe as it is DOM, Asia or Latin America. We prefer other things. The result for EG here is really astonishing all factors considered.
  18. SH genre has never been the strongest here. The former record was for Spider-man, with €22m. But that was made when the market was bigger than now. Concerning EG, you have to take into account it is the 22nd film of a series. It is not an origin film which can be seen by everyone independently if they have seen the previous films or not. And the evolution of Avengers films is quite revealing: The Avengers: €16.2m Age of Ultron: €12.1m Infinity War: €20.5m Endgame: about €29m IMO, to reach the top 10 is an amazing result for a film like EG. Not everything can be liked in the same way everywhere. If that happened, this would be boring as hell.
  19. It looks great. Does it have the Wandering Earth's potential or it is more modest?
  20. June 7th-9th: Astonishing drop for Aladdin after Fiesta del Cine. It has done the best 3rd weekend since "A Monster Calls". To compare with "Beauty and the Beast": 3rd weekend: €2.31m (-50%) - €16.1m 4th weekend: €1.1m (-52%) - €18.0m In terms of admissions, Aladdin is already over BatB because of low prices of Fiesta del Cine. BatB was at 2.7 million after 3rd weekend. Applying logic and being conservative, Aladdin is heading to 20 million (x3 multiplier from this weekend), but if holds keep being so impressive we could see 23-24 million (Jungle Book added 6 million from a €2m 3rd weekend, for example). That 23-24 range would mean to match the original admissions figure (4.1 million). Dark Phoenix (€1.1m) starts well behind Apocalypse (€1.6m). It had a x3 multiplier (€4.9m total). €3m should be reachable, but to go beyond that seems hard. Rocketman holds well after the meh opening. I still keep the €3m projection. Endgame has reached the top 10 unadjusted, outgrossing POTC2, which leaves top 10 after nearly 13 years. But I do not see enough fuel to beat The Two Towers (€29.8m) to get the #9 spot. Let's see if it is able to reach €29m. In terms of admissions it has just beaten Bohemian Rhapsody (4.47m vs 4.43m).
  21. I have not said it will repeat the same result than first part, but I think it will be tougher competition than Hobbs & Shaw. First of all because the target of Pets 2 is more similar to TLK than Furious saga. And because the fact that Pets is falling relative to first part does not imply it will drop in the same way everywhere. Animated genre uses to make very good numbers. Said this, TLK will destroy everything, no matters what it faces.
  22. The first Pets did €21m and nearly 4 million admissions.
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