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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. ROFL at this epic Anne Rice turnaround on Cruise's casting as Lestat: http://www.angelfire.com/ri/cerat/AnneOnTom.html
  2. I really need to rewatch Hunchback again. Frollo is so compellingly despicable.
  3. The Vuvalinis weren't by any stretch of the imagination a "utopia". They were the last of their kind, on the brink of extinction, unable to repopulate the Earth by themselves, and had to survive by adopting the violent means they abhorred so much. Just because they weren't sadistic like Immortan made them seem much better in comparison. It was already apparent that the Vuvalinis weren't the ideal society and that peaceful and respectful co-existence between women and men was obviously the only means for evolution. This abandonment of male children element is just hitting the point on the head with a hammer, something the movie gracefully avoided otherwise. It also goes against the Vuvalinis' "conservationist" nature that the movie had established through the Keeper of the Seeds and the economic use of bullets against Immortan's forces. And tempers the effect of the "Green Place" scene, where the stilt-creatures were eerier when we had no clue what they were.
  4. So will it be considered as a 2015 release? Is it eligible for consideration during the awards season?
  5. Except this kind of "reveal" is exactly the kind of fictional feminist/SJW ruled dystopic culture MRAs keep prattling about. The Vuvalinis being human was already apparent in their inability to regrow the flora and fauna of the Wastelands by themselves and having to resort to violence for defence. This is just excessive.
  6. I'm... still not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I get what they were going for but OTOH, emphasizing the "man hate" of one of the incredibly few representations of a badass matriarchy/women dominated society like the Vuvalini gives off a stink of typical MRA anecdote based self-victimization. I guess this revelation didn't sit well with me because I am still pissed at what they did to the Amazons in the latest Wonder Woman comics (revealed them as seducing men, killing them after being impregnated, and then selling off male offspring as slaves, despite being depicted as an enlightened and peace loving culture for decades). Do the Vuvalinis really have to be tarred with deep shades of grey to appease cries of misandry? I mean, we already have Max, a man who proved his worth and necessity by providing his blood as a lifeforce to Furiosa, and Nux, the boy who just needed something real to hope and live for. Of course the MRAs are totally going to pretend those male characters don't exist or will undercut their value just because they don't fit their narrative. If they wanted more gender politics complexity, they would've been better off with the female anti-feminist equivalent (women loyalists of Immortan Joe) or with one of the wives rebelling against Furiosa and co.
  7. I was being a little facetious but I think if they have a refreshing spin like R+J, then Bard works are not really BO poison, seeing how their timelessness and universality rivals only those of age old fairytales. And of course, it also depends on star power. A straight adaptation starring Fassy and Marion won't attract big crowds obviously. But cast Leo instead of MF and I think the interest would have easily tripled.
  8. Romeo + Juliet and The Lion King roll their eyes at your sarcasm. Even Gnomeo and Juliet flashes its jarring 99.967M dom total at you.
  9. 25k (Limited opening) / 7M Docudrama about groups of protesters around the world taking on their local wing of Monsanto. Purple, Violet, Lilac, Mauve
  10. Princess Mononoke reimagined as an 8-bit video game. Coz the Internet can be lovely like that.
  11. Empire tries to be so hip, it mostly just trips.
  12. Why, what's the budget? That pretty much seems to be The Woman in Black numbers.
  13. Maybe she's just a simple girl with simple wants: $$$$$
  14. Let's at least wait until early reactions for TGD before claiming it is a lock or a frontrunner on par with IO. I was going by their snub of Monsters University, the last Pixar movie before this year, for DM2 and The Croods. MU wasn't a frontrunner, but to not even get nominated, despite its technical achievements, was definitely eyebrow raising and a sign that the Academy weren't simply Pixar acolytes as folks accused them of being after the Brave win. Or at least they were trying to show that they didn't have a bias towards Pixar. If the latter is the case, and if IO has got this in the bag, then I can see them snubbing TGD if it isn't on IO level or if it is merely good like MU.
  15. I still feel it has been nothing but downhill for Menken since Beauty and the Beast (after losing Ashman) while there's no stopping the Lopezes (EGOTs aren't just handed out to everyone, y'all). Anyways, the Scottish legend of Tam Lin, though adult, is very similar to the original story of The Snow Queen, if not more epic and surreal. They could easily adapt that instead in a Paperman-esque 2D/3D blend.
  16. I read that as Lionsgate disturbing. Bronies really have ruined this franchise for folks, haven't they?
  17. IO wouldn't be nominated even if TGD wasn't around. The rules changed for voting after the 2011 ceremony to the disadvantage of the non Oscar baits. I highly doubt 5% of the Academy would have voted for Inside Out as their #1 movie of the year after the slew of Oscar season hopefuls. You can thank The Blind Side for screwing things up again.
  18. I noticed that the girl character's name is Hannah. Could she be the same Hannah from The Ghost Next Door? I hope that turns out to be the case. I loved that book!
  19. Not entirely true. It was also embraced by the "I like ScarJo coz she's hotttttt" crowd.
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