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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Disney found a way out. This prequel is set in the "Realm of Genies", so the cast will be blue instead of brown/olive.
  2. Can Lena win this year? I felt that while Cersei had a great arc this season, it was evenly spread out over a number of episodes, instead of being concentrated in one particular ep. Blackwater is still her best single episode performance, and that didn't get a nom for her.
  3. Ella Purnell then? She's gorgeous enough to make people believe that Robert desired her over Cersei, plus she is closer to Lyanna's age during Robert's Rebellion.
  4. You need to watch Before Sunrise to understand how this movie may work. It's another matter if you find the Before trilogy boring. But if you don't, then you will know this could be incredibly compelling.
  5. A Before Sunrise version of the Obamas' first date could be something really special. Before Sunset and Before Midnight versions of their later lives could be something else altogether.
  6. The more I get to know about Emmeline Pankhurst, the more I learn she was shady shit, but damn she had game.
  7. If any Renaissance movie deserves the Song of the South treatment then it is Pocahontas. The Powhatan Nation has an entire page on their official website explaining how Disney flat out refused their assistance to help make the story accurate and instead chose to sugarcoat a tragic real life story to deeply hurtful levels. Not that sugarcoating should not be expected of Disney but why did they have to choose this one particular historical figure to make a movie on when the people directly connected to her culture had serious issues with it from the get go? I'm sure the Powhatans must have offered a number of other ideas to adapt instead. Hehe, my sis and I had 3 of the Big Renaissance 4 on VHS (Aladdin, TLK and BatB), and Aladdin was easily the one we watched the most. I even had an Aladdin themed birthday when I turned 8 and I was uber obsessed with the Aladdin sidescroll PC game and the Magic Carpet board game. ^This one.
  8. I love how that article starts "In spite of the good weather, Amy has recorded the biggest ever opening weekend for a British documentary at the UK box office." Only in cold and dank UK where GOOD weather is a deterrent to the BO.
  9. Yes, but the competition between animated movies tends to work out in a very specifically brutal way. It's the same when two movies targeting the same demographic come out close to each other. It's hard for two animated films to not chomp at each other's collections the way an IO or Minions can avoid chomping at JW's collections. For example, if IO manages to squeak past JW in the actuals, this would be the first time in history when two animated films held both No. 1 and No. 2 at the BO.
  10. Er, that notion is called a hypothesis, B-Man. The "Adjusted for Inflation" argument works solely on this notion.
  11. Ugh, 9/11 really did a number on Aladdin visibility. I remember my 90's childhood walking into a toy store and getting to pick from the wall to wall Aladdin merch. Plus, the games, the direct to video sequels, the tv show! It was Disney's magical blue cow that wouldn't stop giving. Things are finally getting better now, with the Blu-Ray release and the musical.
  12. The fact that the Turd had such an insane opening proves Shrek 2 was far more beloved than folks here are giving it credit for.
  13. The Disney Renaissance hype was at an all time high after Aladdin though. TLK needed to come immediately after Mermaid, BatB and Aladdin to become that much of a cultural zeitgeist. All four movies were insanely big when it came to merch and tv/straight to video spin-offs.
  14. My expectations were soo incredibly low that it exceeded them? It's actually better than the completely stupid DM2. Bob Minion is a doll and kids and young women are gonna lap him up if the crowd at my showing were any indication. The Overkills were cool too, if underused and underdeveloped. Hope to see them in Minions 2 or DM3. Loved the 60's setting and aesthetics. Having said that, the writing is mind numbingly lazy. But frankly speaking, I expected worse after DM2 (that IMO is still the nadir of this franchise), so yay I guess?
  15. Seems like Sanjay Patel was incredibly nervous in assuming directing duties. Otherwise there is enough potential in that short to be a full-fledged movie. It has got all the quintessential Pixar ingredients (including an Incredibles-esque superhero flair) in addition to the novelty of focusing on a minority family and how their unique customs and culture affect their personal relationships. Oh well, kudos to Lasseter and his dad for pushing him. Chances of Best Animated Short victory looking good.
  16. So, I'm trying to figure out who some of the BOF stans would have stanned for in 1997. My guesses: Noctis: Kate Winslet (stanning her English elegance since Sense & Sensibility) The Futurist: Alicia Silverstone (not an Oscar winner but plastered all over pop-culture for the last 3 years) Claire Holt: Sarah Michelle Gellar (TV's original slayer bitches!) Sam: Chris O'Donnell (a superhero playing Chris by any other last name) dddeee: ...Steve Buscemi?
  17. Lol like she's any match for Alicia Silverstone though. Scorching hot Aerosmith video supermodel, breakout debut lead role and now cast as Batgirl. The new millennium belongs to tubular Silverstone.
  18. Wrong! Romeo + Juliet was a smash last year (how quickly thou forget), so he will be a two hit wonder.
  19. Hey, what about all the opportunities for dat juicy spillover dough?
  20. She must have selectively watched the Stannis scenes in Seasons 2-4 if she wonders how he turned out to be a zealot all of a sudden.
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