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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. I agree that Anna is highly overlooked and is easily the most well-rounded Disney Princess and also one of the most fleshed out female characters in Western animation. But the impact Elsa has had on a number of people going through their own emotional turmoil like her cannot be understated either.
  2. If MJ2 performs like DH2 to MJ1's DH1, then that is a very real possibility. AoU getting locked out of domestic Top 3 for the year would be INSANE.
  3. For those events, together with the heavy loss at Blackwater and the massive guilt of killing his own brother have traumatized him to such an extent that he's no longer the man he once was?
  4. I didn't say you made the comparison. Stingray did in his post. My point is simple. Women have to deal with enough shit in the First World, so dismissing it by saying it is nothing compared to the shit women have to deal with in the Third World is immensely foolish. I just used Sweden's case because Stingray explicitly mentioned the country and it just so happens to have a known high crime rate against women. Not particularly singling it out as being worse than other First World countries.
  5. You'd be surprised to know how many people actually enjoyed Maleficent. This may actually do better than Alice 2.
  6. I'm not saying that at all. However, downplaying the horrors of Sweden by just providing an excuse of "But, but, but... it's worse for ladies somewhere else in the world!" is indeed naive. To say the least. Dashrendar, Damien Roc and others were already talking about the follies of downplaying problems for women in First World countries by dismissing it as nothing compared to women in Third World countries, but Stingray's post about how women in Sweden had nothing to worry about compared to women in other nations took the truth of the point those posters were trying to make to another level altogether.
  7. I mentioned that disparity in my previous post. Even so, it is still appaling that there are so many cases of such kind in Sweden, a relatively small First World nation, even if every single one of them is being reported.
  8. Wow, I just realized that an entire season went by without Bran and I didn't even notice until now while pondering over how far Jaime has come since the series premier.
  9. It's easy to assume that some of those troops were Lannister and Frey bannermen. It's much easier to assume that than think that after the Red Wedding, every pro-Lannister brigade returned to Casterly Rock or King's Landing.
  10. Not Caesar. It's the War of the Roses that is the main inspiration. But Snow isn't dead regardless.
  11. Lol mainstream feminism as we know it has been around since the 1920's. And the blowbacks have been happening since then as well. But all they've been doing is just increasingly strengthening the movement.
  12. WTF? Did you just forget that Sweden has the highest reported sexual assault cases against women in all of Europe and in the world? Even if the other countries are not playing fair with their own numbers, that particular crime rate against women in Sweden is fucking abysmal considering it's pretty small, especially compared to the two countries you just mentioned, plus is considered as "First World".
  13. Pycelle and Kevan are too minor clogs to care about now, Numbers. Kevan will probably perish in the first half of S6 around Cersei's trial by combat. Does Myrcella die without even reaching King's Landing in Winds of Winter as well? It makes sense to allow Tommen be the last to sit on the Iron Throne before the Targ Dragon Invasion Deux, but if Myrcella never gets her turn to rule, why even bother making her survive the Queenmaker disaster? Not convinced Dorne is not full of inconsequential messiness in the books as well. It will just be incredibly and painfully drawn out.
  14. But that's because up till the early 00's, animated movies used to be a treasured family event. Now there are so many to pick and choose from. Funnily enough, Dreamworks are the biggest reason for overcrowding the market with sub-par movies and sequels. And now they are suffering because of it.
  15. AS was just pandering to certain demographics. While Cooper was efficient in the role, I think Aloha showed he isn't a super draw by himself, regardless of the movie. I think Mr. Pink is right. It is premature to declare Pratt as "THE DRAW". Both GotG and JW had other, more towering factors going for them.
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