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Everything posted by peludo

  1. Last 4 weekends data are available now. I will just post the last 2, which involves Endgame. If someone want the info of both April 12th and April 19th weekends, just ask for it and I will post them: April 26th-28th: May 3rd-5th: We can not add too much about what Endgame is doing. It set the OW record for both 3-day and 4-day periods. Although I am not sure if it has beaten the OW in admissions. The Da Vinci Code grossed €8.7m in 2006. If I am not wrong it sold more than 1.6 million admissions during its 3 first days. The 2nd weekend drop is similar to IW's (-64%). Applying the same path from now, EG would finish with €31.56m. It would rank #8 of all time: ... 6. The Force Awakens: €33.27m 7. The Return of the King: €32.94m 8. Avengers: Endgame: €31.56m (estimated) 9. The Fellowship of the Ring: €31.34m 10. The Two Towers: €29.80m 11. Pirates of the Caribbean 2: €28.27m ... With current EG average ticket price (€6.53), it would mean 4,830,000 admissions, although I think it will reach 5 million with lower prices because of less 3D showtimes and Fiesta del Cine in early June (€2.9 tickets during 3 days). Concerning other titles, the local comedy "Lo dejo cuando quiera" is holding extremely well. €10m should be reachable, probably more. Dumbo can reach €14m, very good number, considering the numbers in most of the countries. Shazam! collapsed with EG opening. Finishing with just under €4.5m. Between Ant-Man (€3.8m) and Ant-Man 2 (€5.5m) to put into perspective, Not bad. Captain Marvel finishing just under €13m. Very good for the genre.
  2. Did you read what he says? From the 2.79b figure it should add another 60 million, so 2.85b
  3. Endgame will be the biggest SH film ever in Spain. It will outgross the current king, SM1's €22.66m, along this week. But we still have to see if it is able to be the biggest SH film ever ADJUSTED. Superman: 5,267,944 Spider-man 1: 5,249,541 I think Endgame can get 5 million admissions, but I do not know if it can reach the 5.2 million figure. It is going to be very close.
  4. EG 2nd weekend: €3.6m (provisional data). Cume: €22.2m (estimated) 65% drop relative to 3-day OW IW 2nd weekend: €2.47m Cume: €14.25m 64% drop relative to 3-day OW Applying a similar run to IW, EG would finish with €31.3m. It would match FOTR as the 8th biggest film ever (FOTR did exactly €31,339,713). It would be a bit behind both ROTK (€32.94m) and TFA (€33.27m).
  5. DOM IW did a $114m 2nd weekend. After that it did another $225m (x2.97) Applying the same, EG would finish with $905m. Being conservative, let's say $875m (x2.72) China It should finish with $625m OS-China IW did a $164m 2nd weekend, and it did another $296m (x2.80) Applying the same, EG would finish with $1.39b. Let's say $1.35b (x2.60) With these numbers, it would finish with about $2.85b
  6. I have watched it last Friday before Endgame and I can not remember it... I will have to see it again
  7. I deduce that I am not saying anything new. My bad, but I have not been able to read everything... Too much info to process and not enough time to do it
  8. Could we see this? 1st Sunday: $1b done 2nd Sunday: Titanic done 3rd Sunday: $2.5b done? 4th Sunday. Avatar done?
  9. Cameron should have to surprise HUGELY (maybe 3D without glasses needed) to take back to all of those curious people who went to see Avatar. The first part did what it did because of 3D revolution. The story was simple as hell. But it is obvious that technically, the film is close to perfection. I would not dare to argue against that. And you should recognize that many people saw the film curious about that visual revolution. But the novelty is gone, and 3D is DETESTED in many countries. If there is not anything new, you should not count with massive amounts of people turning back to Pandora. Of course, it is just an opinion.
  10. Beyond China, where A2 is locked to make well over $200m, I do not see any other $100m Avatar's markets (Japan, France, UK, Germany, SK, Russia, Spain, Australia) making what first part did. For some of them, not even close.
  11. I (obviously) adore Chewbacca. There are maybe better characters in Star Wars, but he is my favorite since I was a child. R.I.P.
  12. This is like a time travel... I remember this kind of posts from the BOM forums (wide ranges and finally a huge prediction for a Cameron film). Said this, and if I remember well, he was one of the few who was right about Avatar success before it was released... After remembering the past, you are saying that this will drop a 60% during its second weekend taking into account the $60m of previews (respectable opinion). But after that, it will drop about another 60% during its third weekend, even although the 2nd weekend does not account previews... Never say never, but considering the A+ of Cinemascore and the drops of these first days that seems really unlikely.
  13. Could you, please, give us a breakdown in order to EG misses $770m DOM considering that Wed has been of $25m? Nothing is never locked, but the info we have until now says that it is not collapsing during, at very least, upcoming days.
  14. I agree. Thinking in 630-640, after a 160-170 weekend.
  15. I have defended this theory many times in A2's thread in the past. In fact, I started a thread talking about the ER's problem some years ago (Adjusting Exchange Rates...). And as some people have said here, you can not asume that every person who watched Avatar will repeat with A2. Different times. I commited that mistake some years ago and reality showed me that every film has its own moment and circumstances. Today is Marvel moment. Will it be next year A2's moment?maybe, but it is far from being locked, even more when we are talking about being the biggest film ever.
  16. So Titanic's adms price were really bloated. Just 2.5 Yuan gap between two films separated 7 years seem very low in a market like Chinese. Endgame had ridiculous high prices along first hours (correct me if I am wrong), but I guess that 50 is a more normal price.
  17. I can give a very simple example: Spain Avatar was reported to do $110m Avatar sold 9.5 million admissions Avatar grossed €77m Today Euro/Dollar ER=1.13 77*1.13=$87m, what means $23m lower just in Spain. You can apply the same to the whole Eurozone. Do you want to talk about inflation? Today average ticket price in Spain is €6.5, tipically €1m more in 3D showtimes. Even if EVERY ticket sold had been in 3D we would be talking about: 9.5 million*7.5 = €71.25m what means $80.5m, $29.5m lower than the original gross. And this is just one country...
  18. Some people still do not realize how bloated was Avatar because of ERs.
  19. Good luck with that... EG at 775 million after 3rd weekend, when it will have done 85-90 million. You can sum up another 170-180 million, reaching 950. The only thing I can agree with you is about the $2b OS. That is what could be hardest to achieve, although I would not rule it out yet.
  20. Well, I find normal that EG can keep the distance with TFA since EG is having "usual" weekdays considering the OW it has had. It is just that EG's OW is 110 million bigger than TFA's, so the margin to drop deeper without losing too much difference with TFA is considerable Let's try (and maybe I am being conservative): EG OW: 357 EG Mon-Thu: 115 EG 2nd weekend: 160 (-46% drop relative to true OW weekend) EG Mon-Thu: 60 (TFA will reduce the gap during these 4 days, when it did 110 million) EG 3rd weekend: 85 So EG after 17 days: 777 million and TFA after 17 days was at 742 After this, the TFA's run gets normalized. 35 million gap in favor of EG after 3rd weekend. Unless something strange happens, I see more probable to reach $1b than to fall under TFA.
  21. I just was kidding. He was doubting (trolling?) about $500m and that amount had already been done. Being serious: $625m means 4.2b Yuan, what seems possible, even probable. $650m would be 4.375b Yuan. It could be possible, but I prefer to see how it holds after these holidays during normal days and upcoming competition.
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