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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Now that we know all the drama that went behind the scenes, it is easier to differentiate which scenes had Webb's stamp all over it and which scenes were megalomaniac exec masturbation. Andrew Garfield says the Spider-Kid at the end was his idea. Solid logic, though I think Peter giving his mask to the kid in the fiery carwreck in the first film was better at getting the message across.
  2. No, this needed to happen. At the very least, Marvel cast and crew deserve healthier pay checks.
  3. Rokka no Yuusha is KILLING it! Who knew crossing the whodunit genre with medieval fantasy could be this much fun? Also, amazing character development for the main lead couple. I hope Passione gets enough funds for Season 2 coz I need more of this + development for the other characters as well. I usually can't stand anime but the Braves have broken me!
  4. I have a theory about why they are introducing the entire Tarly family next season.
  5. Lol he's been fancast as every potential pretty boy character from Young Griff to Trystane Martell. Fannies finally get their wish and see him on the show... as Sam's lunkhead younger brother.
  6. Looking at the Phase 3 line-up, all of them require near 200M (the reported budget for Guardians). Black Panther could be slighter cheaper but I don't see it going much below 170M (the budget for Thor: The Dark World). At this point, gone are the Phase 1 days when Perlmutter could cling on to his purse strings and issue "economical" blockbusters. Feige's vision for the MCU has become incredibly ambitious creatively speaking, and that requires an extensive use of resources. If Perlmutter was giving him a terrible time for Civil War, the very first film in Phase 3, and a film that is far more audience friendly than most of the other titles in their line-up, obviously Feige would rather walk away now than to see his vision constantly compromised beyond recognition.
  7. Crude and simplistic are OOC for a character introduced as sacrificing his relatives for being "heretics"? He just killed his brother and lost most of his men and ships at the Battle of Blackwater. Of course he is going to be at his lowest of lows. You can argue that Book Stannis and Show Stannis are two different characters, but Show Stannis was never inconsistent during his downward trajectory when taken by himself.
  8. I'm telling ya, he was in a downward spiral thanks to the guilt of murdering his own brother, hence couldn't think straight. For me, that just makes him an even more tragic and poignant character. Only poetic that he is ultimately killed for the sin that weighed on him most and was the beginning of the end for him. Agree with this wholeheartedly: https://twitter.com/jacobtwop/status/607795606375956480
  9. He still outlived all of three of the Four Kings he was warring against that he shouldn't have. Without having to lift his hiney from his seaweed seat. Even if the Old God had different plans, the Two have been kind to him.
  10. Sorry, I misread Mina's post and thought he or she was saying BoNN was getting poor reviews, increasing the chances of The Danish Girl's nomination. I agree, Beasts would definitely be the unexpected nomination and a shock victory.
  11. That's not what we mean. By Oscar bait we mean a competent but blandly crafted movie milking a phoned in performance based on the life of a marginalized pioneer (not played by an actor who is a member of that marginalized group of course) and reducing the intricacies and complexities of that person's life to fit by the numbers beats. I don't see why you think it sounds crazy. Baity bait film gets nomnom for sure.
  12. Could be they accelerated Misty's intro seeing how DC is already launching its own Vixen series. Seeing how Cage and Fist have their own solo shows, a WOC Heroes for Hire show starring Misty Knight and Elektra would be wonderful (with Night Nurse as support obviously).
  13. So Numbers, how do you feel about Balon outliving Stannis and winning the War of the Five Kings by default on the show?
  14. I always love coming across that "No Cuts" story. The greatness of Miyazaki.
  15. From what I've heard, it's targeted at Millennials by being overloaded with Gen X nostalgic references... how is that supposed to work exactly?
  16. The Fannings, especially Elle, are such snoozefests. Studios need to get more creative with their casting options.
  17. I lost faith in the Academy when I found out they had snubbed Princess Mononoke for Best Foreign Language Film. I mean, okay fine, they don't want animated films anywhere near their precious "grown-up table", but they couldn't afford a Foreign Language nom for a timeless epic like Mononoke?
  18. Didn't see a thread for this. THR has the scoop: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/marvel-shake-up-film-chief-819205 Perlmutter will still be in charge of comics publishing and television productions though. Interesting, I never knew Feige was this dissatisfied under Perlmutter. So, what does this mean for Marvel Studios? More creative risks and bigger budgets? What exactly did Perlmutter place restrictions on? Salaries?
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