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Everything posted by peludo

  1. Yes, but there should be huge increases in whole Europe. For example, I expect a big increase in Spain, maybe a 50% more than IW. Of course, it will continue being far from Avatar. In fact, everything is far from Avatar in Spain. It is a 40% bigger than the second biggest film ever in local currency. It is hard to compete with that.
  2. Quite possible, even probable (it would still sound crazy to say locked...)
  3. When I said over Avatar, I am not saying it will do it. EG will probably be very frontloaded (although it will have a good repeating factor). I have it at $2.5b right now, but who knows... Edit: DOM: 775 (+14% relative to IW) China: 500 (+40% in local currency) OS: 1.225b (+21%)
  4. Avatar possible? 800 DOM + 600 China + 1.4b Rest = 2.8b Just to think it and
  5. It will change during upcoming days in function of reception, WOM and competition, but first Maoyan's forecast says 3.503b yuan total, what means $522m. It would rank #4 all time, and close to 3rd spot (3.65b).
  6. We should use another word to say "hype" for Endgame. This is ridiculous. It is already in the usual total range for a SH film (600-800 million Yuan) and nobody has seen the film yet... I am far to know as much as people know here, but I dare to say 2b Yuan 5-day, what basically means $300m OW. And let's say 450 total (I want to see a 3b Yuan foreign film).
  7. I have done the same exercise than @ScareLol with the biggest theater of Spain (Kinepolis Madrid). It has scheduled 19 showtimes for Thursday: 19:00 3D (210/330 = 63.64%) 19:00 2D (272/316 = 86.08%) 19:00 Laser Ultra (669/683 = 97.95%) 19:00 4DX (160/160 = SELLOUT) 19:30 VOSE (403/413 = 97.58%) 19:45 2D (292/316 = 92.41%) 20:15 2D (368/394 = 93.40%) 20:30 2D (268/316 = 84.81%) 20:30 VOSE (367/408 = 89.95%) 20:45 2D (276/310 = 89.03%) 20:45 VOSE (206/313 = 65.81%) 21:00 2D (993/997 = 99.60%) - This is the biggest screen in the world according Guinness Records 21:30 VOSE (378/394 = 95.94%) 21:45 3D (229/408 = 56.13%) 21:45 2D (265/313 = 84.66%) 22:00 2D (138/214 = 64.49%) 22:00 2D (367/395 = 92.91%) 22:00 VOSE (292/316 = 92.41%) 22:45 4DX (158/160 = 98.75%) TOTAL (6,311/7,156 = 88.19%) 1 sellout 9 showtimes over 90% 5 showtimes over 80% All of them over 60% * VOSE = Original Version Subtitled in Spanish And beyond the incredible global data, and as ScareLol said, it is surprising to see the original version showtimes (89.26% sold) in a country which the English knowledge level is mediocre at best.
  8. I guess you have to add a 0 to Chinese number
  9. Endgame presales: 543 million Yuan Avengers (2012) TOTAL: 568 million Yuan
  10. Top 5 Weekend: 1. Lo dejo cuando quiera: €1.9m 2. Dumbo: €1.4m 3. La Llorona: €1.1m 4. Mia et le lion blanc: €0.7m 5. Wonder Park: €0.7m Increases among holdovers. Big Easter effect.
  11. DOM: 300,000,000 OS: 740,000,000 WW: 1,040,000,000 China: 1,975,000,000 Yuan
  12. It basically says: "Dumbo has grossed $14m (about €12.2m) after 4 weekends. It is close to be the biggest film of the year (I add that Captain Marvel is a bit over). Spain is the 5th biggest market for Dumbo. Numbers are great for Spain, but not so much in the rest of the world."
  13. Considering that the original sold 5.1 million admissions, BatB "only" lost a 33% with the re-release. Applying the same to TLK we would be talking about 7.9 million admissions, what would mean about $75m in Germany (please, do not take too seriously. It is just an example)
  14. Concerning Spain, Avatar DOUBLED the previous all time record. It grossed €77m against the €38m from Titanic (it is at €41m right now, but it grossed €3m after Avatar, along 2012 re-release). Said this, Avatar did not matched the admissions record figure. It still ranks second (9.5 million), behind Titanic (11.2 million). I do not see anything beating Avatar in euros or grossing over $100m here (it did $110m) in maybe next 20 years. It had the highest average ticket price ever (in 2009-2010 the Crisis still had not hit us so deeply) and the 3D boost was absurd. We can look at admissions figure to see it better: 8 Apellidos Vascos, 2014 local hit, sold exactly the same amount of admissions than Avatar (9.5 million). However, it grossed a 29% less than Avatar (€55m vs €77m). Another data: with today average ticket price (€6.5), 10 years after the release, Avatar would gross today €62m, still €15m behind first part. Even Titanic, the most attended film ever still do not adjust (€72.8m) to what Avatar did (€77m).
  15. This. Europe is where Marvel should focus to expand. Latin America and Asia beat records movie after movie, but Marvel is still well behind the biggest franchises in Europe (HP, LOTR or Star Wars)
  16. Great analysis. Concerning Spain, I think the total could approach $30m, but since it is a conservative prediction, I understand the figure given.
  17. Watch "Grave of the fireflies" and you will see what is a depressing movie. It's amazing, but I have never felt so bad after watching a movie.
  18. I guess that after initial crazyness, it has recovered normality.
  19. Good start for the local comedy "I leave when I want". Huge drop for Dumbo, about 60% when it had dropped only a 19% on second weekend. Same 60% drop for Shazam!
  20. Both Thursday and Friday are national holidays in Spain. Catalonia (Barcelona region) is the exception: Thursday is a workday but next Monday is holiday. At the end, two holidays in the whole country. And every education level (from primary school to university) have holidays the whole week. Many people go on vacation or see the Easter processions. The attendance for those processions are MASSIVE in Spain. Said this, we should see better holds than usual during this week.
  21. It is not usual to have presales reports unless it is a record breaker as Endgame is. Scarelol has already posted the last available data. But as soon as I know any new data I will post it
  22. Sure, every data is always useful and well received
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