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Everything posted by peludo

  1. Sure, right now it is at $499.5m (3.362b Yuan), so I guess it has a chance to reach $500m...
  2. Wolf Warrior 2 reached it during day 15 The Wandering Earth, 16 days And that's all.
  3. Maoyan is already predicting 4.083b Yuan, what means $606m. It would imply to be #3 all time, and over #4 by about $64m. It implies to be the biggest foreign film ever, outgrossing the second one (FF8), by more than $200m
  4. I do not know if it has been said, but EG is reaching what Infinity War did in Yuan tomorrow. After 7 days. Not bad I guess...
  5. Hard to say. I could see some sign of being more frontloaded than IW with estimates. Maybe with actuals we can have more reliable info. Let's say it does another $100m during weekdays and then $150m 2nd weekend. After that, another 55 during weekdays and 75m at 3rd weekend (Pikachu). It would be at about 740 after a 75 million weekend. Applying the same multiplier than IW it would make a bit more than 150 million, what would make it border the $900m barrier. After the OS opening, and applying similar multiplier than IW, it would make 1.3b-1.35b without China. Finally, China can make $600m as our experts in that market are saying. We would have: DOM 900 China 600 OS-China 1.3b-1.35b WW 2.8-2.85b So yes, it would beat Avatar. The BIG question is: will it have a "normal" behaviour from now? It is un unprecedent opening so we do not know if it will have a "normal" run. I still think this weekend many people who will not repeat has been at theaters to avoid spoilers. Let's wait at least until 2nd weekend to can make a better projection.
  6. That is similar to Ant-Man's OW in USA... I guess that it is the biggest OW ever (at least in dollars) in any country no called USA or China.
  7. My bad. I do not why I had asumed the 67m previews. I read somewhere that 358 figure for the whole weekend. Is it confirmed? I guess we will have to wait to actuals. That would imply that both 150m 2nd weekend and 80m 3rd weekend are quite possible.
  8. IW 3-day: €6.8m (x3.01 to €20.5m) IW 4-day: €7.2m (x2.84 to €20.5m) EG 3-day: €10m EG 4-day: €12.5m Applying, let's say a x2.7 to the 3-day opening, we have €27.5m. Adding the €2.5m from previews, you have the €30m.
  9. For a 95m 3rd weekend I think it would be needed +170m 2nd weekend, what would lock $1b DOM. I do not see it possible... unless the craziness continues. Right now, I am thinking in maybe 145-150 2nd weekend and then about 75-80m 3d weekend (Pikachu's release). By then it should be at maybe 720.
  10. I do not think it will drop so much. I do not remember the IW's previews data, but we could see this: The real weekend is 350-67=283 million. A 50% drop of that gives 141.5. I think it could challenge the 2nd weekend record of TFA (149.2). 150m second weekend would mean a 57.2% drop relative to the whole OW. IW dropped a 55.5%. With 150 it would probably be bordering $600m cume in 10 days, still 60 million over TFA (although TFA still had an incredible 90m 3rd weekend thanks to Christmas).
  11. The biggest SH film ever is Spider-man with €22.67m. IW did "just" €20.5m. After this opening I find hard this fails reaching €30m. I am thinking in 32-33 million, at the same level, unadjusted, than ROTK or TFA.
  12. real possibility? is it a joke? $2.4b is locked. And $2.5b. And maybe $2.6b. One thing is to think it will have a bit weaker legs than IW, and other one is to think this will fall like a rock from now. It could be at $2b as soon as next Sunday.
  13. I agree in the low side. IMO, 2.6-2.7b is the most probable range, with a decent chance to beat Avatar. To go beyond 2.8 would require of some stellar legs, considering the size of the opening and the demand already burnt. I still think that legs will be worse than IW's because of the never-seen expectation that EG had. The temptation to avoid spoilers has forced many people to go during the OW instead waiting some days (myself included). And although many fans will repeat, tripeat, ... n-peat, many others who have watched the film during the OW will not see it again at theaters. Let's remember that this is not like Bohemian Rhapsody, an event film which is not needed to have seen 21 previous films to understand what are you seeing. Casual moviegoers will not see EG. I could be wrong, but I do not see the $3b chance.
  14. 3-day OW: €10m (€9m previous record) +11% 4-day OW: €12.5m (€10.3m previous record) +21% I like to have the 3-day data for future comparisons, since nearly every film is released on Friday.
  15. Yes, let's say something like this: DOM: 850m OS: 1.85b WW: 2.7b
  16. I am not so sure. It needs a bit lower multiplier than IW to do it. Right now, I think it will land somewhere between $2.6b and $2.8b.
  17. Applying the same multipliers than IW (I guess that is a big if, but still): DOM: $923m China: $520m or $592m (with same multiplier than IW, it would be $592m, but IW opened to 3-days. EG has had 5-day. Taking Maoyan prediction we have $520m. Said this, China has holidays this week so the multiplier could be better.... what a mess) OS-China: $1.335b Total: $2.758b (with $520m from China) / $2.85b (with $592m from China)
  18. I can tell you about Spain: May 1st: National Holiday May 2nd: Holiday in Madrid region (many people could take Friday as a holiday in Madrid too)
  19. My favourite is Guardians 1 and I think Winter Soldier is the best film, but I get why you think IM or BP are your choices. I agree with the existence of many "problems" in EG
  20. I feel as I am the only one who do not believe in the emotional side of Endgame and still prefer IW as a better film. Said this: Avatar is done. Welcome $3b world...
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