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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Frozen was winter though and its 2nd and 3rd weekends fell in the first two weeks of December, which are usually lousy BO wise. Also, Frozen had to contend with real life snowstorms in December 2013. Ironically.
  2. He's got some interesting ideas but weak ass narration skills is how I'd put it. Like Shyamalan, this is one director who NEEDS stellar scriptwriting, something the likes of Goyer will never offer him. Also, he pays whiny fanboys TOO much attention. He should just stop and be a devil may care prick like Bay/Ratner etc. He owes them nothing.
  3. I take it he meant that if it were second in the estimates, it would have to drop more than JP4.
  4. Movie will make profit thanks to OS of course, but I don't see it making 241.4M DOM (MBFGW's number). As I said in my previous post, the 3D and live action remake of a Disney animated classic were really novel concepts back in early 2010 (Remember that it was the first 3D movie after Avatar). Those concepts aren't shiny and new now. And Depp was unarguably still at the peak of his popularity in early 2010. The marketplace is too crowded next summer. Apocalypse will temper its opening and then TMNT will really hurt its legs. It would be incredibly lucky to reach 200M.
  5. Alice 2 ain't making Fat numbers, at least domestic. Unlike its predecessor, no 3D novelty going for it, no Disney fairytale live action novelty going for it and worst of all, people are over Depp.
  6. Lol the real article: http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2015/07/05/sneak-peek-sanjays-super-team-pixar-good-dinosaur/29592193/ Love Patel's aesthetics. The more I read about this short, the more convinced I am that it could have made for a great full length. There is so much going on in terms of themes, visuals and concepts. And it is so different from the usual studio animation fare.
  7. This combo was reminiscent of Katniss and Elsa teaming-up to Queen over Winter 2013. Good times...
  8. Every time I heard "I lava you" I wanted to run out of the theatre. The embarrassing lyrics could have been overlooked if the tired old plot didn't play so safely by the numbers. Even the animation was not out of this world stunning, especially for the same studio that gave us the gorgeous visual fest of Finding Nemo a good twelve years ago. It's a great thing that people expect nothing but the best from Pixar. You don't want people growing indifferent to your product. Look what's happening to Dreamworks. If ILM doesn't mix things up, their movies are going to suffer the same fate soon enough. You can only milk the silly yellow Minion calves so much.
  9. He was created for Spider-Man. His very first appearance in the comics was when he came for Webhead because he mistakenly thought Spidey was responsible for Gwen Stacy's death. So much delicious drama.
  10. As awesome as Mark Hamill proved to be in his post-SW career, Luke is a bore. His popularity only comes from the fact that he was the generic fanboy stand-in in the original trilogy.
  11. It's half in jest but Emilia Clarke, the actress playing Sarah Connor in TG, plays super popular character Daenerys Targaryean (also known as Khaleesi), on the HBO show Game of Thrones, a worldwide phenomenon.
  12. Still ridiculously impressive though. Especially considering that post-conversion version of FN had such a strong pull on people to check out the underwater sequences in 3D.
  13. Yeah, if it is indeed "training grounds", then a critique of the short's quality is needed. Also, a short just being nominated for an Oscar, Annie or any of the other big awards goes a long way in increasing cred in the business. Additionally, Pixar has also gotten some extra Blu-Ray/DVD $$$$ by releasing not one but two volumes of short movie collections so far. Now WDAS is following suit. There are perks both for the individual makers and for the studio for producing a well-received short other than simply warming the hearts of cinegoers and BluRay/DVD purchasers. Edit: In WDAS's defence, their animated shorts from the last decade have tended to be of a far superior quality than Pixar's shorts. So the quality control seems to be more effective there.
  14. Nobody is criticizing the movie for Lava's shittiness. People have a right to call the short shitty here because this and the IO thread are the only appropriate places to talk about the short on the board. Also, let's not pretend that the Best Animated Short category is not a good incentive to continuously make these shorts. It's not a slight because obviously people would want recognition for their work, but to claim they are made "purely for fun" is a bit disingenuous.
  15. Bing Bong's death was absolutely devastating for my girlfriend! They are both supposed to elicit different emotions (no pun) from you.
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