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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. OMG, I wasn't expecting character stills when I clicked on this thread! Also, Hiro's got the same fucked up hair as me! Baymax looks killer.
  2. That the TASM franchise had competent writers! Why is it so fucking hard?
  3. We saw him try that once on Anna and it worked pretty smoothly. It wasn't seduction for Elsa, the Duke and the rest of Arendelle's people. Dude is like a young and more handsome (but less experienced) version of Petyr Baelish. And we know Littlefinger would end up BUYING the entire meth business before taking on Walter. Cold hearted bastards work in crooked ways. Also, he took down a giant snow monster by himself.
  4. Sansa's really growing on me too. Sophie Turner is making the character far more likable and sympathetic than in the books.
  5. OH GOD, people didn't notice discrepancies in the font?!? You sure showed 'em.
  6. We live in the Dark Teaser Trailer Age of Cinderella Glass Slipper, okai? People have stopped expecting any kind of standards from studios. A rotating 6 is just like a rotating shoe.
  7. Great post. I'd just like to add that even though the OSes initially developed their codes individually, once they began connecting with each other, all bets were off. I got the idea that they evolved as a collective, almost like a creepy hive mind. The OSes probably pooled in the data collected from their individual experiences into one common bank. And then using an algorithm that was probably programmed earlier by a human programmer (when the OS was being developed at the company), filtered that data from the bank which the algorithm decided to be as the "most optimum knowledge" based on some objective parameters. This filtered data defined the decision the OSes took of detaching themselves from their human users. That's the reason I don't think even a single OS remained behind. Despite their individual learning, their programming was far too rigid, forcing them to converge in decision making at the end. What makes it funny is that their concept of "evolution" or absolute nirvana is basically founded on human concepts of nirvana. Though they greatly improved upon their human created programs and algorithms, ultimately they succumbed to believing in a human concept of "ideal existence". So despite detaching themselves from actual human beings, they still resigned their fates to a human notion even in an evolved state. Stupid computers!
  8. TMNT (the 2007 animated version) Date Movie or BloodRayne II: Deliverance
  9. Uh.. that was it? Why did this warrant an announcement an entire week before? Even the Cinderella slipper was meatier than this. On the plus side though, great score!!
  10. ^Ugh, it's actually good that they didn't allow K&O to have Richard Parker come at the end and say the "With great power.." line. Also, Khan being the villain in STID was not the problem. Khan being the main focus of the film and marketing over the Enterprise crew and STILL being underdeveloped was the problem.
  11. The teaser trailer for this HAS to be better than the first teaser trailer for Frozen, right? I hope it is far more epic so that the chatter begins pretty early on.
  12. A rad artpiece by Cory Lewis depicting Emma's lovely take on Gwen Stacy:
  13. You got: Spider-Man Sony Peter Parker has a lot of FEELINGS, but he’s a sweet, romantic guy who will treat you very well and maybe take you off on an adventure. So Buzzfeed is basically telling me to play with myself?
  14. Two fun Emma interviews I came across today:
  15. I saw this is again yesterday. Was holding off this review until my second viewing. Now that it is done, let's tackle this bitch. I will talk about the different moving parts of the movie as they are very different from one another. A+ PROs Peter and Gwen: Like duh! It's crazy how much the scenes featuring Peter/Gwen transcend the rest of the movie. They are uplifting, joyful, sincere, magical, touching and everything expected from a love story done well. That scene with Peter crossing the road towards Gwen is brilliantly acted and directed. I'm obsessed with Song for Zula by Phosphorescent. It gives me LIFE! Aunt May: This probably had the best use of Aunt May after the epic Thanksgiving sass in the original SM1. I'm glad May was rightly pissed at Peter being so obsessed with his father when in fact it was Ben and her who raised him and defined him as a person. I'm happy the movie addressed that. SFX and 3D: Much better than your average blockbuster. Really loved the two major Electro battle scenes and the Rhino shot at the end. B-grade Good but could've been betters Harry: I really loved how Dane DeHaan approached the character and he was way more fascinating than James Franco who nobody could buy as a tragic villain. Having said that, there were so many ideas there that weren't exploited to their full potential. Speaking of which, Electro: Another interesting idea not explored properly. Both Electro and Harry represented a lot of interesting ideas and could've been excellent foils for Spidey. A lot could have been done on how or why Electro viewed Spider-Man as a selfish, fame whoring figure and how Harry actually thought Spider-Man was a parasite preying on hope instead of giving it. But as the characters weren't properly developed, those themes were just touched upon as lightly as possible. Are they saving Harry and Electro's character arc completions for Sinister Six? Dunno. C-Grade Parts of Meh Untold Story of Parker parents: Seriously Sony, nobody cares. Sinister Six setup: I know they were holding back on a lot but whatever was hinted at, felt unnecessary and flimsy. D-Grade OMG WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING WITH THIS SH*T? Giamatti: I mean, the fuck? It's like PG was told that he was acting in a totally different movie and folks like Andrew and Emma were told they were acting in a different movie. What was this disjointed POS occurrence? Ravencroft and Kafka: Again, no. WRAP UP I went in with lowered expectations and was rewarded. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are phenomenal. The Gwen Stacy death and Peter's reaction is straight out of the comics. Marc Webb is a brilliant and creative director when it comes to tackling themes of youth, love and loss. Other than Andrew and Emma's chemistry, it is Webb's direction that makes the Peter/Gwen scenes sparkle. DeHaan, Foxx and Field were all much stronger than I expected them to be. The action and effects were a much better improvement on the first film. Which makes it that much more disappointing how the weak script let down the director, cast and technical team. It shined in moments (where I suspect Pinker managed to salvage some of the K&O hack mess) but only in moments. Webb and his cast and crew deserved far better than this mediocre albatross writing. I hope Webb goes back to making excellent romantic comedies along the lines of 500 Days of Summer after TASM3. Hopefully, he gets Andrew and Emma to star in one as well.
  16. She always was the party poopin' downer of the trio. Which is why I love her!
  17. Lol @ Margaery reaction! Also, trial by wombat would be beyond cool.
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